Oxford School of Global and Area Studies : All Pages
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- Academic Visitors
- Beyond Crimea: Russian ambitions and toolkit since 2014
- Professor Gwendolyn Sasse writes article 'Trump and Putin Go Home' for Carnegie Europe
- Between Russia and Europe: Homophobic Politics and LGBT Activism in Eurasia, Prof Dan Healey
- Sarah Dewick
- Millie Oates
- Francesca Tucci
- Review of Adebanwi’s edited volume on LSE Centre for Africa Blog
- Nayanika Mathur’s Research on the Indian state, law, and bureaucracy
- The arts of oil: a cultural history of Port Harcourt
- Militant Masks: Youth, Performance and Insecurity in Nigeria
- Lily McElwee
- OSGA DPhil Students
- Sasheenie Moodley
- Linda Qian
- European Commission Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships
- ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
- British Academy International Fellowship
- European Research Council - Starting Grant 2020 Call
- Application Deadlines Released
- Introducing the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- "Urban Chinese Daughters" by Dr. Patricia O'Neill
- Barbara Harriss-White contributes to article in the Guardian "Buzzwords and tortuous impact studies won't fix a broken aid system"
- CAF-LAC conference in La Paz co-organised with the Catholic University of Bolivia
- Japan-based filmmaker John Williams, release of film in Tokyo
- The Mortgage Migration
- The Power of the Presidents. Paul Chaisty, Nic Cheeseman and Timothy Power win prize for the global comparison of presidential systems
- Paul Chaisty, Nic Cheeseman, Svitlana Chernykh and Timothy Power present cross-regional findings
- Gambari and El-Rufai appointed to Oxford University’s Africa Board
- OSGA and Faculty of Oriental Studies welcome first cohort on new MSc Modern Middle East Studies
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 2: India’s new Indian Ocean vision: Outward syncretization, inward Hinduization? (Kate Sullivan de Estrada, CSASP)
- Public Lecture: Irrigation in India: Building farms of the future
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 1: The Nation-State bill and the meaning of Israel's Jewish identity
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 2: The Israeli language: Modern Hebrew or a Semito-European hybrid?
- Nissan Seminar: Event to celebrate the launch of 100th volume in the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies/Routledge Series
- Nissan Seminar: Corporate Governance - Does one size fit all?: The case of Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s far more female future — in business, in the economy, in politics
- Nissan Seminar: Murakami Haruki, the Second Basement, and the Search for Self-therapy
- A new article published by Prof Roy Allison entitled ‘Protective Integration and Security Policy Coordination: Comparing the SCO and CSTO’
- Marxism, Nationalism, and Intervention: Georgia and the Russian Revolution, 1918-21
- The Russian conquest of Central Asia, 1814-1907. Competitive emulation and the myth of the Great Game
- The taste of others: tourism and the internationalisation of Soviet cuisine.
- Congratulations to our first cohort of graduating MSc Modern South Asian Studies students
- Nobusuke Tokura, SVP, NTCE, represents Nissan at Routledge Series anniversary at Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, Oxford University
- Punjab Research Group Conference - Saturday 29 October
- Talk: The Innovative Parallel
- Mexico's Second Transition?
- Professor Nayanika Mathur gives public lecture at Bristol University
- MSc in African Studies Leaflet
- Nayanika Mathur: Book Launch: 'Who are 'we'? Reimagining Alterity and Affinity in Anthropology'
- Nissan Seminar: Nissan and the Changing Face of Japanese Management
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 1: How India became democratic (Ornit Shani, Haifa University)
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 4: The problem of origins in Early Modern Eurasian empires (Ali Anooshahr)
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 5: The Political anthropology of India (Anastasia Piliavsky, Cambridge)
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 6: Marketing Muslims: Islam in the Bazaars of Modern South Asia (Ali Altaf Mian, Seattle)
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 8: Hierarchy and Imperialism in Late Colonial Indian International Thought (Martin Bayly, LSE)
- Modern South Asia seminar: term card for Michaelmas term 2018
- Policy of the Central Powers (Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria) in the Caucasus in 1918
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 3: Israel - the Russian connection
- Inaugural Lecture: The OAS and the Crisis in Venezuela
- The Inaugural/Joint Seminar with the Universidad de San Andrés - Democracy and Liberalism in Argentina, 1810-1860
- Book Launch: The Progressive Revolution: A Modern Art for a New India
- REES Academics Visit Moscow for Research and to Observe Events Related to the 100th Anniversary of the Great Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
- Prof Chris Davis on Lessons from the Economies of Russia, East Europe and China for Reform of North Korea and Korean Unification
- Georgia: a cultural journey through the Wardrop Collection
- Georgian Programme Film Screening
- Georgian Seminar Series: 'What did the Iranians and Russians ever do for the Georgians?'
- Georgian Seminar Series: The Image of ‘Animated’ Mountains in Medieval Georgian Paintings
- Georgian Studies Seminar Series: History, Heritage, and Perception
- Georgia and shifting political cleavages in Europe
- Why India-Pakistan-China Cooperation is Imperative for Peace and Prosperity in South Asia
- Democracy and Economic Development in Africa - Seminar by H.E Mokgweetsi EK Masisi
- CHEW Conference 2018: Health, Environment and Welfare in China’s New Era
- Moushumi Bhowmik: Lecture-recital: Songs old and new from Bengal
- Moushumi Bhowmik: Talk: Migration, Memory and Music: field recordings from Bengal and the diaspora
- Panel Discussion: Legal Empowerment of Women: Rethinking gender equality in law - ways towards the legal empowerment of women
- South Asian Political Thought (SAPT) Discussion Group: MT18 Week 3: Constitutional Morality: An Approach to Constitutional Interpretation
- South Asian Political Thought (SAPT) Discussion Group: MT18 Week 7: A Social Epistemology of Mob Lynchings in India
- South Asian Political Thought (SAPT) Discussion Group: MT18 Week 8: ‘Living for the Future’: On Maoists, Christian Converts, and Irregular Migrants - Hopelessness, Temporality, and ‘Existential Mobility’ in Rural Nepal
- Film screening: A Tongue Untied - the story of Dakhani
- Codifying the 'laws and customs of war': Imperial Russia and the 1874 Brussels Conference
- Contested development: the Soviet Union in the competition for West Africa's modernity, 1955-1968
- Authoritarianism as an institution: emulation among states in Central Asia
- The Secretary General of the Organisation of American States inaugurated the LAC's academic year
- Anarchist Diplomacy (Carne Ross, Independent Diplomat)
- ‘Russian Brides’ and the Politics of National Reproduction in the People’s Republic of China
- Hamsa Rajan at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig
- Public lecture by Alhaji (Dr) Muhammadu Indimi, OFR
- African Studies Seminar
- Watch the Inauguration of the International Advisory Board
- The Inauguration of the IAB on the News
- ODID Seminar Series: The Social Life of Work MT18 Week 3: Ethical disregard among Indian migrant workers in a Chinese trade economy
- Film screening and discussion: Kusum
- Latin American Centre Main Seminar Series - Economic Shocks and Crime in Latin America: Evidence from Brazil
- OxCIS Event: The Political Economy of Climate Change: Challenges for Muslim Societies and the World
- OxCIS Event: Faith in the Commonwealth (Lecture by the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, Secretary-General of the Commowealth)
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: Between Love and Lineage: Elopement, Rights and Violence in an Afghan Valley
- LAC History Seminar Series - Mock Monarchy: Latin American Royal Exiles in London and their effect on British Constitutional Debates
- LAC Main Seminar Series - UK Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America: Round Table
- Book Launch: A Rope from the Sky: The Making and Unmaking of the World's Newest State [South Sudan]
- Book Launch: Christian Martyrs under Islam
- Book launch: Khalil Maleki -The Human Face of Iranian Socialism
- Sarfraz Pakistan Lecture: The Fate of Pakistan: three ways in which things really could go wrong and reasons for hope they may not
- Preventing Palestine: A political history from Camp David to Oslo
- Panel Discussion: Iraq after the elections
- ODID Seminar Series: The Social Life of Work MT18 Week 6: Skill, work and gendered identity in contemporary India: The business of delivering home-cooked food for domestic consumption
- Lords of the Desert: Britain's struggle with America to dominate the Middle East
- African Studies Centre's International Advisory Board Inauguration
- ESC Event: Hindu Muslim Relations: What Europe Might Learn from India
- African Studies Seminar - Transactions: Revisiting How Domination Worked in Colonial Africa
- Inauguration of the International Advisory Board
- African Studies Centre and Saïd Business School host President Masisi of Botswana
- LAC History Seminar Series - Popular Consumers: Foreign Goods, Citizenship and the Politics of Consumption in Nineteenth-Century Colombia
- SARC Event: Text and Textiles: Approaches to Material Past in South Asia
- The Social Costs of Reforms after the Rose Revolution in Georgia
- African Studies Centre 2018 Newsletter and MSc in African Studies Leaflet
- President Masisi of Botswana Speaks at ASC-SBS Lecture
- CANCELLED Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 3: Sri Lanka In and Out of South Asia (Mick Moore, Brighton)
- Public lecture by Professor Gyan Prakash (Princeton University): Freedom Behind Bars: Indira Gandhi’s Emergency
- Academic and Royal Launch for Oxford’s ASEAN Institute Campaign
- Look Back in Anger: Visuality and Violence in Contemporary Women’s Movement in India
- Thirty-fifth International Conference of the Punjab Research Group Theme: Past, Present and Future
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Gender Gap in Latin America - Round table
- African Studies Seminar - Antony Kirk-Greene Memorial Event
- African Studies Seminar - Burma Boys: World War II, Memory and Popular Culture in Central Nigeria
- African Studies Seminar - Fashioning Africa at Brighton Museum
- African Studies Seminar - Making Somaliland: Popular Culture, Identity and National Consciousness
- African Studies Seminar - When We Speak of Nothing
- Special Seminar at the LAC - Better Spending for Better Lives: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Do More With Less
- LAC History Seminar Series - Joint Seminar with the Sub-Faculty of Spanish: La Argentina agropecuaria del Centenario en la poesía de Leopoldo Lugones
- SALDG Event: MT18 Wk 4: Introduction to 'Transformative Constitution'
- South Asian Political Thought (SAPT) Discussion Group: MT18 Week 4: Justice as Righteous Duty: Notes from an Islamic Feminist Movement in Contemporary India
- Is the particularity of ethical problems addressed by Indian Philosophy?
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 4: The making of alliance: The making and history of US-Israel relationships
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 6: A gift from Sinai: Translation and nation-building
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 7: Gendered citizenship: The case of Women Breaking the Silence
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 8: Defining antisemitism, demonizing Zionism: The current controversy over the left and the Jews
- Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Turkey
- EU-Russian relations: from the past to the future
- Socialisms and Postsocialisms in a Global Context
- LAC Main Seminar Series - Towards a New Philanthropy in Peru: Annual Joint Seminar with the Universidad del Pacífico, Perú
- LAC Main Seminar Series: UK Business in Latin America - Round Table, jointly organised with Canning House
- Statement on Behaviour
- Administrator (African Studies Centre) maternity cover
- Dr Thomas Hendriks joins the African Studies Centre
- African Studies Centre welcomes Sebabatso Manoeli
- Africa Studies alumna co-edits Sol Plaatje’s Native Life in South Africa
- MSc African Studies alumnus tells story of African space programmes on the BBC
- African Studies Annual Newsletter 2016
- Dr Andrea Purdeková nominated for ASA book award
- Prof Cheeseman discusses Trump and the prospects for electoral violence with the New York Times
- African Studies Centre welcomes Prof. Wale Adebanwi
- Jonny Steinberg publishes article on South Africa in African Affairs
- Research Associate in the History of Haut Katanga, DRC
- A Level students visit the African Studies Centre
- AfOx Visiting Scholars Programme
- Raufu Mustapha
- Professor Patricia Daley Recognised in “Oxford Portraits”
- Ooni of Ife Visits ASC
- Oxford University prospective students - Get Involved
- What’s Distinctive About the Mess Jacob Zuma Has Made - NY Times Article by Prof. Jonny Steinberg
- The Governor of Kaduna State was at the African Studies Centre to declare that 'Nigeria requires a new elite consensus'
- Chief Aare Babalola discussing sustainable education in Post-colonial African States at the African Studies Centre
- The First Independent Republics in the Caucasus, 1918-21: A Centennial Workshop
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Understanding the Brazilian Elections of 2018 - Round Table
- CSASP, Oxford - Lahore School of Economics Exchange 2018
- Liberian Parliamentary delegate visit to the African Studies Centre
- Is Britain Still Relevant to Africa?
- ASC Alumnus publishes Dissertation in JEAS
- Professor David Pratten presents showcase at the British Academy
- The British Academy Summer Showcase: Dr. Zoe Cormack on arts in South Sudan
- Oxford Islamic Society Event: the Plight of the Uyghur Muslims
- A.H.M Kirk-Greene: Tributes
- Mr Anthony Kirk-Greene (1925 – 2018)
- Call for papers - Racialisation and Publicness in Africa and the African Diaspora
- African Studies Centre to Inaugurate International Advisory Board
- Ivor Agyemang-Duah appointed to University of Oxford's Africa Board
- SIAS welcomes Professor Kyle Jaros
- The Guardian interviews former faculty member Jenny Chan
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on Europe-China relations after Brexit at the EU-Asia Centre in Brussels
- Paul Irwin Crookes interviewed by The South China Morning Post
- St Cross College Graduate Admissions Open Day
- Paul Irwin Crookes publishes new book ‘The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations: An Uneasy Partnership’
- Kyle Jaros speaks at the University of Cambridge
- Patricia Thornton co-edits special issue of The China Quarterly
- MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies - Afternoon Tea
- Jennifer Holdaway gives seminar at Hohai University
- Paul Irwin Crookes presents on EU–China economic relations at a panel discussion at the China Centre
- Paul Irwin Crookes presents the latest research on EU–China economic relations at Chatham House
- Leverhulme Trust Early-Career Fellowships 2017
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at RUSI on UK-Taiwan economic relations post-Brexit
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on UK-China relations at an interdisciplinary policy workshop on Brexit
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on EU-China relations at Warwick University’s China Development Society
- Newton International Fellowships 2017
- Part-time Research and Administrative Assistant
- Dr Janey Messina joins SIAS
- SIAS Careers Day
- Panel Event: Status Seeking in World Politics: India, Russia and China in Comparative Perspective
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Circuits of Waste and Value: Making E-waste Subjects in China and Japan
- Jennifer Holdaway speaks about environment and health in China on podcast for the Council on Foreign Relations
- Kyle Jaros - presenter at the Association for Asian Studies annual conference
- Jennifer Holdaway publishes article in Xuehai
- Anna Lora-Wainwright's second monograph forthcoming from MIT Press
- Kyle Jaros lectures on book project at the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
- Miriam Driessen chairs panel at American Ethnological Society meeting
- Part-time Departmental Lecturership in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on EU-China economic relations at a policy roundtable in Zurich organised by Chatham House and Credit Suisse Research Institute
- Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-2017 - SIAS Internal Selection process
- A chapter by Jennifer Holdaway in the 'Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China'
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at BIICL conference on the political factors driving China’s international trade engagement with the UK and EU after the Brexit decision
- Coraline Goron is joining the China Centre in MT17 to work with Prof Anna Lora-Wainwright supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Philippe Wiener - Maurice Anspach Foundation
- Jennifer Holdaway speaks on environmental and social justice at Fudan University
- China’s Stance on NSG Membership Shows the Extent of India’s Challenge in the Global Nuclear Order
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at the annual EU-China Policy Roundtable in Brussels about ongoing challenges in realising an effective strategic economic partnership between Europe and China
- Kyle Jaros receives Fell Fund grant to research China's urban governance restructuring
- Paul Irwin Crookes meets up with London-based alumni from the MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Kyle Jaros speaks at Nanjing University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Departmental Lectureship in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Beit Postgraduate Scholarships now available at African Studies
- Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD) holds Summer Writing Workshop at Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Viola Rothschild awarded Ko Prize for best MSc dissertation
- Paul Irwin Crookes publishes an online article in Europe’s World analysing a growing crisis of trust in EU-China economic relations despite prospects for accord over climate change policy
- Rachel Murphy gives Keynote Talk in Guangdong and is Visiting Scholar at Hong Kong University
- Miriam Driessen publishes in 中国非洲研究评论 (Annual Review of African Studies in China)
- Professor Matthew McCartney to speak at European Parliament
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks about China’s international relations at the annual conference of the Young China Watchers in London
- Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD) 9th Annual Conference in Beijing
- Doctoral student Linda Qian (Area Studies - China) publishes article in the International Journal of Communication
- SIAS/FCO East Asia Dialogue
- The Forum on Health, Environment and Development holds its 9th Annual Meeting in Beijing
- Anna Lora-Wainwright visits University of Oslo and the Autonomous University of Barcelona to speak about her book 'Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China'
- Anna Lora-Wainwright is visiting scholar at China Agricultural University
- Anna Lora-Wainwright discusses her new book and research in an interview with China Dialogue
- Anna Lora-Wainwright publishes blog about her new book in New Security Beat
- Professor Rachel Murphy gives Key Note Lecture at the Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions, Charles University
- Miriam Driessen publishes article on "Rural Voids" in Public Culture
- Jérôme Doyon gives presentation at University of London workshop
- FORHEAD holds conferences on current research on China's air pollution
- SIAS Winter Newsletter
- Read the latest review of the book 'The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations' by John Farnell and Paul Irwin Crookes, published in the journal International Affairs
- ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 22nd Feb 2018 – University Deadline 23rd March 2018)
- Newton International Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 1st March 2018)
- The Robin & Nadine Wells Scholarship
- Paul Irwin Crookes interviewed by The New York Times about UK-China relations in light of Theresa May’s visit to China
- Paul Irwin Crookes and Kyle Jaros publish an article in ChinaFile examining UK-China relations
- Kyle Jaros publishes article in The China Quarterly
- Miriam Driessen interviewed by the BBC Chinese
- Anna Lora-Wainwright discusses new book at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Environmental Humanities Workshop
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at a workshop hosted by the Shanghai Institute of International Studies about Europe's maritime strategic engagement with China in East Asia
- Anna Lora-Wainwright's 'Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China' book wins BBC Thinking Allowed Award for Ethnography
- Hamsa Rajan recently published an article in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on UK-China economic relations at a conference organised by the UK Department for International Trade in London
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018/2019 - Expression of Interest Deadline 31/08/2018
- LAC History Seminar Series: Fake News in Latin America - Globalising the History of the First World War
- Seminar: ‘Knowledge production in colonial and post-colonial history’
- LAC alumnus appointed Minister of Finance of Peru
- Successful alumni event in Lima
- Nissan Seminar: The politics of violence, glue-sniffing, and liberation: making 1968 in Japan
- Policy Brief: Securing Peace in the Borderlands: A Post-Agreement Strategy for Colombia
- Analysis of Colombia vote
- New Poster of the Latin American Centre
- New Flyer for the Latin American Centre
- Five volume History of Colombia, 1808-2010
- New General Manager of the Central Bank in Colombia
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Contemporary History and Public Policy of Mexico
- LAC Alumnus Elected President of Venezuelan National Assembly
- BSP Workshop Analyses Brazil’s New Government
- Latin American Centre and Instituto Mora convenes LAC-CAF Conference “Democracia, política anti-sistema y desigualdad en tiempos turbulentos” , Mexico City, Federal District, on 13 March 2017
- Launch of Brazilian Legislative Survey 2017
- The Annual Guido Di Tella Memorial Lecture: Rights, Claims and Trials: Legal strategies as policy tools
- Opinion piece from a former student and current DPhil at Oxford on the Venezuela situation
- LAC Participates in Brazil Forum UK 2017
- Stulman Lecture on ‘Revolutionary Elections in the Americas’ at Johns Hopkins University
- Human Rights and Transitional Justice
- Horizontes Newsletter 2017
- Recognition of Distinction for two members of SIAS
- LAC at CEER's 20th anniversary in Cartagena
- New CAF Visiting Fellow - Daniela Campello
- Lunch with the Ambassadors: a conversation with Latin American ambassadors in the UK
- United Kingdom Belize Association event
- Alumna publishes piece in Washington Post
- Julia Zulver's new publication
- Departmental Lecturer in Latin American Studies
- John Lynch, 1927-2018
- The LAC at the Hay Festival in Cartagena de Indias
- Dr Lessa presents her research on Operation Condor in the US
- President of Promigás, Colombia, Keynote Speaker at Latin American Business History Conference
- Dilma Rousseff at St Antony's College
- Workshop “Investigating Crimes against Humanity in South America: Challenges for the Present and the Future”
- Oxford graduate appointed President of the Central Bank of Costa Rica
- The LAC at LASA in Barcelona 2018
- Horizontes 2018 now available
- Professor Posada-Carbó on the recent presidential elections in TIME magazine
- New DPhil in Area Studies Launched at Oxford
- Philip Robins: The Middle East: a beginner's guide
- Dr Anna Pleshakova presents at the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Science, Svetlogorsk, Russia
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky publishes new article in the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- Dan Healey, Professor of Modern Russian History, delivered the Annual Goldsmiths University Queer History Lecture for 2018
- 'International Ambitions' - Distinguished visitors and a new advisory board are supporting the African Studies Centre
- New logo for Middle East Studies
- Call for papers: Re-thinking Nationalism, Sectarianism, and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (with a Focus Session on Religion and Sectarianism)
- Yaacov Yadgar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies gave the Inaugural Lecture 'Israel and the Meaning of Jewish Sovereignty'
- Postdoctoral Research Officer in Middle East Studies
- Ivan Morris Prize for the Best Dissertation in the UK given by the British Association of Japanese Studies
- BBC 4 Programme - The Art of Japanese Life
- Pitt Rivers Museum announces new book on its collections, specifically its important Japanese photographic collection
- Issue 9 of the Japanese Studies at Oxford Newsletter is now available
- New issue of the Nissan Institute Brochure now available
- Ecologies of Knowledge and Practice: Japanese Studies and the Environmental Humanities
- Storry Memorial Travelling Bursary 17-18
- SIAS/FCO East Asia Dialogue
- Applications sought for Japanese Fellow within Sasakawa Peace Foundation Project at Middle East Studies, SIAS
- Ecologies of Knowledge and Practice: Japanese Studies and the Environmental Humanities
- Internships in Japan
- Dr Mateja Kovacic
- Prize winners of the 28th Sir Peter Parker Awards for Spoken Business Japanese
- East European Politics: International Linkages and the Dynamic Conflict
- Dr. Nicolette Makovicky has published a new book 'Economies of Favour After Socialism'
- Prof Gwen Sasse on local politics in Ukraine.
- Prof Sasse contributes to an intriguing question about the use of referenda
- A Step Toward Greater Transparency in Ukraine
- Prof Dan Healey on queer memory work in the former Soviet Union
- Part-time Departmental Lecturer in East European Politics
- Prof Sasse contributes to the question of populism.
- Prof Sasse's monthly blog contribution to Strategic Europe
- Dr. Anna Pleshakova awarded a TDEP grant
- Associate Professorship of Russian and Eurasian Political Economy
- Prof Sasse's latest blog for Carnegie Europe
- Prof Christopher Davis
- New Departmental Lecturer in REES
- Russia’s Long Century: Identity, Empire, and Nationhood - Call for Papers.
- Statement in support of Central European University
- New publication in Political Studies by Paul Chaisty and Stephen Whitefield
- New Publication by Christopher Davis: The Ukraine Crisis and Russia’s Changing Economic and Military Relationships with Europe and Asia
- Prof Dan Healey on the persecution of gay men in Chechnya
- (POST)SOCIALISMS IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT: a new WIP group, starting MT 2017
- Judith Pallot discussing her book on BBC Radio 4
- Dr Chaisty published a new article on public attitudes towards nationalism in Putin’s Russia
- Former REES MSc Student publishes in Laboratorium
- Dr Chaisty published a new article on presidential coalitions in Ukraine
- Dr Paul Chaisty awarded British Academy/Leverhulme grant to study 2018 Russian presidential elections
- Macmillan Coffee Morning
- Dan Healey launches investigation into Homophobia in Eurasia
- Dr Anna Pleshakova gave a keynote lecture at ConCort 2017
- Dr Anna Pleshakova publishes chapter on cognitive approaches to media analysis
- Professor Christopher J. Gerry publishes an article on Reforming voluntary drug insurance in Russian healthcare
- Professor Christopher J. Gerry publishes in Social Science Indicators
- Professor Roy Allison on BBC Radio 4's Start the Week programme
- Professor Roy Allison visited Uzbekistan during 8-12 November
- A wonderful collection of food and toiletries from SIAS staff and students for the Oxford Food Bank.
- Nicolette Makovicky has published the entries "Economies of Favours" and "Vernaculars of Informality" in the new open-access volume The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality.
- Nicolette Makovicky has published the article Transhumant Pastoralism in Poland: Contemporary challenges
- REES Professor Paul Chaisty publishes a new book on ‘Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective’
- Dr Pleshakova publishes new article
- Academic Visits to Moscow in Early 2018: Activities, Observations on Contemporary Developments, and Plans for Research Out to 2020
- Dan Healey speaks at Dotyk International Queer History Festival, Minsk, Belarus
- Paul Chaisty lectures at Moscow State University, the Moscow Higher School of Economics and the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration in May/April 2018.
- Prof Paul Chaisty publishes a new article.
- Professor Roy Allison speaks at NATO Parliamentary Assembly in cooperation with the Parliament of Georgia
- Professor Gwendolyn Sasse co-edits a special issue of the journal 'Post-Soviet-Affairs'
- Professor Gwendolyn Sasse sets up new Research Centre in Berlin
- REES alumnus Antony Kalashnikov (MPhil in REES 2013-2015), currently studying for the DPhil in History at Oxford, has had two articles based on his MPhil thesis research published.
- Conference on Caste in South Asia and its Diasporas (Monday 4 July 2016)
- Kathiravan Muthu Wins 2016 Barbara Harriss-White Prize
- Bhavya Bishnoi Earns Oxford Blue for Cricketing Success
- Forthcoming book: Dalit Women: Vanguard of an alternative politics
- Seminar at Oslo University on Tuesday 6 September by Karin Kapadia
- Job Opportunity: Austin Peay State University seeks Assistant Professor in the History of South Asia
- Shahana Munazir (MSc CI alumna from 2013-14) co-authors published article
- Job Opportunity at Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Malangs South Asia Essay Prize 2016 Winner: Garima Jaju
- MSc Contemporary India Students enjoy SIAS welcome party
- Ashmolean Study Visit October 2016
- Call for papers: BASAS conference April 2017
- CSASP graduate Jai Bhatia publishes paper in Economic and Political Weekly
- Documentary Screening - 24 October
- Dr Hugh Brammer publishes new work on environment and development
- Kate Sullivan de Estrada: The Myth of India's Non-Aligned Boycott
- George Kunnath speaks in a debate on caste discrimination at the House of Commons
- White Rose South Asia Network: Inaugural Graduate Workshop (Call for Papers)
- Demonetisation Event (25 November)
- Interest sought for potential panel on History and Politics of Labour and Welfare in India at BASAS
- The Hindu reports on Caste debate in Parliament
- Matthew McCartney to speak at conference on Globalising India and Asia at the University of Warsaw on Friday 9 December
- Marconi Lecture on Thursday 8 November CHANGE OF TIME
- Film screening: Dheepan
- Marconi Lecture by Medha Saxena: Imperial Wave: How Empire Shaped the Network of Wireless in South Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 5: Zionism: An emotional state CANCELLED
- Lac History Seminar Series: Committed Eye - Photography and Activism in Brazilian Contemporary History
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Truth and Fake News in Latin America - Round Table
- How Lives Change: Seven Decades of a North Indian Village, Palanpur (Himanshu)
- SARC Event: From Orientalisation to Securitisation: Pashtun History and Politics in some Contemporary Perspectives
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term Week 7: West Africans in World War 2 India (Oliver Coates, Cambridge)
- Eurasia: from concept to reality
- Professor Roy Allison and Dr Anna Pleshakova have won an OPEN grant
- CSASP Event: The Political Crisis in Sri Lanka
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Rise and Fall of the Mexican Developmental State in the Twentieth Century
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Cyber Security in Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: Joint Seminar with Princeton University - The Commons: Instruments of Colonization in the Spanish Empire
- Ethnographic empire: knowledge and power in colonial northeast India, 1870-1940
- South Asian Political Thought (SAPT) Discussion Group: MT18 Week 6: Friends, Enemies and 'Dirty Politics': Studying Petty Politicking on the Workfloor
- Ganges, The Many Pasts of an Indian River
- Special issue of International Affairs on India’s Rise at 70
- Barbara Harriss-White interviewed about demonetisation by the Madras Courier
- GIGA reports on ‘India’s Rise at 70’ launch (Friday 13 January)
- Chatham House launches audio of ‘India’s Rise at 70’ event (Thursday 12 January)
- CSASP Polish Exchange 2016
- Applications invited for CSASP DPhil/MPhil Exchange with Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
- Kate Sullivan de Estrada edits the virtual special issue India's odyssey through International Affairs
- Owen Bennett-Jones, BBC journalist and CSASP Associate, speaks to MSc Contemporary India students
- South Asia Masters Oxford-Cambridge Exchange
- Associate Professorship in the Anthropology of South Asia
- Inaugural FCO South Asia Study Day at Wolfson College (Wed 8 February)
- The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Seminar Series 2018: New Approaches in Japan and the UK
- Nissan Seminar: Bodies of Substitution: Materiality, Resemblance, and the transnational trajectories of Japanese Dolls
- Nissan Seminar: Re-examining Japan in Global Context (グローバルな文脈での日本)-
- Nissan Seminar: Slow Way Home: How the Japanese Have Preserved a Universal Walk-to-School System
- Nissan Seminar: The Early Industrial History of Studio Ghibli
- SIAS Careers Day (Tuesday 14 March)
- CSASP welcomes back Yash Gandhi, MSc CI alumnus now working with the Government of India
- Associate Professorship in the International Relations of South Asia
- Call for papers: Re-configuring power: looking back at the decades around independence
- Graduation 2016
- Barbara Harriss-White's latest publications
- Kate Sullivan de Estrada to appear on Radio 4's 'Start the Week'
- China’s Stance on NSG Membership Shows the Extent of India’s Challenge in the Global Nuclear Order
- Nayanika Mathur appointed new Associate Professor of Anthropology of South Asia
- Barbara Harriss-White contributes chapter to new book on 'The Future of Indian Universities'
- Barbara Harriss-White's latest article published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
- Nayanika Mathur wins the American Ethnological Society's (AES) Sharon Stephens Prize
- An Exhibition of Photographs – Lives on the Move
- CSASP/LSE Exchange 2017
- SIAS/FCO East Asia Dialogue
- Read the first review of Rising India: Status and Power by Rajesh Basrur and Kate Sullivan de Estrada
- CSASP Alumnus breaks Indian National Record
- Publication of 'Indian Capitalism in Development' (edited by Barbara Harriss-White and Judith Heyer)
- Call for Papers: 4th International Sufi Conference 2018 "Sufi Heritage: Counterculture Narrative and Peacebuilding in the Era of Globalisation" (April 13-14 2018, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan)
- Call for Applications: CSASP, Oxford/Lahore School of Economics Exchange 2018
- Obituary: Asma Jahangir (1952-2018): An icon of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Pakistan
- Call for Papers: Graduate Workshop New Directions in Studies of Pakistan: Politics, Culture,
- Ashmolean Exhibition: Old Traditions, New Visions: Art in India and Pakistan after 1947
- Lahore School of Economics: 14th International Conference on Management of the Pakistan Economy
- Interview with Professor Nayanika Mathur about her prize-winning book, Paper Tiger
- Article by Shriya Misra (MSc Contemporary India alumna 2014)
- Oxford-Warsaw Exchange 2018 (Part 1)
- Barbara Harriss-White speaks at international conference on Marx and Marxism in Patna, India
- New book co-edited by Professor Mathur published
- South Asia Seminar: Of Nomadology and India(n-ness)
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Becoming Global Hindus: Hindu Nationalist Training Camps and the Indian Diaspora
- South Asia Seminar: A Zionist Passage to India?
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Dispossession without Development: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India
- South Asia Seminar: Defending British India Against Napoleon: The Foreign Policy of Governor-General Lord Minto (1807-13)
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: The Emergence of the Informal Sector: Labour Law and Politics in South India, 1940-1970
- ‘Punjab: Past, Present, Future’ : Punjab Research Group Conference, 2016
- South Asia Seminar: Re-building Democracy: Parekh on Indian nationalism and the common good
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Emerging Trends in Journalism in South Asia: The New Face of News Reporting in Pakistan’s 2013 Elections
- South Asia Seminar: Eastminster - Decolonisation and State Building in British Asia
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- Idea Room at the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Gaheem fel Hend"
- South Asia Seminar: Feminine Abandon and the abducted Woman in post-Partition Shorey Comedies
- Wolfson SARC Event: Subverting the social question: India in comparative perspective
- Wolfson SARC Event: The challenges of universalising social policy: India in comparative perspective
- Book talk: Looking away: Indifference, prejudice and inequality in the new India
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Subnational Welfare Capitalism: Regime Clusters and Social Policy in India
- South Asia Seminar: Feeling Untouched: Space, Emotions and Untouchability
- Sarfraz Pakistan Lecture 2016: 'The Koh-i-Noor: the real jewel in the crown'
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Relative Misfortune? The Socioeconomic Consequences of Cousin Marriage in Pakistan
- Panel discussion: Demonetisation
- Workshop: The Interface of Domestic and International Factors in India's Foreign Policy
- South Asia Seminar: Pakistan and Ireland: Exploring Comparative Constitutional Perspectives on Decolonisation, Dominion Status, and Beyond
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Re-reading the Emergency: Harold Wilson, Gerald Ford and India’s Constitutional Autocracy, 1975
- India’s Rise at 70 – Foreign Policy under Modi
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: Revisiting The Concept of Adivasi Autonomy
- South Asia Seminar: Britain's Anglo-Indians:The Invisibility of Assimilation
- Weinrebe Lecture Series: Writing World Lives: 'How to Write a World Life'
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Living without the IMF: Can Pakistan succeed?
- South Asia Political Thought Discussion Group: Revisiting the origins of Public Interest Litigation in Post-Emergency India
- South Asia Seminar: The Colloquy between Muhammad and Saytān: The Eighteenth-Century Bangla Iblichnāmā of Garībullā
- India Ideas Room: 'Sex and the City; gender and urbanisation' and 'Rising Agrarian Crisis in Punjab'
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Fragmented Transitions: Growth, Mobility and Democracy in India
- South Asia Seminar: Postgraduate Student Presentations on South Asian History
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Aspiration, Desire and the Joint Family in Pakistan
- Utsav: A celebration of Indian cultural arts
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: The Spiral of Violence: Maoists, Adivasis and Development in India
- South Asia Seminar: Postgraduate Student Presentations on South Asian History
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Conferencing the International: Making India in London during the Round Table Conferences 1930-
- South Asia Seminar: Hindu Militarism, P.D. Tandon and the Politics of Scale in 1940s Uttar Pradesh
- Lecture: Art as a Protest Device in Pakistan
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Unfixed Land: Studying India from the ground up
- South Asia Seminar: A Dreadful Scourge: Comprehending Cholera in Early Nineteenth Century India
- Panel Discussion: On the Margins of Justice: Gender, Power and Non-State Justice in India and Pakistan
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Gujarat 2002 in the Making of India's Metropolitan Dream
- South Asia Seminar: Witness to Paradise: Photojournalism in Kashmir's Present, 1986-2016
- Documentary Screening: Waseb (Nation), 2015
- South Asia Seminar: The Unmaking of an Imperial Army: The Indian Army in World War II
- Warsaw-Krakow-Oxford Joint Conference
- Contemporary South Asia Seminar: Queer, Leaking and Unruly Bodies: Hindu Right-Wing Women and the Discursive Performance of Viol
- Warsaw-Krakow-Oxford Joint Conference
- Panel Event: Status Seeking in World Politics: India, Russia and China in Comparative Perspective
- SIAS Careers Day
- South Asia Research Cluster Seminar: Everyday Conversions
- Lecture: The Forts and Palaces of Jodhpur, India
- South Asia Seminar Series: An Eminent Victorian: Gandhi and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy in the 19th Century
- Wolfson SARC presents: India’s Rubbish: urban activism, state power and public space
- Play screening: Dara
- ISCA Departmental Seminar: Women in India's Waste Economy
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group Seminar: A Theory of Unfixed Land
- South Asia Day: Commemorating 70 years of India's Independence with a Seminar on the theme Re-configuring power: looking back at the decades around independence
- Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan to Play at Sheldonian
- Explaining Sub-optimal Outcomes in Indian Foreign and Security Policy
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: The Age of Fasad: Jihad, Piety and Liturical Islam in the Indian Ocean (1500-1750)
- Conference: The Art of Independence: Visions of the Past and Future in India and Pakistan
- Lecture: The Indian Story: Past, Present and Future
- Conference: The Art of Independence: Visions of the Past and Future in India and Pakistan
- Book launch: India's Economy at 70: A life and review (Y. V. Reddy)
- Seminar Programme: Wolfson South Asia Research Cluster (SARC) Occasional Lecture: Book launch: India's Economic Growth: From Boom to Bust and Back Again?
- The Safraz Pakistan Lecture: Rule of Law and Democratic Development in Pakistan
- Is Russian foreign policy revisionist? Comparing approaches to Syria and Ukraine
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky has published a new book: Slogans: Subjection, Subversion, and the Politics of Neoliberalism
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky has published a new book: Slogans: Subjection, Subversion, and the Politics of Neoliberalism
- Free Film Screening: 'Court' with an introduction by Mayur Suresh
- Discovering Sikhism (the 2017 series): Sikhs and Gender
- Punjabs@70 Punjab Research Group Conference
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: MT17 Wk 4: Globalization & Labour Reforms: The Politics of Interest Groups and Partisan Governments in India
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Parallel Governance and the Indo-Naga Ceasefire: Evidence from Ukhrul
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: Uneven and Splintering Development of Indian Cities: Rethinking Partha Chatterjee's Postcolonial Political Society
- OUPakSoc presents: An Emerging Market or a Brewing Storm: Pakistan: A conversation with Miftah Ismail
- Film Screening - Life is Wonderful: Mandela's Unsung Heroes
- Georgian Studies Conference 2019
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: The Sweatshop Regime: Garments, Exploitation and labouring Bodies made in India
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: The Communalism and Secular Nationalism of Lala Lajpat Rai
- Private View: Lives on the Move
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Tracing Conscience in Time of War: Archiving a History of Dissent in Sri Lanka 1960s to 2000s
- RISJ Seminar: India and China: Strangers across the Border
- Film Showing: Forest of Bliss
- CSASP/SARC Special Event: Omar Abdullah: Kashmir, India and the Future
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: What is South Asia?
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: The British High Commission in Pakistan 1947-65
- Talk: The Swang, Bhagat and Nautanki forms of traditional Indian theatre
- Book Launch: Research for Action: A Conversation with Jean Drèze
- Creating and Entertaining a Community: Meters, Melody, Staging, and Messages in the Sāṅgīt Theatre Traditions of Northern India
- Book Launch: The Three Regularities in Development: Growth, Jobs and Macro Policy in Developing Countries
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: The Nation and its Queers
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: The Political Economy of Business-State Deals in Indian States
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Subaltern Counter-Publics: Dalits and Missionary Christianity in Kerala
- Acting President's Seminar: What counts as evidence in the Social Sciences?
- Panel discussion: Gandhi's Inspiration
- Tribal Tales of India Retold: The life, work, and legacy of Verrier Elwin (1902-1964)
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 2: The Task of the Climate Translator
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: The Rohingya Exodus: Orchestrated Violence and Strategies of Survival
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking Glass
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 3: Economic Refugees and the Hermeneutical Duty of the Global South
- OUPakSoc Speaker Series: Mohammad Iqbal - Father of Mashal Khan
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Violence, Rents and Investment: Explaining Growth Divergence in South Asia
- Global Thinkers of the International Discussion Series: Week 3 Rabindranath Tagore
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 4: Neoliberalism and the Transforming Left in India
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Querying the Cosmopolitan in Sri Lankan and Indian Ocean History
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture: The Persistent Rural and Declining Agriculture: Revisiting the Indian Village in 21st Century
- Global Thinkers of the International Discussion Series: Week 4 Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 5: Political Islam and the State in India - Testing the Moderation Thesis
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Ambivalence, Ambiguity and Alienation: Making Sense of 'Tension' in North India
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture: Is India Becoming a Post-Caste Society?
- Global Thinkers of the International Discussion Series: Week 5 Jawaharlal Nehru
- Pakistan’s Nuclear Bomb: A Story of Defiance, Deterrence, and Deviance
- SARC Event: Unionisation in the Madras Presidency: the Independence decades
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 6: Indian Democracy and Democracy As Such
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: My Enemy's Enemy: India in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to the US Withdrawal
- Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Seminar: Explaining Political Order and Disorder in Pakistan's Northwest
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture: Dalit Predicaments: Mobility, Mobilisations and Dilemmas of Identity
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 7: Ten Years After: What is Left of Maoist 'Revolution' in Nepal
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Money, Enticements, Modernity: Indian Elite Women between Anxiety and Privilege
- South Asian Political Thought Discussion Group: HT18 Wk 8: Indian Democracy and Democracy As Such
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Farmers Matter in New India but not the Same Way: Political Settlement, Discontinuous Agrarian Policy and Class-Formations
- Current Trends in the Anthropology of Bureaucracy: "The Indian State is Nothing but a Paper Tiger" - for an anthropology of the bureaucratic state
- The Pakistan-China Corridor: Impacts on Regional Stability
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Harem Histories and Princely Politics: Tipu Sultan, the Family and East India Company Rule
- State Capacity: Reflections on India
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Economic Mobility, Islamic Piety and Caste: Ashrafization in Pakistani Punjab
- Special Lecture: Du Yu Espik English? Latino Culture and Identity in the United States: Jointly organised by the Sub-Faculty of Spanish, the Rothermere American Institute and the Latin American Centre
- Mobile citizens, portable rights: Social and political inclusion of internal migrants
- Anthropology Departmental Seminar: A petition to kill: efficacious appeals against big cats in India
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Globalisation, Public Policy and Labour
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: Peopling Policy Processes? Methodological Populism in the Bangladesh Health and Education Sectors
- Nissan Seminar: A one-day conference on Compressed Development in Asia and Beyond
- Talk: Why I Am a Hindu
- Liberty, Equality and Alienation
- Book launch of Dr Indrajit Roy’s “Politics of the Poor: Negotiating Democracy in Contemporary India”
- SARC Event: Infinite Variety: A History of Desire in India
- Perspectives on history, historiography and politics
- South Asia Anthropologists Group conference: 'Struggles for Autonomy'
- Nayanika Mathur to speak at CRASSH conference: Conspiracy and Democracy: History, Political Theory and the Internet
- 'Challenges of Compression'
- lchester Lecture 2016 - II. 'Quote the Poets Ever More'. Micro-Analysing Intertextual Gems by Akhmatova, Khodasevich and Mandelshtam
- Aesthetic and Artistic Development of Reality: The Discourse on Folk Aesthetic in Advice Literature in the Late Soviet Era
- Knowledge, Voices and Cures on Chekhov's Sakhalin Island
- What's Going on in Russia?
- Bellingshausen, Antartica, and Global Warming
- Nicholas II Confined: War, Nation and Revolution, March 1917 - July 1918
- Equals before the law?
- The Russian Novel in the 21st Century
- Public speaking and political culture in late Imperial Russia
- Moldova presidential elections 30 October: patronal politics and varying vectors
- A usable past in a global world: the case of Russia
- Bare life in the Chernobyl zone: food, health and reproduction in the Soviet nuclear aftermath
- When informal institutions change: institutional reforms and informal practices in the former Soviet Union
- Parts of a circle: a film history of the roots of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict
- Lenin's Gulag hospitals: caring for prisoners on the Solovetsky Islands in the 1920s
- Sex at the border: the traffic in women in Imperial Russia’s Western borderlands, 1875-1910
- Solidarity and its poetics, or How literature informs Ukrainian-Crimean Tatar political relations
- The bivocal nation: memory and identity on the edge of empire
- Russia and the post-2014 international order: revisionism, Realpolitik and regime change
- Book Launch
- Russian approaches to international law
- Status in Russian foreign policy
- Questioning Putin's popularity
- Russian cyber operations: disruption, deception, and discord
- Russian economic and military relations with Europe and Asia: balances, partnerships and economic warfare
- Russian gas exports to Europe: the 'weapon' that never was
- Who is Mr Navalny?
- Book Launch: Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890-1928
- State of surprise?
- Brexit and its aftermath: a perspective from Russia
- Putin: Constructions of US-Russia relations in US television
- Deterrence or backlash? Testing the effect of repression on the violence in the North Caucasus
- Research Methods for Multimodal Communication and Discourse Analyses
- Viewpoint Blending in Russian and International Media
- Picturing the Red Army's demobilisation: the visual image of demobilisation and the construction of official war memory
- Cold War and Peaceful Coexistence on the Red Carpet: the USSR and Western Film Festivals (1946-1962)
- Caught between Realpolitik and ideology: the Soviet Union, the East European bloc states and the Horn of Africa in the Cold War
- Citizens with Rights, or Crazed Hysterics? 'Believers' in the Soviet Imaginary Post-1945
- Russia’s Long Century: Identity, Empire, and Nationhood
- A Friendship Forged by War: The Transnational Legacy of the Soviet Liberation of Czechoslovakia, 1945-1991
- Clashing Visions: Russian Foreign Policy in the Age of Xi
- Joseph Stalin, Film Star: Cinema and the Postwar Stalin Cult
- Living Revolutionary Dreams: Utopia and the Vanguard of 1917
- Dmitry Likhachev and the dilemmas of Russian Cultural Nationalism
- From Leningrad to Leninfall: The Geopolitics of Soviet Monuments 100 Years since the Russian Revolution
- Children of revolution: Armageddon experienced?
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- (Post)socialisms in a Global Context
- Georgian Seminar Series: The Construction of Royal/Imperial Authority in Georgia and Byzantium in the Age of Davit IV and Alexios I Komnenos, ca. 1081–1125
- Seducing the West: selling Soviet revolution through prison socialism
- The Russian Revolution in Global Perspective: The First Decade
- (Post)socialisms in a Global Context
- Feeling Revolution: Cinema and the Emancipation of the Soviet Senses
- Film Screening: 9 Years of Displacement
- Building Autocracy from Above and Below: Emotional Engagement and Politics after Crimea
- Disrupted Democracy in Ukraine? Protest, Performance and Contention in the Verkhovna Rada
- Socialisms and Postsocialisms in a Global Context
- Health and Well-being in Russia: New Approaches, New Challenges
- BOOK LAUNCH: Russian Homophobia: from Stalin to Sochi
- The Challenge to Growth in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
- After 20 Years: Russia and the European Convention on Human Rights
- Ethnic Hierarchy in the Russian Labour Market
- Ethnic representation in the republics of post-Soviet Russia: agency-driven and structural factors
- Mobilizing under Uncertainty: From Fleeing to Fighting in Wartime Abkhazia
- How autocracy impedes de-securitization, or why democracy matters: the case of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
- Russia and the Middle East: Putin's Balancing Act
- Health, Well-being and the Labour market: the Case of Elderly Russians
- The Influence (and limits) of Russia's Strategic Narrative during 'Information Wars' in Ukraine
- Oxford Conference: Ukraine: Hope for the future, or land of lost opportunity?
- Rival Power: Russia and South East Europe
- The intractable drivers of Russian foreign policy and strategic divergence in the Arctic
- Cultural Responses to the War in Ukraine
- Vladimir Sharov's 'Rehearsals' (1986-88; trans. 2018): Panel Discussion
- The autocrat's dilemma: domestic terrorism and the divided electorate in Russia
- Global University Rankings and the Quest for National Sovereignty
- Workshop with Dr Tomasz Rakowski, University of Warsaw: Collaborative and Experimental Ethnography: Uncovering alternative social histories through fieldwork
- Psychiatry, Dissent and the Art of Diagnosis after Stalin
- The Contradiction of the Russian Revolution: Leninism, Violence, and Identity, 1918-1938
- Elliott Lecture - From Cold War to Hot Peace: an American ambassador in Putin's Russia
- The Lost Revolution: Transformations of the Revolutionary Narrative in Russian Films since the 1960s
- REES's Dr Makovicky discussing 'School of Europeanness: Tolerance and Other Lessons in Political Liberalism in Latvia'
- Postcoloniality and russophone women's writing from the Caucaus and Central Asia
- Vasily Grossman's 'Stalingrad': Censorship and Speaking Silences
- Screenings of Georgian women’s films at the Taylor Institution
- Georgian Studies Seminar Series: The Perils of History: Recurring Patterns in Georgian Politics
- Nissan Seminar: Revisiting Kurosawa’s women; what a transcultural approach reveals
- Nissan Seminar: The Daughter who sold her Mother: a memoir of family and survival in the Holocaust
- Nissan Seminar: The Daughter who sold her Mother: a memoir of family and survival in the Holocaust
- Nissan Seminar: Open Door or Sphere of Influence?: Japanese-French Negotiations over Fujian in 1906-7
- Nissan Seminar: Uniquely Japanese? Data science approaches to bilingualism and computer-mediated communication
- Nissan Seminar: Prisons and Forced Labour on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido
- Nissan Seminar: Abenomics: Has it worked? Will it fail?
- Nissan Seminar: Landscape, Cityscape: Hiroshige woodblock prints at the Ashmolean Museum
- Graduate Seminar: Japan's Demographic Challenge - Can Japan survive without immigrants?
- Nissan Seminar: Bringing Back Yoshikono: Songs of 7-7-7-5 in a WWII-Era Osaka Rakugo Magazine
- Nissan Seminar: Warriors of the Buddha: Religion and Violence in Premodern Japan
- Nissan Seminar: The Haiku in Turkey and the Quest for a New Aesthetics
- Nissan Seminar: War, Work and Witnessing: Aesthetics and Ideology in Shindo Kaneto’s Cinema
- Nissan Seminar: Happy Americans, Unhappy Japanese, how about others? How Software engineers work and are rewarded in five countries
- Nissan Seminar: Child guidance centres in Japan: Social work, foster care, and the family-bond
- Nissan Seminar: BATJ Seminar February 2017 - Teaching “Japan” outside of Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Uniting the World after Defeat: World Federalism in Early Post-war Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Kishi Nobusuke and the Mobilization Empire: War and Conservatism 1918-1945
- Nissan Seminar: Collapsing Rural Japan - A New Approach for Revival
- Nissan Seminar: Rethinking how Japan does politics
- Nissan Seminar: The Political Economy of Cool Japan: the paradox of Japan’s creative industries policy
- Nissan Seminar: Does Japanese Corporate Governance Need (Further) Reform?
- Nissan Seminar: Paradigmatic Origins of Contemporary Japanese Humanoid Robot Culture
- Nissan Seminar: The fierce urgency of ‘clear’ (kuriaa): nuclear waste, material recovery, and resourcefulness in post-tsunami Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Reflections on being the first foreign CEO of Sony
- Nissan Seminar: Transnational History and Japan’s “Comparative Advantage”
- Nissan Seminar: Ecologies of Knowledge and Practice: Japanese Studies and the Environmental Humanities
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- Nissan Seminar: Beyond the Gender Gap in Contemporary Japan
- Martial Arts in the Middle East
- Nissan Seminar: Japan and the Great Divergence
- Nissan Seminar: The “Salaryman” Samurai: Japan’s Medieval Warrior and the “Birth” of the Early Modern World
- Nissan Seminar: Akira Kurosawa’s Reception of Tolstoy in the film Ikiru (To Live, 1952) in the Context of Postwar Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Japan and Brexit
- Nissan Seminar: Mishima Yukio and Takahashi Kazumi: Commitment and Literature in 1960s Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Multi-generational and Mutual-dimensional Nature of Care: A case study of Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Evacuees and refugees: What they lost
- Nissan Seminar: Making Films in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: How to swim in a thousand waves: female employment experiences from the front line
- Nissan Seminar: CANCELLED: The early ethnolinguistic history of the Japanese archipelago
- Nissan Seminar: Writing an “International” Cuisine in Japan: Murai Gensai’s 1903 Culinary Novel Kuidōraku
- Nissan Seminar: Is it Possible to “Become” Japanese? Social Markers of Acculturation and Gaining Acceptance for Immigrants in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Leaning Out for the Long Span: Married Japanese Salarywomen’s strategies for maintaining careers and well-being in the 2000s
- Nissan Seminar: Mind control, coercion, or blind faith? Auto-biographical narratives of former Aum Shinrikyō members and the ‘Japanese psyche
- Talk by Chairman Stan Shih on Si-nnovation Island
- National Alternatives to Zionism: The Case of the Young Hebrews, 1939-1976
- 'Everything is Rising': The Political Theology of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
- Jewish Multilingualism in Pre-1948 Palestine
- Israel Studies in the Arab World
- Anti-Intellectualism in Israeli Politics: The Case of Abba Eban
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Zindeeq"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Zindeeq"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Outsourcing and cheap labour in the Galilee
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: The religionization of Israeli society
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Political orthodoxy in formation: from Eastern Europe to Israel
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Gaheem fel Hend"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "After the Battle"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "After the Battle"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "After the Battle"
- Book launch: Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Diaspora Jews and the politics of Israeli cuisine
- Public lecture: Public Lecture: Faith and Superstition from an Islamic Perspective
- OSGA’s Kate Sullivan de Estrada delivers expert testimony to the Global Britain and India Inquiry
- Oxford Brookes Business School: Sustainability implications of spatial shift in global capitalism: An eco-socialist perspective
- South Asia Society Event: Minister for Information, Broadcasting and Culture
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Theeb"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Theeb"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Theeb"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: US-Israeli relations in the wake of the US elections
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Conflict in Libya
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Syrian Conflict
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Kurdish Women's Rights in Turkey and Beyond: Between Nationalism and Radical Democracy
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: "I'm a Jew - not a Zionist": Extreme Ultra-Orthodoxy in Israel
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Conflict in Yemen
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: a Liberal-, an Ethnic-, or a Non- Democracy?
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Precarious State of Egypt under Sisi
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: An Emerging African Mediascape: Levinski Street, Tel Aviv's Labour Migration Hub
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Islam in Europe
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: OXFAM and Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action: Lessons Learnt in the MENA Region (tbc)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Authority and Oppression in Modern Hebrew Literature
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Turkey after the July Coup attempt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Syrian-Israeli Relations in Crisis: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Tunisia
- Workshop: Ethno-religious ‘Minorities’ and Mobilisation in the Middle East
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Free Expression in the Gulf
- Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie
- Elite persistence during transition from plan to market: evidence from Russia
- What ordinary Russians want from Putin's fourth term, and the prospects of them getting it
- Work in transition: automation, demographics, migration and skills
- The end of the transition or the beginning of the new one?
- Political liberalism after the Cold War: critical perspectives from Eastern Europe
- Sanctions and the Russian economy
- Masculinity, precarity and the moral economies of post-socialism: working-class men in contemporary Russia
- FORHEAD holds its 10th Anniversary Conference in Beijing
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Arab Jews and the Balfour Declaration
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: City of Go(l)d: Jerusalem's Gentrification and the Role of Western Jews
- China and Israel: Strange Bedfellows (1948‒2016)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Book Launch 'City on a Hilltop - American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement' (Sara Yael Hirschhorn, Harvard University Press, 2017)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Declarations of (in)dependence: The dialectics of Zionist diplomacy
- Conference: Israel Studies as a Global Discipline
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Roundtable: 1967, Fifty Years On – Reflections on Past and Future in Israel/Palestine
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Israel under Siege: The politics of insecurity and the rise of the Israeli neo-revisionist right
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Islamic Enlightenment: the modern struggle between faith and reason
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Jews, Israel and Debate: Understanding Israel in the Diaspora
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Dancing with Words: subverting the master narrative in Saudi women's literature
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Birth of the Ashkenazi-Mizrahi Controversy on the ‘Arab Question’ (1910-12)
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- MEC Seminar: Sharing the land of Canaan - Popular resistance in Palestine towards sharing the land of Canaan
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Governing Divided Egypt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: An Iranian Perspective on Israel
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Martial Arts in the Middle East
- MEC Workshop: Exploring Syria's Borders and Boundaries (Day 1)
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Gender, space and women's rights in nineteenth century Iran: some reflections and questions
- Keynote Speech: War crimes, crimes against humanity and territorial fragmentation: are peace and reconstruction possible in Syria?
- MEC Workshop: Exploring Syria's Borders and Boundaries (Day 2)
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Yemen in Crisis: autocracy, neo-liberalism and the disintegration of a state
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Are Algerian Politics Exhausted?
- MEC Seminar: Israeli government's relationship with the media
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: A Jordanian Perspective on Israel
- MEC Seminar: The Lebanese media: anatomy of a system in perpetual crisis
- Anthony Kirk-Greene Memorial
- Book Launch: Secessionism in African Politics: Aspiration, Grievance, Performance, Disenchantment
- Rising to the challenge of cardiovascular mortality in Russia: preliminary results from a 360 degree assessment
- Two Distinguished Public Lectures on Bhutan's Democracy and Development
- Nissan Seminar: Remembering Ron Dore
- Nissan Seminar: A colloquium on current research on Japanese politics
- Nissan Seminar: Cultural and practical factors leading to Japan's PISA success: similarities and differences to other top-performers
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s Imperial Underworlds: Intimate Encounters at the Borders of Empire
- Nissan Seminar: The Afterlives of Art in Japan: Gender, Affect, Photography
- Visiting Fellowship for Pakistan Offers Mutual Benefits
- Graduate Workshop: New Directions in Studies of Pakistan: Politics, Culture, & History
- Film screening: "A Feeling greater than Love", followed by a Q
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The policy implications of President Rouhani's second term
- Inaugural Lecture by Yaacov Yadgar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies: Israel and the Meaning of Jewish Sovereignty
- Current Trends in the Anthropology of Bureaucracy: Exclusive Registers: Gendered Citizenship and Bureaucratic Ambiguity in Jordan
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Gulf Crisis
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking Glass
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 1)
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 2)
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 3)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel/Africa: identity, culture and politics
- Two of our former MSc/MPhil students in Japanese Studies, Warren Stanislaus and Kara Juul writing together for the Times Higher Education
- Professor Takehiko Kariya gave a talk at Tsuda University
- The Oxford Alumni Club of Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Abe’s First Four Years - a Retrospective
- Nissan Seminar: Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control
- Nissan Seminar: Transnational Displacement: Japanese single elderly men in Southeast Asia
- Nissan Seminar: University Reform or University Deform? Heroes, Villains & Fools in the Policy Discourse on Daigaku Kaikaku
- Nissan Seminar: Germany and Japan: Great or Middle Powers in Global Banking Regulation?
- Book Launch: Sara Hirschhorn: 'City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement'
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: The Myth of the Campbell-Bannerman Report: Arab views on Israel after the Suez Crisis
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Understanding Political Islam: In Search of the Islamist Other, 1973-2013
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Palestine: The Reality
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Between Hebrew and Arabic
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: De Gauille in Beirut: the Chehab Experiment 1958-1964
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking GlassAfrican Migration to Israel - Chronicle of a Failure Foretold
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Challenges of Healthcare in Gaza
- Russia and the Middle East: Putin's Balancing Act
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Religious Freedom in Turkey
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Andalusian Legacies: the role of al-Andalus/Sepharad in the political and cultural history of Israel/Palestine
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Israel and Palestine: Why Britain should recognise the Second State
- Film screening: Disturbing the Peace (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Jewish precedents and Muslim nationalism
- Lecture: Arab Media in the New Age (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Refugee Studies Centre Seminar -- Book launch for 'Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State'
- Apprentice Programme Admin, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Apprentice Admin Assistant, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Vacancies
- LAC History Seminar Series: Inaugural Seminar - The British in Argentina, 1800-2000
- LAC History Seminar Series: Annual Joint Seminar with the Adolfo Ibáñez University - La clase media chilena durante la dictadura militar (1973-1990)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Globalization and technology in Latin America - The development of Peru's first patent system, 1890-1930
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference
- LAC History Seminar Series: Beyond the Great House - Gilberto Freyre after 1933
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Origins of Legal Rule in Nineteenth-Century Mexico
- LAC History Seminar Series: Education, Citizenship and Democracy in Latin America, 1800-1860
- Film screening: Nasser's Republic, The making of Modern Egypt (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Film screening: 1948 (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958)
- Film Screening: Through Ottoman Eyes (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- The Gulf and the Horn: Changing Geographies of Security Interdependence and Competing Visions of Regional Order
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: The Archaeology of Experience of Domestic Violence against women in Iran (Middle East Centre)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Habiby’s The Pessoptimist and 1948
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: Tale of two Omani women (Middle East Centre)
- Lecture-The Question of Judeo-Arabic: Nation, Partition, and the Linguistic Imaginary (Registration Required)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israeli Literature as Global Literature
- Annual George Antonius Memorial Lecture (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Book Event: On the Arab Jew, Palestine, and Other Displacements (Registration Required)
- Workshop: Memory, Memoirs, and History (Registration Required)
- Operation Condor: 40 Years Later
- Alumni event in Lima
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Minimum wage and inequality in Latin America during the 2000s
- Latin American History Seminar: Knowledge and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Spanish America
- Documentary: Mujeres al frente (Women to the front)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: BNDES Abroad: South-South Economic Relations and Transnational Activist Networks
- Latin American History Seminar: Public Health and Medicine in the History of Latin America, 1870s-1950s
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Roundtable discussion with Oxford Transitional Justice Research
- Latin American History Seminar: Biography as History: Beatriz Allende and the History of Revolution in Cold War Latin America
- Free Film Screening: NO
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Exogenous Shocks and Misattribution of Responsibility for Economic Performance: Results From Survey Experiments
- Latin American History Seminar: Violence, Vigilantism and Pancho Villa: the US-Mexican Border During the Mexican Revolution
- Third CAF-Oxford Conference "Understanding the Challenges of Informality: Political, Economic and Social Dimensions"
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Human Rights in the New Cuba
- Latin American History Seminar: Malcolm Deas Annual History Seminar: The Origins of ‘Legal Rebellions’ in Colombia
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Roundtable discussion and launch of Ezequiel González Ocantos’ new book
- Latin American History Seminar: Race, Nature and Progress in the Work of the Nineteenth-Century Colombian Thinker José María Samper
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Courts that matter: Judges, Litigants and the Politics of Rights Enforcement in Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Who Read What? The Mexican Press and the Reading Public, 1940-1970
- Nicaragua Then, Now and in the Future.
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Roundtable discussion and launch of Diego Sánchez-Ancochea’s new book
- Latin American History Seminar: Brazil in the Recreation of the Inter-American Order, 1944-1948
- The environment for productive investments in Argentina
- Latin American History Seminar: Eric Hobsbawm on Latin America: A Round Table
- Former MPhil student in Japanese Studies Olga Puzanova publishes second article
- Former MPhil student in Japanese Studies, Olga Puzanova has article published in the Journal of Eurasian Studies
- Nissan Seminar: Brokering anime: How to create a Japanese animation business bridge between Japan and India
- MSAS seminar: HT19: Week 2: The Cast(e) of the Colonial Police: Constables and Chaukidars in Colonial Bengal (Partha Shil, Trinity College, Cambridge)
- MSAS seminar: HT19: Week 3: The Economics of Religion in India (Sriya Iyer, Cambridge)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Excavating the Human Rights Archives in Chile
- The Annual LAC-Centro de Estudios de Historia Política, CEHIP, Adolfo Ibáñez University Seminar: Camillus Bernardo O’Higgins and the Republican Dictatorship, 1818-23
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Paradoxes of democracy in Chile: stability with declining representation
- Evita: The Life of Eva Perón
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The Failures of Electoral Accountability for Corruption: Brazil and Beyond
- BSP-Santander Workshop: Brazilian Democracy from Dilma to Temer
- Latin American Centre Seminars: CANCELLED: The Land Question in Latin America: Old and New Challenges
- Latin American History Seminar: Mestizaje y construcción nacional: Paraguay tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza (1870-1930)
- Latin American History Seminar: Joint Seminar with the Oxford Maison Française: The Making of Latin-American "Neo-metalista" Monetary Policy in the 1920s: E. W. Kemmerer in the Andes
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Gender transformation, asset accumulation and Latin American just cities
- Latin American History Seminar: The Chilean Business Network since 1873: Finance, Industry and Politics
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The framing of racial democracy in Latin America
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Poverty reduction and religion at the urban margins in Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Joint Seminar with the Global History Centre: Liberals, Peasants and Jacobins: The Mexican Revolution (1910-40) in Global Perspective
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Co-hosted with the African Studies Centre and the China Centre: The impact of China in developing countries: Latin America and Africa compared
- Latin American History Seminar: Joint Seminar with the Rothermere American Institute: Transnational Approaches to Post-emancipation Labor Regimes and their Consequences: From Venezuela to South Africa and Trinidad to Chicago, 1870-1940
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Listening to the silences: towards a feminist analysis of violence in Latin America
- LAC-Universidad del Pacífico Special Seminar: Innovation in an Unfavourable Context: Local Mining Suppliers in Peru
- SPECIAL EVENT : Documentary Screening and Q&A: Sands of Silence-Waves of Courage
- Latin American History Seminar: Joint Seminar with the Rothermere American Institute: Anti-Immigration Politics, the Rise of Latinos and the Crisis of National Identity in the United States: A Contemporary History from the 1980s
- The Double-Edged Sword
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Is Incumbency a Blessing or Curse in Latin America?
- Latin American History Seminar: ‘Sembradores incansables de todo germen de progreso’: Biblical Metaphors of Post-Revolutionary Educational Reform in the Illustrations of Diego Rivera and Fiction of Juan Rulfo (Mexico, 1926-1953)
- Latin American History Seminar: Roger Brew Memorial Seminar: Regional Disparities in a Pre-industrial Economy: GDP per capita of the Colombian States in 1846
- Presentation of CAF Economy and Development Report 2016: More Skills for Work and Life
- REES Director, Professor Christopher Gerry, was recently a guest of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg.
- Conference Call for Papers: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Violations - Deadline 4 February 2019
- Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group Round Table: The economic accomplices of Pinochet’s dictatorship
- Annual Guido Di Tella Memorial Lecture: Rights, Claims and Trials: Legal strategies as policy tools
- Latin American History Seminar: New Economic Groups and Changes in the Peruvian´s Corporate Network: Business Groups During the Military Regime (1968-1980)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The Cost of Crime and Violence: New Evidence and Insights in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Book launch: 'Peru: Elite Power and Political Capture'
- POSTPONED: Screening (with English subtitles) and discussion: ‘Somos’: A participative documentary on adolescents’ conceptions of peace in post-conflict Colombia
- Latin American History Seminar: How to get rid of one's capital? Ties and relationships between the provinces of the Rio de la Plata and Buenos Aires (1810-1826); From Federalism to Centralism: Political Projects in New Granada, 1809-1821
- Latin American History Seminar: NARRATIVES OF SUFFERING and the Creation of National Identities in Panama (1878-1936)
- Latin American History Seminar: The Height, Depth and Width of the Left in Latin America: A Historical Perspective
- Latin American History Seminar: Cultural Pan-Americanism and Negotiated Hegemony in Early Twentieth-Century Inter-American Relations
- Belize Studies Conference
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Coalitions and Compliance: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Patents in Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Lessons from Empire: The First Hispanists in the United States, 1820-1880
- Latin American History Seminar: The London Notebooks of Andrés Bello, 1814-1820
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The Competency Signal in Comparative Perspective
- ‘Somos’: A participatory documentary on youth and peacebuilding in Colombia
- ASC Seminar - Student Activism in an Era of Decolonisation
- Latin American History Seminar: The Republican Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
- Natural disasters and its negative impacts on the economic growth of the Caribbean region: A conversation with Bocchit Edmond (Ambassador of Haiti)
- Challenges of Ecuador Today
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Natural History Values and Meanings in Nineteenth-Century Chile
- Latin American History Seminar: Football in Latin American History – round table
- Limits of Transitional Justice: Post-transition disappearances and impunity for business human rights violations
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- Latin American History Seminar: Where is Latin American History Going?
- A conversation with Genaro Vicente Pappalardo Ayala (Ambassador of Paraguay)
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 1: When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine
- CANCELLED: MSAS seminar: HT19: Week 1: Speculations on Infrastructure: from colonial public works to global asset class on the Indian Railways 1840-2017 (Laura Bear, LSE)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: In denial: drug policy and the war on human rights in Mexico
- MSAS Seminar: HT19 Week 1: CANCELLED
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The Social Life of Politics: Ethics, Kinship and Union Activism in Argentina
- OCGH seminar: Redefining the Caliphate: Indian pan-Islamism in the early twentieth century
- Interview with Dr Ceren Lord, published by SPF
- Latin American History Seminar: Entangled History: The Hispanic-Anglosphere (late 18th - early 20th centuries)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Business-State Relations in Brazil: the Challenges of Institutional Modernisation
- A conversation with Roberto Calzadilla (Ambassador of Bolivia)
- Latin American History Seminar: Importing the War on Drugs? U.S. Pressure and Mexican Anti-Drugs Efforts from 1940 to 1980
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Do our Adversaries Play by the Rules? Distrust and Democracy in Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Representation Without Taxation, Taxation Without Consent: the Legacy of Spanish Colonialism to Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Fourth François-Xavier Guerra Seminar
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The expansion of refugee protection in Latin America: Understanding the importance of ideological paradigms for policy change
- ¿Por qué el Perú no se gradúa?: La transición de las políticas del “chorreo” a las de productividad
- *CANCELLED* A conversation with Guisell Morales (Ambassador of Nicaragua) 'Challenges and successes of integral development in contemporary Nicaragua'
- Latin American History Seminar: The "Black Legend" and the "Orientalisation" of Spain: The Impact on the Discourse and Practice of Cuban, Catalan and Basque Nationalism, 1850-1914
- Colombia after the Peace Accords: New Challenges, New Paths Forward from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Human development and social policy in Latin America - Postgraduate workshop
- Latin American History Seminar: Roger Brew Memorial Seminar: Conflicto político y Constitución. La crisis de la primera república de Colombia, 1826-1832
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Colombia's Road to Peace
- The Cuban agricultural model: a paradigmatic case in Latin America?
- Latin American History Seminar: Nationalism, Popular Demonstrations and the Role of Parliament in Early Twentieth Century Argentina
- "Chile´s political development and its relations to Latin America". A conversation with Rolando Drago Rodríguez (Ambassador of Chile)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Making America Grate Again: Trump and Latin America
- Latin American History Seminar: Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Territory in Chile. The Long History of Pinochet’s Regionalization
- Latin American Centre Seminars: State-Driven Activism: The Politics of AIDS in Brazil
- La lucha actual por los derechos humanos en America Latina
- Latin American History Seminar: The Impossible Reflection: A New Approach to African Themes in Wifredo Lam’s Art (Cuba, 1902-1982)
- The challenges of regional integration in Central America: exploring the SICA
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Academic Entrepreneurs, Public Policy and the Growth of Latin American Studies in Britain During the Cold War
- Latin American History Seminar: El instante chino. El APRA, el Kuo-Min-Tang y los orígenes globales del populismo latinoamericano
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Joint seminar with the Spanish Real Instituto Elcano/ 2018: Electoral Year in Latin America – Round Table Discussion
- Unsettling accounts: Confessional performances by perpetrators of past violence
- The Maritime Dispute Before The International Court Of Justice: The Bolivian Arguments
- Latin American History Seminar: A 'Brown Man's Country'? Langston Hughes in Mexico
- BSP Workshop on “Rethinking Brazilian Politics: New Directions in Research”
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Roundtable Discussion on "Whither Brazil? Scenarios for 2018 and Beyond"
- Latin American History Seminar: Spanish American Conversations about the Portuguese Empire (16th and 17th centuries)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: The International Politics of Renewable Energy: Paraguay and the Itaipu Treaty
- **CANCELLED** Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico’s Not-So-Natural Disaster
- Latin American History Seminar: The Botanist of the King: Pehr Löfling and the Royal Botanical Expedition of New Granada during the Eighteenth Century
- A conversation with Eduardo dos Santos (Ambassador of Brazil)
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Polity: Demystifying Democracy in Latin America and Beyond
- Latin American History Seminar: Empire in retreat: Past, Present and Future of the United States
- Foreign Policy and Public Policy Diffusion in 21st Century Brazil
- Latin American Business History: An International Conference
- His Excellency Orville London, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- His Excellency Orville London, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- Substantial Solidarity Bridges? A Historical Analysis of Spain’s Role in the Consolidation of a EU — Latin America Partnership
- Latin American History Seminar: A Southerner South of the Border: How William Jenkins Became Mexico’s Richest Industrialist
- Book Launch: Time, Science and the Critique of Technological Reason. Essays in Honour of Hermínio Martins
- Women, Politics and Democracy in Brazil - Lecture by President Dilma Rousseff
- Latin American History Seminar: Reimagining the People: Lamennais and his Influence in Spain and Latin America (1838-1870)
- Latin American History Seminar: The Representation of Spanish American Interests at the Imperial Court in the Age of the Bourbon Reforms, c. 1750-1808
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Direct Contestation: The Distributive Outcomes of Unmediated Conflict Between Communities and Mining in Latin America
- Prof Chaisty comments on the prospects for constitutional reform in Ukraine.
- Second article from our former students Warren and Kara
- Latin American History Seminar: Challenging the Imperial Narrative: the Spanish-Aztec Encounter
- Latin American History Seminar: Luisa Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status (Havana, 1817)
- Latin American History Seminar: Instituciones y Petróleo en México y Venezuela, 1900-2017
- Latin American History Seminar: 'Raza y ciudadanía(s) en la América de Bolívar del Antiguo Régimen a la Independencia' and 'Race and Democracy in Chile, 1800-1850'
- Assessing China’s Economic Statecraft in Europe
- On Feeding the Masses: The Politics of Regulatory Failure in China
- Kevin Rudd talking about US-China relations
- War Crimes and Justice in China and East Asia in the Post-1945 Era
- New Youth: Watching Young China
- Changing Referents: Learning Across Space and Time in China and the West
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Time Has Begun: Hu Feng’s Poiesis in Socialist China, 1937-50
- The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century
- China, Europe, the UK and the US: New Thinking
- Land Reform outcomes in Shanxi and Guangdong, c.1945-1965: New Findings from the Ganbu dang’an
- A Rumor of Ghost (黑眚) and its Circulation in Ming and Qing China
- The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia, 1876-1905
- Institutional Credibility and Authoritarian Governance: Evidence from Land Expropriations in China’s Urbanization
- Addressing Air Pollution in China: Not Just an Environmental Policy Problem
- Climbing the Mobility Ladder: Practices of Mobile Citizenship in China
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 2: Putting Israel on the couch: A Palestinian contestation of the modern sovereignty paradigm
- Back to the Future with Xi Jinping
- The end of the one-child policy and its effect on LGBT Chinese
- Film screening of 'Pink Dads' & a conversation with director Fan Popo
- Intoxicating Shanghai: Modernist Literature and Art in Shanghai's Jazz Age
- Mass Misleading of Leaders Under Authoritarianism: Implications for Understanding and Surveying the Public in China
- Chun-Tu Hsueh Distinguished Lecture - China and the West: Crossroads of Globalisation
- Coastal Economies and China’s Maritime Power
- ‘Let your child win at the starting line’: Hong Kong’s Education System as a Desired Destination
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Co-hosted with the African Studies Centre and the China Centre: The impact of China in developing countries: Latin America and Africa compared
- Michael Wood and Rebecca Dobbs on 'The Story of China: Turning Chinese History into Television'
- State of Exchange: Migrant NGOs and the Chinese Government
- China and the Death of American Comparative Law
- Forging the Golden Urn: Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet, 1792-1911
- Rebels in Power: Shandong and Shanxi in China’s Cultural Revolution
- The Emergence of the Indian and Chinese Economic Powerhouses: Historical and Institutional Perspectives
- The Making of Formal Politics in China ‒ Anticorruption Campaign in Transformation (2012-2017)
- China’s National Urbanization Program: Party-State Expansion and the End of the Village
- Surviving Conservation: Herders and Farmers in China’s Northwest
- Mandarin Forum: A World in Sand: Nomadic Life and its Response to Desertification in Alpine Wetlands and Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau
- China’s Economy and Society – What Next? A discussion forum on contemporary Chinese politics and society with two distinguished commentators
- Re-Sacralizing the Landscape: Asian Communities and a Sustainable Future
- The Idea of China through the Lens of International Sports
- African Studies Seminar: Laughing about Corruption in Chinese-Ethiopian Encounters
- China and Israel: Strange Bedfellows (1948‒2016)
- Mobile Phone Traders and Smartphone Users Between China and Myanmar
- Mandarin Forum: Rural Housing Land Right Registry and Rural Households in China
- The Mighty Words: Writing and Authority in Tang China
- CHEW Conference 2017: Contesting Modernisation: The Future of Health, Environment, and Welfare in China
- Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Belt and Road Initiative
- Mandarin Forum: The Hui Warehouses in Gansu and the Local Society during the Republican Period: A Case Study
- Sir Robert Hart, Ireland’s Imperial Mandarin: The Most Influential Foreigner in Qing China
- Research Forum with Renmin University: New Research from China on Chinese Communist Party History and Contemporary Chinese Society
- The Aesthetics of Technological Excess in Contemporary Chinese Performance
- Growing Up in (and out) of Shenzhen: The Longer-term Impacts of Rural-Urban Migration on Children
- IR Research Colloquium: Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Personal Reflections on the FARC
- Professor Singh gives talk to Chinese delegation at Rewley House
- Rehabilitating History: A reconsideration of the treatment of disability in Chinese history and its implications for today
- Violence, Atrocity and Conflict: New Research from East Asia in Comparative Perspective with Europe
- Silk Road and Modern China: Doing business in China and other Asian markets
- Bombing, Civilians, and War: Comparisons between Europe, Japan, and China in World War II
- **CANCELLED** Magical Concepts and Political Economy
- The Book of Swindles: Selections from a Late Ming Collection
- Rethinking the Opium War and Fascism in East Asia
- Generation HK: Seeking Identity in China’s Shadow
- Is China an ‘Entrepreneurial State’? Artificial Intelligence innovation under government guidance
- Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Enhancing Public Health Programs in China
- New Approaches to the South China Sea Conflicts
- Hollywood Made in China
- African Studies Seminar: China and Africa: a Diplomatic Perspective
- Brexit, the UK, and China: Where Next?
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- The Politics of Joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Skills Training of Migrant Workers and their Share of the Benefits of Development in China
- Electric shadows reloaded: the post-digital animateur, shadow play and handmade cinema
- After the 19th Party Congress: Xi Jinping Thought and the Future for Chinese Politics
- 50 Shades of Grey: The Emergence of ‘Smog Art’ in China
- China after the Party Congress: Challenges to America’s Role
- The Art of Non-Alliance in Cold War-era Chinese Literature
- RISJ Seminar: India and China: Strangers across the Border
- Migration and the Ripple Effect: How Chinese Mobility Prompts African Mobility
- Mandarin Forum: Governing Media and Mediatized Governance: Cultural Dynamics in Contemporary Chinese Politics
- New Scholarship from the China Centre: Chinese Politics and Power
- The Regulatory State in China: Ambition, Strategy, and Limitation
- Blockbusters, Biennales and Market Economy: the Global Spin of Chinese Contemporary Art
- Studying China from Within and Without: A Personal Perspective
- Easy Riders and Good Fellows: Rebellion, Masculinity, and the Market in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film
- The Grammar and Semantics of Abstraction in Classical Chinese
- Connections: China and the West in the Making of History
- Are the US and China Fated to Fight?
- Taking China out of Premodern Global History
- BOOK LAUNCH: Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China
- The Stagnant Ditch and the Politics of Deodorizing China
- African Studies Seminar: Negotiating with China: African agency and challenges
- China’s Inadvertent Empire: China in Central Asia
- Many Roads from Pasture to Plate: China’s Beef Trade, 1732-1931
- A System Apart: Hong Kong’s Political Economy from 1997 till Now
- Masculine Compromise: The Impact of Migration on Family and Gender Relations in China
- Silencing Hong Kong: Press Censorship, Free Speech and Rule of Law in British Hong Kong (1850s–1940s)
- Gendered Experiences of Christianity and Nationalism during the Second World War in East Asia
- Economic Partnership between China and Europe: Reality, Possibility or Yesterday's Story?
- Call for Contributions: Moral Dimensions of Economic Life in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia, St Antony’s College, Oxford, March 20-21st, 2019.
- Déjà Vu? Photography as Metaphor: Repurposing Archival Photographs of Mao
- Why China did not have a Renaissance – and why that matters
- Language and Securitization of Language Policy in Contemporary Xinjiang
- ‘Thugs-for-Hire’ and Outsourcing of State Repression in China
- Cold War Variations in the Representation of China
- Unmaking China’s Development: The Function and Credibility of Institutions
- **POSTPONED** Party, Nation-State, Empire: Morphologies of Rule in China
- **POSTPONED** ‘Did World War II in China matter?’
- Shades of Authoritarianism: State-Labour Relations in China
- Spies in East Asia
- **POSTPONED** Where next for Asia, China and post-Brexit Britain?
- The Pakistan-China Corridor: Impacts on Regional Stability
- The Unbearable Discretion of Street-level Bureaucrats: Corruption and Collusion in Hong Kong
- China’s Water Quality Management in the Era of Big Data
- Thoughts on the Book of Ritual Paraphernalia in the Qing Dynasty
- Knowing What Not to Know in Contemporary China
- Twin Cities under Attack: London and Chongqing during World War Two, 1937-1945
- New Perspectives on Hong Kong and Sino-British Relations in the Early 20th Century
- The Cultural Revolution and Me
- Lawyers and the Politics of Activism in the Xi Jinping Era
- Cultural Revolution: Personal Experiences
- The Legal Construction of Immigrant China
- China's Boxer Rising and First Global War
- Debt and the End of the Chinese Economic Miracle
- Energy Policy in Xi's China
- The Legal Challenges of the Belt and Road: Views from Dubai International Financial Centre Courts
- Cold War Competition and Cooperation in East Asia
- China Centre Distinguished Lecture: ‘The UK and China after Brexit – what next?
- Blue Plaque commemorating James Legge
- The Trajectory from Tongzhi Literature to the BL World
- China: Governing Stability at Home and Abroad
- Nissan Seminar: A one-day conference on Compressed Development in Asia and Beyond
- Mandarin Forum
- Legal Controversies and State-Building in Late 19th Century East Asia
- The Oxford University China-Africa Network (OUCAN) conference
- Nigeria in Transition: Panel on the Nigerian Elections
- ASC Seminar - Observations and Reflections from Overland Expeditions across Western, Southern and Eastern Africa
- ASC Seminar - Minority Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Expected Divergence
- ASC Seminar - Public Health and Gender: Assumptions, Disjunctures in Practice, and Implications for HIV Prevention within Marriages in Kenya
- ASC Seminar - The Politics of Distribution in Ethiopia’s ‘Developmental State’
- ASC Seminar - Unmasking Africana in British Art
- ASC Seminar - What's in a Label? Western Donors’ Construction of Success and Failure in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau
- ‘Reunion is A Dark Room’: Dream and the Camera Obscura of Kaili Blues
- From Regional Planning to Local Action: Challenges and Approaches for Development Initiatives in China
- Spatial Misallocation: The Crux of China’s Economic Slowdown
- Back to the Future? China’s Rise, Sovereignty, and International Law
- Independent Press in the Age of World Literature
- Party, Nation-State, Empire: Re-thinking the Grammar of Chinese Governance
- Mandarin Forum
- Horn of Africa: The politics of performative violence in Mogadishu: new media and spatial struggles for Somali sovereignty
- South Africa Discussion Group: The Crisis in South African Higher Education: thoughts from a war zone
- African Studies Seminar: Teaching Africa
- South Africa Discussion Group: Mapping Xenophobic Violence: Dangers, Pitfalls and Ways Forward
- Lunchtime event: Monrovia Football Academy
- African Studies Seminar: Between Rootedness and Rootlessness: How Sedentarist and Nomadic Metaphysics Simultaneously Challenge and Reinforce (Dual) Citizenship Claims for Liberia
- South Africa Discussion Group: Genealogies of intersectionality: theorising race, class, gender and sexuality in South Africa
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Horn of Africa: Panel discussion - The changing faces of Ethiopia’s “rural” communities: evidence from Ethiopia WIDE
- South Africa Discussion Group: Is the decline of the ANC really such a good thing? Politics after the end of one-party dominance
- African Studies Seminar: ‘Mau Mau and Rastafari: Kenya’s War in Jamaica at the End of Empire
- Horn of Africa: Modernist architecture and the global politics of heritage management: the case of Asmara, Eritrea
- South Africa Discussion Group: An unarmed Struggle: The ANC's battle for health in exile
- African Studies Seminar: The Gambela Years: SPLA soldiers' memories of exile, 1983-1991
- Horn of Africa: Power, contested institutions and land: repoliticising analysis of natural resources, conflict and peacebuilding in Darfur
- South Africa Discussion Group: Is voter turnout higher if people know an election is close? Experimental evidence from the Johannesburg 2016 elections
- South Africa Discussion Group: They go out to be seen": space, place and recognition in Johannesburg nightclubs
- African Studies Seminar: Cholera and the Politics of Disposability in Harare's High-Density Townships
- South Africa Discussion Group: The unravelling of the ANC
- African Studies Seminar: ‘Queer provocations, nightlife and popular culture in Kinshasa’
- African Studies Seminar: Book Launch: ‘The Katangese Gendarmes and War in Central Africa, 1960-1999’
- South Africa Discussion Group: A Forum for Reason: South Africa’s Constitutional Court
- African Studies Seminar: Understanding Zimbabwe: from Liberation to Authoritarianism
- Horn of Africa: Ethiopia and Eritrea: an enduring animosity? Discussion and book launch for Understanding Eritrea: Inside Africa’s most repressive state
- South Africa Discussion Group: Another Country: Everyday Social Restitution in South Africa
- African Studies Seminar: “Clean my Chinese wife”: Intimacy and identity politics of Nigerian migrants in Southern China
- African Studies Seminar: Book Launch: Writing a new history for South Sudan: whose history and for whom?
- Horn of Africa: What Is Supreme about the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM): Challenging the practices of representativeness amongst Muslims in Kenya
- South Africa Discussion Group: The Fires Beneath: The Life of Monica Wilson, South African Anthropologist
- African Studies Seminar: Lagos temporalities: Negotiating urban mobilities in an age of mobile telephony
- South Africa Discussion Group: History, biography - and how do you solve a problem like Mandela?
- African Studies Seminar: Same Love: A Kenyan Gay Music Video as an African Queer Imaginary
- South Africa Discussion Group: Defining the Middle Class in South Africa - a vulnerability-based approach
- African Studies Seminar: Lagos Girl Power: Performing Postfeminism in Nigeria
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Co-hosted with the African Studies Centre and the China Centre: The impact of China in developing countries: Latin America and Africa compared
- Horn of Africa: Discussion and book launch *POSTPONED*
- African Studies Seminar: Anthropology as Vulnerology? Reading Possibility into the City's Sutures
- Researching Africa Day: Studying Africa, Studying Anywhere: Area Studies for an Interconnected World
- Horn of Africa: Religion and ethnicity as venues of opposition in Ethiopia
- African Studies Seminar: Decolonial Citizenship: African Women’s Political Practices in Contested Spaces
- Horn of Africa: “A people, united in struggle… is reborn”: Anya-Nya propaganda and Israel’s involvement in Sudan’s first civil war, 1969-1971
- African Studies Seminar: How to Rig an Election: Reflections on Ten Years of Studying Democracy
- South Africa Discussion Group: The State of South Africa: A Discussion
- African Studies Seminar: An Uncertain Age: The Politics of Manhood in Kenya
- African Studies Seminar: Laughing about Corruption in Chinese-Ethiopian Encounters
- South Africa Discussion Group: Race and Non-Racialism in the Making of South Africa’s Democratic Order
- African Studies Seminar: Bars, Branches, Stereos and Choppers: Innovation in Election Campaign Technologies in Tanzania
- Consumerism and the Pragmatics of Race in the Making of Apartheid
- South Africa Discussion Group: From Party to Alliance: The Making of South Africa’s Opposition
- Reflections on studying and teaching law in a post-colonial world
- African Studies Seminar: From the Zariba to the Museum: Violence, Globalisation and Material Culture in Nineteenth Century South Sudan
- Book Launch: Mobile Secrets: Youth, Intimacy and the Politics of Pretense in Mozambique
- Horn of Africa: Panel discussion: State Formation
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 3: Fire in the Camp: Committed Arabic Literature and Mizrahi Aesthetics in Israel/Palestine.
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 4: Abbas Leadership in a State Postponed
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 5: Rising Powers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1947
- Performance and Queer Histories: From Shakespeare to Tchaikovsky and Marc Almond
- Visiting fellowship programme to advance academic and public discourse on Pakistan
- OSGA Featured News Article: The Burden of Inequality
- South Africa Discussion Group: “The Least Successful Guerrilla Army of all time”? Umkhonto we Sizwe and its historians
- Horn of Africa: Religious ideas and cultures of violence: the case of Kenya's violent Islamists
- South Africa Discussion Group: How to steal a city - factionalism and state capture in a metropolitan municipality
- African Studies Seminar: Urban spirituality in Central and Southern Africa
- Oxford Africa Annual Lecture: Dying to forget: History, memory and the intergenerational transfer of trauma in South Africa
- African Studies Seminar: Ndinga i Sinsu: A Quest for Kongo Art
- Horn of Africa: The Eritrean National Service: a great idea that never made it?
- African Studies Seminar: Words and Deeds: African Migrants in Europe
- South Africa Discussion Group: The Glory Days of Morris Isaacson: The Rise and Decline of Soweto High Schools under Bantu Education
- African Studies Seminar: China and Africa: a Diplomatic Perspective
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- Professor Jane Guyer ''Pathways in Thought, Career, and Changing Times''
- Astor Lecture 2017: ‘Toward a Post-Mortem of the African Revolution: Rethinking the Global Sixties’
- Horn of Africa: Ordering the security arena: peace and conflict in the world’s most failing states
- South Africa Discussion Group: Comrades and Casspirs: Township Violence on the Rand, 1990-94
- African Studies Seminar: Economic globalisation, poverty and human trafficking in Nigeria
- Horn of Africa: The role of Eritrean Weekly News in the construction of dual nationalisms
- Migration and the Ripple Effect: How Chinese Mobility Prompts African Mobility
- African Studies Seminar: The Social Dimensions of Land Rights Reform in Liberia
- African Studies Seminar: Citizens for Justice; struggles against violence and predation in wartorn South Sudan
- Horn of Africa: Media, diaspora and the transnationalisation of conflict
- South Africa Discussion Group: Transformative Tensions: The Possibilities and Limitations of Transforming the Lives of South Africa's Poor through the Constitution
- African Studies Seminar: Book Launch 'Taken for a Ride: Grounding Neoliberalism, Precarious Labour and Public Transport in an African Metropolis'
- African Studies Seminar: Why is the Horn different
- South Africa Discussion Group: Update and discussion on land reform in South Africa with reflections on Zimbabwe
- African Studies Seminar: Negotiating with China: African agency and challenges
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel/Africa: identity, culture and politics
- South Africa Discussion Group: Discussion on Zimbabwean politics - led by Miles Tendi and Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh
- African Studies Seminar: Taking normative politics in Africa seriously: can we conceptualize "accessibility" as a political value? Case studies from Southwest Nigeria
- South Africa Discussion Group: The struggle for human rights in Zimbabwean mining
- African Studies Seminar: From rebel movement to political party: UNITA's social engagement in post-war Angola
- South Africa Discussion Group: Discussion on South African politics
- African Studies Seminar: Capitalist development and political institutions in Tanzania: Explaining variation in party cohesion and legislative power
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking Glass - African Migration to Israel - Chronicle of a Failure Foretold
- South Africa Discussion Group: The productivity of unemployment in urban South Africa
- African Studies Seminar: Affective Communities: Letter Writing and Politics in Independent Kenya, 1963-75
- South Africa Discussion Group: 'State of Mind', a film and discussion on mental health in Zimbabwe - produced and led by Hopewell Chin'ono - CANCELLED in solidarity with the strike
- African Studies Seminar: 'The politics of things’: digital media, urban space and the materiality of civic engagement - CANCELLED due to the severe weather conditions
- Researching Africa Day: Researching Africa Day 2018
- African Studies Seminar: Assessing the African human subject through social science experimentation and Randomized Control Trials CANCELLED in support with the UCU strike
- Tackling Governance, Development and Security Challenges in Nigeria - Public Lecture by Governor Nasir El-Rufai, Governor of Kaduna State, Nigeria
- Horn of Africa: Horn of Africa seminar - Popular mobilization, protest
- Horn of Africa: Constitutionalism, ‘developmentalism’ and popular demands in Ethiopia: exploring the common denominator
- The Search for Sustainable Education in Post-colonial African States by Chief Afe Balalola
- African Studies Seminar: Three perspectives on Nigerian migration
- Horn of Africa: Support or subvert? Assessing devolution's effect on central power during Kenya's 2017 presidential rerun
- African Studies Seminar: The tree for living well: the socio-cultural significance of enset in southern Ethiopia
- Horn of Africa: Under construction: struggles over governance, labor and technology in urban Ethiopia
- African Studies Seminar: Uneven Accountability in the Wake of Political Violence: Evidence from Kenya’s Ashes and Archives
- Horn of Africa: Regional pastoral livestock trade and trends in the Horn of Africa
- South Africa Discussion Group: Patronage, power and political markets in South African municipalities
- Horn of Africa: Shelter from the storm: Somali migrant networks in Uganda between international business and regional geopolitics
- AfriSoc 60th Anniversary - Pan Africanism: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future
- Oxford University Africa Society 60th Anniversary Celebration
- South Africa Discussion Group: ‘The Welfare Consequences of Labour Market Volatility: The South African Case’
- ODID-OSGA Indian Elections Workshop I: Politics in the run-up to Indian elections 2019
- Film screening: Muzaffarnagar Baaqi hai
- Uncertain ground: engaging with Europe's breakaway territories
- MSAS Seminar: HT19: Week 4: Unfixed Land and the making of Contemporary India (Nikita Sud, ODID)
- Special Lecture: ESTRUCTURAS Y CAMBIOS SOCIALES EN BOLIVIA: Por una nueva narrativa, 1950-2018
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Immigration attitudes and vote choice: A comparison of Chile and Ecuador
- LAC History Seminar Series: Mexico and the Caribbean Under Castro's Eyes, 1960's-1970's
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference Keynote Address - What went wrong and where to go?
- LAC History Seminar Series: Hidden in Plain Sight - The Black Image in Nineteenth-Century Peru
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Women, precarious work and development questions: lessons from research on "care" work in Peru
- 'Britain Needs A New Mindset' - India expert gives evidence to House of Lords inquiry
- Mother Tongue/ Родная речь
- Alessandro Bianchi joins the Bodleian Japanese Library
- Histories of Religion and Homophobia in Eurasia conference
- MSAS seminar: HT19: Week 5: Connected Histories? Arabia, India and the Architecture of Medieval Ethiopia (Finbarr Barry Flood, NYU)
- MSAS seminar: HT19: Week 6: What’s the Party Like? The Normative Status of the Political Party in South Asia (Udit Bhatia, Oxford)
- MSAS Seminar: HT19: Week 7: Continuity in mind: Imagination and migration on India and the Gulf (Thomas Chambers, Brookes)
- MSAS Seminar: HT19: Week 8: Before the Nation-State: Christian Internationalism and the Inter-War Years (Sneha Krishnan, Geography)
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 7: Identity, Conflict perception and Reconciliation in the shadow of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 8: Quality of Life and Well-being in Israel Today
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 6: The emerging notion of sovereignty in contemporary Israel
- REES MPhil First Year Student Lincoln Pigman publishes in The Washington Post's The Monkey Cage blog.
- The Annual Georgian Programme Conference of Oxford’s Russian and East European Studies (REES)
- Associate Professorship in the Politics and International Relations of Japan
- Associate Professorship in the Politics and International Relations of Japan
- The Changing Character of War Seminar
- LAC Main Seminar Series - Venezuela: From Collapse to Recovery
- Connecting Central Asia in the 21st Century
- The Moral Dimensions of Economic Life in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia
- Sino-Indian Connections: New Perspectives on 20th century Conflicts
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Populism and Direct Democracy in Latin America (co-authored with Yanina Welp)
- The Moral Dimensions of Economic Life: Cross-Regional Perspectives
- Mandy Wassell
- Royal Vision for Oxford University’s ASEAN Institute
- Part-time Finance Administrator - Research Post-Award
- LAC Main Seminar Series - Life after Dictatorship: Authoritarian Successor Parties in Latin America and Beyond
- Nayanika Mathur: book launch in Egypt
- Racialisation and Publicness in Africa and African Diaspora
- ASC Seminar - Book Launch: “The Act of Living. Street Life, Marginality and Development in Urban Ethiopia
- Nigeria in Transition Workshop
- Nissan Seminar: 17 Short Lived
- MSAS Seminar: TT19: Week 1: Fundamental Rights Lawfare: Religious Freedom and Public Order in Pakistan and Malaysia
- MSAS Seminar: TT19: Week 2: Commodities, Merchants, and Refugees: Inter-Asian circulations and Afghan mobility
- MSAS Seminar: TT19: Week 3: Single in the City: Women, Migration and Domestic Work in India
- MSAS Seminar: TT19: Week 4: The Paradox of Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism
- Arthur Stockwin to be awarded Honorary Doctorate for his service to the study of Japanese Politics
- Takehiko Kariya recently published an article on university education reforms in Nikkei Shimbun Newspaper
- Nissan Seminar: The Making of a New Immigration State? Japan's Immigration Policy at a Historic Turning Point
- Former Japanese Studies student Kai Salisbury's Japan-based startup featured in the PR Times
- Former MSc student in Modern Japanese Studies, Chinami Oka publishes article with Professor Roger Goodman, Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies
- Japan’s Energy Policy after the Fukushima disaster
- Professor Nayanika Mathur to give keynote address at Princeton South Asia conference
- The 2019 African Studies Annual Lecture
- OSGA participates in Area Studies Conference at Peking University
- OSGA online journal is launched
- **CANCELLED** Yogendra Yadav on the 2019 Indian Elections: Defending India's Swadharma: Republic versus the Public?
- Valedictory Lecture: Dōwa policy and the Japanese state
- 2019 International Politics Summer School announced
- Nissan Seminar: Reopening the "Opening of Japan"
- Okinaga Junior Research Fellowship in Japanese Studies
- Guido di Tella Memorial Lecture - A Renaissance Man in the Pampas: Guido Di Tella: Entrepreneur, Scholar, Philantropist and Statesman
- Joint seminar LAC/the Rothermere American Institute - Bolivar, U.S.A.: The United States and Latin American Independence
- LAC History Seminar Series: Indigenous Pasts in the Present: A Transnational Conversation between Chileans and Peruvians about Race and Cultural Heritage, 1900-1950
- LAC History Seminar Series: Potatoes and the Hispanic Enlightenment
- LAC History Seminar Series: Philosophical Polemics, School Reform and Nation-Building in Uruguay, 1868-1915
- Malcolm Deas Annual History Seminar: Pacificación de los Comuneros de Nueva Granada: acuerdo, derogación, reparaciones y legado
- Joint Seminar with the Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla ‘Matar a la madre patria’: Antiespañolismo en la construcción ideológica de las repúblicas latinoamericanas 1810-1898
- Macroeconomic Developments in Latin America and the Caribbean
- VIIth Francois-Xavier Guerra Seminar - Jointly organised with the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Oxford Maison Française
- Round Table: The Venezuelan Migration Crisis
- Distinguished Speaker Seminar: H.E. John Mahama
- LAC Main Seminar Series - Close encounters of civilization with barbarism: The Colombians, especially during la Violencia at mid-twentieth century
- ASC Seminar
- Book launch: Africa on the Contemporary London Stage
- Comparing the Copperbelt Research Seminar
- Marking the 25th Commemoration of the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda
- Prof Manthia Diawara will be the ASC Annual Lecture speaker
- Racialisation and Publicness in Africa and African Diaspora Conference
- Kate Sullivan de Estrada visits Indian Ocean Commission HQ as Oxford Policy Exchange Network Fellow
- Rangoonwala Visiting Fellowships now open for applications
- Book Launch: In their Own Words, Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba
- REES Documentary screening: Robert Sturua’s Julius Caesar
- Diplomacy for the 21st Century: ‘Twenty-first Century Diplomacy: A New Rule Book’
- Seminar on Pakistan: TT19: Week 2: Small Towns and the Middle Class: Migration, Mobility and Status Seeking in Pakistani Punjab
- Seminar on Pakistan: TT19: Week 3: Between Collaboration and Confrontation: Judicial-Military Interactions in Pakistan
- Seminar on Pakistan: TT19: Week 5: The Challenges to Liberal Democratic Order in South Asia: Democracy Redefined
- Seminar on Pakistan: TT19: Week 6: The Parliament of Pakistan: Institution-building and (un)Democratic Practices, 1971-77
- David Damtar
- India Urbanising: Spaces of Capital, Politics of Place and Urban Informality as a Mode of Frontier Rule
- Prof Chris Gerry receives award in Oxford Student Union's Teaching Awards 2019
- Fangmiao Zou
- Hazel Cook
- Vacancy at African Studies Centre
- How to Turn Your DPhil into a Job?
- Nissan Seminar: Governing Global Flowers. Japanese Politics and International Value Chains
- OSGA/CSASP Careers Event 2019
- Problematic Sovereignty on China’s Periphery: A Case Study of Post-1997 Hong Kong
- Making the Vigilant Citizens: Gender and Surveillance in China
- National security, free trade agreements and investment – the case of China
- 'Unpacking Farmers’ Cognition of Land Usufruct in China’s Urban Periphery: A Behavioural Institutionalist Perspective
- The Qièyùn Manuscripts before the Emergence of the Guǎngyùn
- Conversation with the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone
- Guest Lecture by Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, 6th President of Mauritius
- Making a Difference on the African Continent: Reflections from Zimbabwe (Book Launch)
- Militant Masks: Youth and Insecurity in the Niger Delta
- Nigeria in Transition Workshop – Call for Papers
- Racialisation and Publicness in Africa and African Diaspora Conference
- Talk by Dr Max Price
- President Mahama's visit in Nigerian newspapers
- Paul Chaisty publishes new article on "The political implications of popular support for presidential term limits in Russia".
- LAC Seminar: The Pacific Alliance: A Round Table on its Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives
- Democracy and elections in contemporary Africa - article on the visit of Former President Mahama
- Democracy and elections in contemporary Africa - article on the visit of Former President Mahama
- Talk by Prof Marwala, Vice Chancellor, University of Johannesburg
- CONFERENCE: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Violations - At the Crossroads of Litigation, Policy and Scholarship
- Tingxi Ma
- Emilie Curryova
- Andrés M. Guiot-Isaac
- Marija Norkunaite
- Jamie Weiner
- Barclay Bram Shoemaker
- Joana Perrone
- Ameya Pratap Singh
- Guanlin Wu
- Serafijn Gentils
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes publishes new article at Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
- Professor Kyle Jaros Publishes New Article in Studies in Comparative International Development Journal
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes published at Europe's World Journal
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes delivered a lecture for the Association for International Affairs (AMO)
- Dr Ceren Lord publishes new article in Middle East Journal
- Dr Ceren Lord publishes new book: "Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP"
- Statement on the Racialisation Conference
- Francesca Lessa’s new podcast on Operation Condor, accountability, and justice
- Francesca Lessa’s new podcast on Operation Condor, accountability, and justice
- Major refurbishment over the next 22 months of the Hilda Besse Building, St. Antony's College
- ‘Remembering Rwanda’ wins University of Oxford Vice-Chancellor’s Award for outstanding public engagement with research
- Subaltern Russians on the edge of empire
- The History of Translation of Shakespeare in Georgia
- Social Cohesion in Multicultural and Multiethnic Georgian society
- Former MPhil in Modern Japanese Studies and current DPhil History student, Warren Stanislaus receives the Rare Rising Stars award
- LAC Faculty member attends inaugural Area Studies forum at Tsinghua University
- Horizontes 2019
- Protecting Our Oceans: The Seychelles Experience
- 'Meeting Gorbachev' Film screening and Q & A with director Andre Singer and Archie Brown
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Argentine Presidential Elections Round table
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Book launch 'The Politics of Memory in Brazil'
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Embodying Latin Americanism: Vitalism, Technology, and the Making of a Continent
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Inaugural Lecture: A Century of Central Banking in Latin America: Lights, Shadows, and Challenges Ahead
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Journalism and Power in the Age of Social Media
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Protecting Capital in Latin America: Economic Elites, Asset Portfolio Diversification, and the Politics of Distribution
- Beyond the Picture: Calligraphy and the Arts of the Book in Sultanate India
- Mental Health in India - Bridging the Gap
- LAC History Seminar Series: A Brief History of Violence in 20th Century Mexico
- LAC History Seminar Series: Beyond the Border: Re-centring the Hispanic Past in the History of the United States
- LAC History Seminar Series: La expansión de las escuelas normales en Argentina: debates y políticas (1884-1920)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Practicing Democracy in Argentina, 1870-1930
- LAC History Seminar Series: Surnames, Status and Schools: A Long-term view of Social Mobility in Colombia
- The Cartonera Publishing Movement in Latin America
- Dr Ceren Lord speaks to William Armstrong from Turkey Book Talk about her new book “Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP”
- Dr Ceren Lord speaks at Northwestern University about her book: “Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP”
- Book talk:The Streets Are Talking to Me. Affective Fragments in Sisi’s Egypt
- Israel Studies Seminar: A tale of sand and snow: Bar-Lev line and the Hermon ski site as material fantasies
- Israel Studies Seminar: Competition between MPs and GMs on Policy Outcomes through Legislation – Israel as a Test case
- Israel Studies Seminar: Nocturnal Inequality: Ethnographies of Social Selection and Waiting in Line for Night Clubs in Tel-Aviv
- Israel Studies Seminar: Fear and Insecurity: Competing Narratives of the Iran-Israel Relationship
- Israel Studies Seminar: Love, Zionism and Melancholy in the Prose of Micha Yosef Berdichevsky
- Israel Studies Seminar: Palestinian multilingualism: A perfectly normal adaptation to colonialism, conflict and late capitalism
- Nissan Seminar: How to get, keep, and breed your pet: exploring human-pet relationships through Tokugawa animal guidebooks
- Nissan Seminar: Skilled Migration: Solving Japan’s demographic crisis?
- Nissan Seminar: Kana: The Forgotten “Women Hand” Characters and Empowerment of Women in Medieval Times
- Nissan Seminar: Japanese Mermaids in Darwin’s West
- Nissan Seminar: De Moda Novoétnica: A Comparative Ethnographic Examination of Self-Styling between Indigenous Forums of Lequio and Brazil
- Nissan Seminar: Gender/ed Justice: Feminism in War and Peace
- Liz Fouksman's new interview at Open Democracy
- Launch of the new International Multimodal Communication Centre (IMCC)
- Raising the Velvet Curtain Slovak literature and society since 1989
- Raising the Velvet Curtain Slovak literature and society since 1989
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 1: Cultural Practices and Child Health in Pakistan
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 2: Tribal land and alienation and Adivasi movement for autonomy in India and Bangladesh
- India’s New Neighbourhood Policy: Security, Connectivity and Democracy
- Call for Papers: Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- African Studies Seminar- Ruth First's Red Suitcase:In and Out of the Strongroom of Memory. Book Launch: Written Under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa
- African Studies Seminar-Individual Adaptation Strategies to Flooding in a Low-Income Urban Setting in Nigeria
- African Seminar Studies. Book launch of State and Society in Nigeria
- African Studies Seminar- Rethinking (Post-) Work through Racial Capitalism
- African Studies Seminar- Ethnography for Digital Natives? Rethinking Form and Content in a New Text on Contemporary Angola
- African Studies Seminar- Making Theory from the Periphery: Notes from a Practical Attempt to Decolonise Research
- African Studies Seminar- Book Launch: Shadows of Liberation: Contestation and Compromise in the Economic and Social Policy of the ANC, 1943 to 1996
- African Studies Seminar-Forgetting Westgate?Rectified Sites of Violence and Politics of Memory in East Africa's ' War on Terror'
- 20 Years of Democracy in Nigeria: 1999-2019
- OICSD/Oxford Climate Society Event: Can Endless Economic Growth Ever be Green?
- Climate Crisis Thinking in the humanities and social sciences: network launch
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 3: Centralisation and nationalism in the making of Indian capitalism
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 4: Nationalism, Development, and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 7: Gandhi's Spell on the Bollywood Hero
- Professor Kyle Jaros talks about his new book "China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development" in New Books Network
- Dr Hamsa Rajan published the article ‘Dilemmas of Feminist Practice in Transnational Spaces: Solidarity, Personal Growth, and Potential Solutions' in the journal Gender, Place and Culture
- China’s Weapons Transfer in the Western Hemisphere
- The Body Simile and the Politics of Illness in Early China
- Minjian: the Rise of China’s Grassroots Intellectuals
- Discussing Renaissance Pedagogy with late Ming Literati: the Role of Alfonso Vagnone's Treatises on Moral Philosophy
- Discussing Renaissance Pedagogy with late Ming Literati: the Role of Alfonso Vagnone's Treatises on Moral Philosophy
- Max Weber’s China: the Transcendental and the Empirical
- Gender and Class at Work in Rural China under Mao
- Might a Looming Water Crisis in Northern China Derail China's Economic Growth?
- International Multimodal Communication Centre Research Seminar
- Caixuan Ji
- ‘Experiment on Ourselves:’ Collective housing, Self-Help Construction and Self-Management in Youth Residential Complex (MZhK) Housing Movement in the Late-Soviet Russia, 1969-1992
- ‘Experiment on Ourselves:’ Collective housing, Self-Help Construction and Self-Management in Youth Residential Complex (MZhK) Housing Movement in the Late-Soviet Russia, 1969-1992
- ‘Experiment on Ourselves:’ Collective housing, Self-Help Construction and Self-Management in Youth Residential Complex (MZhK) Housing Movement in the Late-Soviet Russia, 1969-1992
- 20 years of Putin: How has Russia Changed?
- International Multimodal Communication Centre Research Seminar
- A very ambiguous empire: Russia's hybrid exceptionalism
- Aleksandr Tvardovskii and Russian national consciousness
- Armenia and Azerbaijan: theorizing rivalry in the Eurasian borderlands
- Changing Global Economic-Military Power Balances and Ideologies, Russia’s Defence Economics, and Economic Sanctions on Russia
- Comparing authoritarian practices: Belarus and Azerbaijan
- Dostoevsky, Zoshchenko and the transformation of criminal voices in 1930s Gulag propaganda
- Georgian Fellow Irina Lobzhanidze digitises Wardrop manuscript
- Pop music from stagnation to perestroika: how economic reform destroyed East European cultural networks
- What is a kraevedcheskie museum? History of the largest (post-) Soviet museum network.
- The evolution of Greater Eurasia: geopolitical imaginaries in Russian foreign policy
- Shakespeare in Georgia Exhibition, Seminar, Screening
- Settled state? Refugees, resettlement and the definition of Soviet Armenia
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 6: Towards a Religious Internationalism? The Indian Khilafat Movement in Interwar Europe
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: MT19: Week 5: Gandhi @150: Rethinking India’s Non-Violent Revolutionary
- Eyck Freymann
- Jamie Edwards
- Miles Tendi published "The Motivations and Dynamics of Zimbabwe’s 2017 Military Coup" in African Affairs
- OSGA Global Forum: 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Challenges and Risks to Democracy Then and Now
- Global Populism – 50 Years After
- SARC Event: Writing Capital
- Postwar Southeast Asia in the Global Contexts
- Film Screening: Swallow - Food Security in Nigeria's Changing Climate
- Book Launch: Religious Politics in Turkey (Dr Ceren Lord)
- Miles Tendi published "From Zimbabwe to Bolivia: what makes a military coup?" in The Conversation
- 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Global Perspectives
- Global Security Challenges of the 21st Century - Registration now open
- Danny Faure President of Seychelles Speaks at St Antony's College as part of the African Leaders Lecture Series of the African Studies Centre
- Transitional Justice and Corporate Accountability
- REES Alumna publishes in Women's Studies International Forum
- REES Alumna Emily Tamkin publishes new book
- Former REES MPhil Student is selected for the forthcoming parliamentary elections
- Uma Pradhan co-edits special section in the Journal of South Asian Studies
- GCRF India-Oxford Initiative ODA thematic workshops call
- Professor Nayanika Mathur to give keynote speech at the British Animal Studies Network conference in Leeds this Saturday
- Matthew McCartney's book launches (Oxford and London)
- *DEADLINE EXTENDED* Call for Papers: Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- Former President of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, inaugurates the Global Forum
- Professor Kyle Jaros presents his book "China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development" at Princeton's Wythes Center on Contemporary China and the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Study of Contemporary China
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at the annual EU-China Policy Roundtable in Brussels
- Impact Spotlights
- International Multimodal Communication Centre Research Seminar
- International Politics Summer School 2021
- LAC History Seminar Series: Electoral practices in post-independent Chile, 1820-1830
- LAC History Seminar Series: Identidad Nacional y Paisajes peruanos (1955) de José de la Riva-Agüero
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Biography of President Virgilio Barco: Reflections on the Study of Colombian Politics
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Politics of the Southern Caribbean in the Revolutionary Era, c. 1780 to 1820
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Theatrics of Reform: Politics and Cultural Sphere in Buenos Aires 1816-1837
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Migration Crises in Latin America: Venezuela, Haïti and transit caravans in Mexico – Round table. (Migrations in Latin America and the Mediterranean compared: Violence, State cruelty and (Un-)Institutional Resistance conference)
- Transnational Human Rights Violations
- Marco Di Francesco
- Professor Kyle Jaros co-authored the article Provincial Power in a Centralizing China: The Politics of Domestic and International “Development Space”, published on the China Journal
- Call for papers: Local jurisdictions and borderlands in Europe and the Americas, 1713-1914
- Book Launch: The Making of the Israeli Far-Right
- Nissan Seminar: A sociological analysis of the journalistic profession in contemporary Japan
- Lives, Deaths and Noses: the ‘essential’ stories of Gogol and Tolstoy
- Political machines at work: electoral subversion in the Russian workplace
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Latin America in an Era of Discontent
- Japan’s Higher Education Policy
- Gayatri Sahgal
- African Classics: Translating texts, translated contexts
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Roundtable: Current debates on Drug Policy in Latin America
- LAC Main Seminar Series. Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference Roundtable: Informality in a changing political-economic system in Brazil
- LAC Main Seminar Series.Book launch: US Hegemony and the Americas: Power and Economic Statecraft in International Relations
- LAC History Seminar Series: Mexican Banks and Foreign Finance: From Internationalization to Financial Crisis, 1973-82
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Latin American Boom: A Publishing History
- LAC History Seminar Series: Historia del libro en América Latina (siglo XVI-al XIX): Panorama de una disciplina en evolución
- **CANCELLED** LAC History Seminar Series: Puerto Rican Nationalism, Latin American Solidarity, and the 1930s: How Good Was the Good Neighbor Policy?
- Chinese Studies alumnus Mark Logan elected as a Member of Parliament in the General Election
- Nissan Seminar: No more ‘Kings of the Mountain’ (Oyama no Taishō): Gendered leadership in Japanese unions
- Nissan Seminar: A Critique of the Category ‘Religion’ in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: New horizontal inequalities in Japanese education? Why, when and under which conditions Japanese students pursue study abroad
- Nissan Seminar: Probation in Japan: Some strengths and challenges
- Nissan Seminar: ‘Generalized Violence' at home and 'Shadow Work' in Tokyo: Oral narrative research on foreign asylum seekers in Japan
- CANCELLED Nissan Seminar: Retreat from Remarriage? Evidence from Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Whither Japan? Assessing Abe's legacy
- CANCELLED Nissan Seminar: Why study Japan now? Towards a global conversation on the social sciences and humanities in dialogue with Kyoto University
- A Cultural Cold War Front? The USA, the USSR, and UNESCO
- The neo-nomenklatura system in Russia: how it looks, how it feels
- "There are no bad nations, there are only bad people": Ethnically mixed families and everyday peace-building in Abkhazia
- Israel Studies Seminar: Iran and Palestine: Past, Present, Future
- Israel Studies Seminar: Ashkenazi Hegemony in Haredi Israeli Society and Implications for the Future
- Israel Studies Seminar: Ethnic segregation in the Haredi education in Israel: Policies and practices
- Israel Studies Seminar: Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, Equality Struggle
- Israel Studies Seminar: The Israeli Diaspora in Berlin: Back to Being Jewish?
- Israel Studies Seminar: The Emotional Scripting of Boycotts: The Nazi-Zionist Agreement in Jewish Public Culture During the 1930s
- CANCELLED Israel Studies Seminar: On Zionism and Melancholia: An alternative history
- CANCELLED Israel Studies Seminar: Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 7: Rangoonwala Fellows Research Forum
- CANCELLED Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 6: Highways to the end of the World: Roads, Road-Builders and Architecture of Power in South Asia
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 5: A millenarian sultan and a teacher to the world: New directions in early modern Indo-Muslim kingship
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 4: ‘For a better future’: Education and unstable future-making in Nepal
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 3: Arms, Arts and Agriculture: Indo-Mexican Intellectual Connections in the Early Twentieth Century
- The Stuff of International Relations, and Why It Matters: Things, People, and the China Pavilion at the Leipzig Fairs
- Modern South Asian Studies Seminar: HT20: Week 1: Capitalism in the Himalaya
- Securing China's Northwest Frontier: Identity and Insecurity in Xinjiang
- Threatened by Peace: The PRC’s Peacefulness Rhetoric and the ‘China’ Representation Question in the United Nations (1949-1971)
- China, Europe and the future of the World Trade Organisation: difficult choices ahead!
- The Qāḍī and the Yamen: Islam on the Ground in Late Imperial China
- The past and future of Chinese historical phonology: philology, reconstruction, and network theory
- Telling the Truth in Socialist China:Letters from the Masses and Mass-Line Epistemology, 1945 - 1978
- Science, Power and the Power of Science in China (1978 to nowadays)
- Dr Jérôme Doyon authored the article ‘The Strength of a Weak Organization: The Communist Youth League as a Path to Power in Post-Mao China’ published by The China Quarterly
- Dr Jérôme Doyon co-authored with Dr Franziska Keller the article ‘Knowing the Wrong Cadre? Networks and Promotions in the Chinese Party-State’ published by Political Studies.
- Book Launch: Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia. (Winner of the 2019 Conflict Research Society Book of the Year)
- Book Launch: The Army and Politics in Zimbabwe: Solomon Mujuru, the Liberation Fighter and Kingmaker
- Can Technology Facilitate Justice for Crimes Against Humanity? A Case Study on Digital Evidence in the DRC
- Mozambique Elections 2019: Pernicious Polarization and Democratic Decline
- Researching Africa at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Impact, Analysis and Challenges
- Nairobi in the Making: Landscape, Time and Urban Belonging
- Political Economists, Dollars and the Strategic Power of Business in Sudan
- Broken Cities: an Africanist View on the Global Housing Affordability Crisis
- Border Lives: An Ethnography of a Lebanese Town in Changing Times
- Miles Tendi published "Transnational Histories of Southern Africa’s Liberation Movements"
- Miles Tendi published "Transnational Histories of Southern Africa’s Liberation Movements"
- The Future of Area Studies Roundtable
- LAC Main Seminar Series. Racial Locations and Dislocations among Latin American Women Migrants in London
- Adriana Unzueta (MSc 2017-18) remembers her time at the LAC
- Accountability in South America and Beyond: Transnational Human Rights Trials in Argentina and Italy
- SARC Book Launch: Salvation In Indian Philosophy (Ionut Moise)
- Global Security Challenges Workshop in Brazil
- REES Professor Paul Chaisty speaking on BBC News
- Nayanika Mathur interviewed on Jeremy Vine Show
- Former member of the Nissan Institute, Dr Ekaterina Hertog to head one of the 6 projects funded by ESRC to explore effects of AI on society and economy in UK and Japan
- Russian organised crime under Putin – and after him
- Professor Miles Tendi has published the book "The Army and Politics in Zimbabwe"
- SARC Event: Chronic Illness in a Pakistani Labour Diaspora
- New blog about Vladimir Putin’s constitutional reforms
- Dr Satoshi Araki publishes article in the American Sociological Review
- New initiative to integrate Japanese teaching, public engagement and outreach at Pembroke College
- 'The Caucasus : Oil, Conflicts and Struggle for Independence' course available
- Dr Uma Pradhan wins two research grants
- Dr Uma Pradhan wins two research grants
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar: new book published this month
- Roundtable on “The Future of Area Studies: Challenges and Opportunities”
- European Area Studies Networking Workshop
- Film screening: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
- OICSD Event: Women Global Thinkers: Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
- Oxford-India Initiative (Ind-Ox) Launch
- Electoral Practices in post-Independent Chile, 1820-1830
- Former MPhil in Modern Japanese Studies and current DPhil candidate Olga Puzanova publishes a new article called 'Contemplating a Russia-Japan Rapprochement'
- Democratic backsliding in the EU enlargement region
- Professor Nayanika Mathur writes an afterword to a special issue on the anthropology of bureaucracy in Social Anthropology journal
- Dr David Maziashvili speaking on Georgian Public Broadcasting
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky publishes a new article
- Party people: electoral candidates, party change and party system evolution in Central and Eastern Europe
- Reaching the converted: understanding the methods of informant enrolment in East Germany
- SARC Event: Hindu-Muslim Relations: What Europe might learn from India
- Informal Practices in Brazil - A report on the Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Manager Selection and Student Learning: Evidence from a National Reform in Peru
- 50th Anniversary of the Department of African and African American Studies, Harvard University
- Jewish Book Week and OJC Event: Theodor Herzl
- Theodor Herzl’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ - Africa and Africans in Early Zionist Thought
- Contextualising the Venezuelan Migration Flow
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura's article appears in the Critical Asian Studies Journal
- Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective: Minority Presidents in Multiparty Systems
- **CANCELLED** LAC Main Seminar Series: The (un)making of the resilient subject in Guatemala’s colonial disasterscape
- Race and Women Migrants in London
- New Zealand’s Flawed Fishing Practices
- The Impact of Coronavirus on the Economies of Latin America
- India's new observer status with the Indian Ocean Commission
- No MSAS Seminars in Trinity Term 2020
- Globalization and the History of Epidemics in Latin America
- Professors Paul Chaisty (REES/DPIR) and Timothy Power (Head of OSGA) are awarded the 2019 Robert Elgie best paper prize by the Presidential Politics Group of the European Consortium of Political Research
- Coffee and Science: Blood and Memory in the Brazilian 'Sertão': the Dystopian Future and Redemptive Pasts of 'Bacurau'
- LAC Online Round Table: The Coronavirus Global Crisis and Latin America
- IMCC website launch and upcoming events
- OTJR SEMINAR SERIES.Online Seminar:Out of Bounds - Can Transitional Justice Address Transnational Human Rights Violations?
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: The Republican Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
- COVID-19 in Latin America Round Table Series: The Impact of Coronavirus on the Politics of Latin America
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: Inequality and difference in Brazilian water governance
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: Evolving diseases: conversation with Nuno Faria, epidemiologist studying COVID-19 in Brazil
- LAC History Seminar Series: Beatriz Allende: A Revolutionary Life in Cold War Latin America
- Coronavirus, Globalization and Latin America
- Professor Nayanika Mathur on telling the story of the pandemic
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: Malcolm Deas talks to Margarita Garrido
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020
- ODID/LAC - UNDP Special Roundtable: Power, Governance and Inequality in Latin America in the Era of Pandemics
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: Reflexos da Covid-19 no Sistema Juridico brasileiro: questões regulatórias, trabalhistas, tributárias e contratuais (Em Portugues)
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: Jeffrey Needell talks to Gabe Paquette
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: Importação e transmissão local precoce da COVID-19 no Brasil em 2020 (Em Portugues)
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Week 9
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Week 6
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Week 7
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Week 8
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Week 5
- LAC History Seminar Series:Economic and Ecological Violence in 20th century Mexico, a joint seminar with CIDE in Mexico
- COVID-19 in Latin America Round Table Series: Latin American Literature in the Times of Epidemics
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: O impacto da pandemia nas favelas e periferias do Brasil
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: Os desafios municipais no combate à pandemia
- The Press and Civil Society in Mexico, 1940-1976
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar:The Untold Story of the Panama Canal
- Graduate Seminar Recognised Students
- Iyone Agboraw
- Coffee & Science Online Talks 2020: A imprensa em tempos instáveis
- Professor Nayanika Mathur on the Rhodes Must Fall protests
- South Asia from Afar
- Statement on Recent Events
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura publishes new book
- Cyclone Amphan: Living through the Climate Crisis
- Barbara Harriss-White publishes article in "The Wire"
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship for Dr Barbara Piotrowska
- South Asia from Afar
- We are pleased to announce a new arrival at the Nissan Institute, Dr Giulio Pugliese joins initially us as British Academy Post-doctoral Fellow, and from January 2021 as Departmental Lecturer in Japanese Politics and International Relations
- *** CANCELLED*** Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Trinity Term 2020. Summer events
- Performance and Power in Delhi
- Professor Lena Salaymeh awarded prestigious British Academy Global Professorship to join Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- New study in Science on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Brazil
- OICSD Event: Diluting Green Protection: Environmental Politics in India during COVID-19
- Professor Polly O'Hanlon elected a British Academy Fellow
- The national(ist) necropolitics of masks
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky has published the post Common Decency in the Populist Era in Anthropology News
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky and Dr Robin Smith publish a special article for the journal Social Analysis
- New Research Project website launched: Education.Southasia
- South Asia from Afar 3
- Dr Lessa’s “Operation Condor” project features as impact case study on the University webpage
- Stolen Works, Stolen Lives: Racial Erasure, Exclusion and Dispossession in Academic Publishing
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 1: Sandy Kedar (Haifa): Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 3: Hadeel Abu Hussein (Oxford): Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, Equality Struggle
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 5: Nahshon Perez (Bar-Ilan) and Yuval Jobani (Tel Aviv): Governing the Sacred: Political Toleration in Five Contested Sacred Sites
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 7: Peter Bergamin (Oxford): Guns and Moses: Jewish anti-British Resistance during the Mandate for Palestine
- South Asia from Afar 4
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 2: Yair Wallach (SOAS): Language of Revival or Conquest? Hebrew in the Streets of early 20th century Jerusalem
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 4: Danielle Drori (Oxford): Yosef Klausner in Translation: Zionism and Christianity
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 6: Yuval Evri (KCL): The Return to Al-Andalus: Disputes Over Sephardic Culture and Identity Between Arabic and Hebrew
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 8: Rose Stair (Oxford): Age and gender in German-language cultural Zionism
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 7: Jeko Khere So Khaye (He who tills has the right to eat): 'development' and the politics of agrarian reform in late 1940s and early 1950s in Sindh
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 6: Domestic Devotion: Jain Wooden House Shrines from Gujarat in American Museum Collections
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 5: Rajput Loyalties in the Mughal Age
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 4: Domestic audience costs and foreign policy making in India: Recent shifts in the BJP's strategy
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 3: “Chai – why?” The making of the Indian “national drink”
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 2: Pandemic as event: thinking modern Indian society through a crisis
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT20: Week 1: Global histories of hierarchy? Reflections from India on caste, race and the Black Lives Matter movement
- Barter in business: Making money without cash in the Croatian wine sector
- IndOx Inaugural Webinar
- Professor Mallica Kumbera Landrus features in latest 'Object, Story, Wonder' video produced by the Bagri Foundation
- The Welfare State and Social Entrepreneurship: A Model of Solidarity
- The New Party Challenge: Party Politics in Central Europe and Beyond
- Covid-19 mobilities, blockages and changing transnational practices of East European migrants in Northern Ireland
- Forced Displacement from Ukraine’s War-Torn Territories: Intersectionality and Power Geometry
- Coming In: Sexuality Politics and EU Accession in Serbia
- The Red Mirror: Putin's Leadership and Russia's Insecure Identity
- Unstable Archives presents: Digital Archives in South Asian Studies: Towards Decolonisation
- The Resilience of the Vory-v-Zakone in the 20th Century
- Karuna Dietrich Wielenga publishes article in The Caravan
- Maryam Aslany's new book published
- Lena Salaymeh publishes blog-post on “The Eurocentrism of Secularism”
- Post-Communist Economies published an article of relevance to the Covid-19 pandemic by Chris Davis, Senior Research Fellow of REES
- Ann Waswo, 1940-2020
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series MT 2020, Week 6: Retorno às aulas na Educação Básica no Amazonas/Brasil e os impactos da Pandemia do COVID-19
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series MT 2020, Week 4:Urban mobility and inequality in Access to opportunities
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series.Week 2: Saúde mental, atenção primária e COVID 19 no Brasil: impactos de um contexto de desgoverno
- Nissan Seminar: Compressed Development and Japan
- Oxford Centre for Global History: Legacies of Colonialism: Escaping the Global Event: India, Islam and the Great War
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 5/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 6/13
- European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) release new analysis written by REES' Dr Leila Alieva
- 'Political Economy of Natural Resources and Rentier States' Course now Open for Registration
- LAC Main Seminar Series:US Presidential and Latin America - Round table
- LAC Main Seminar Series:COVID-19 and Social Protection Responses in Latin America
- Nissan Seminar: Education, Equality, and Meritocracy in a Global Age: The Japanese Approach
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Volatility Curse: Exogenous Shocks and Representation in Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: Cuba in the Caribbean Cold War: Exiles, Revolutionaries and Tyrants, 1952-1959
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Is Latin America Immune to the Populist Radical Right? Analysing the Case of Chile
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economies of Latin America
- Nissan Seminar: Marriage and Marriageability: The Practices of Matchmaking between Men from Japan and Women from Northeast China
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the 21st Century
- LAC History Seminar Series:The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s-1950s
- LAC History Seminar Series: Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement, 1910s-1940s
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020. Week 2
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020. Week 6
- LAC Main Seminar Series:Implementation of the Final Peace Accord in Colombia: Current State, Challenges and Opportunities
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 1: The Dictatorship Syndrome
- Takehiko Kariya and Jeremy Rappleye have recently published “Education, Equality, and Meritocracy in a Global Age: the Japanese Approach”
- Giulio Pugliese publishes in Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
- Brazilians at Oxford work on COVID-19 research
- LAC History Seminar Series: Popol Vuh: A Retelling
- LAC History Seminar Series: The intellectual History of Latin America – a round table
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Aztecs – a round table
- LAC History Seminar Series: The structure of political conflict: kinship-based factions in the Chilean Congress, 1828-1894
- LAC History Seminar Series: Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture
- Guy Futi
- Teal Mingledorff
- Jan Farfal
- Song Tang
- Xiaowan Cang
- Talia Kollek
- Dr Nadine Willems, former MSc student in Modern Japanese Studies publishes book Ishikawa Sanshirō’s Geographical Imagination
- Nissan Seminar: Family-Run Universities in Japan
- Vacancy at REES
- Nissan Seminar: Japanese Resistance to American Financial Hegemony: Global Versus Domestic Social Norms
- Nissan Seminar: Matsuo Bashô 松尾芭蕉 and the Poetics of Fûkyô風狂
- "Family-run Universities in Japan: Sources of Inbuilt Resilience in the Face of Demographic Pressure, 1992 - 2030" by Professor Roger Goodman and Dr Jeremy Breaden
- Nissan Seminar: New Directions in Japan’s Security: Non-US Centric Evolution
- 30th Sir Peter Parker Awards for Spoken Business Japanese
- In Defense of Area Studies in the UK: Solidarity with Colleagues at the University of London
- Zhihang Wang
- Anna Davis (nee Davidson)
- MPhil in Global and Area Studies
- Somali Kinship and Bureaucratic Governance at Dagahaley Refugee Camp in Kenya
- Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation
- Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation
- Technocracy, Populism and good governance: what Nigeria can teach us about the global crisis of democracy
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020. Week 4
- The Globally Familiar: Mediating masculinities in Delhi, India
- Contingency, Futurity, and Ethics: Photographic ethnographies from Nepal, India, and Bangladesh
- Paul Chaisty and Stephen Whitefield publish new research on the electoral success of Volodymyr Zelensky’s ‘Servant of the People’ Party
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 2: Authoritarian or Revolutionary? Reflections on the Nature of the State in the Islamic Republic of Iran
- “Someone has to be the First”: Tracing Uruguay’s Marijuana Legalisation Through Counterfactuals
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 7/13
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 3: Illiberal liberals and the future of dictatorship in Egypt
- Classes of Labour: work and life in a central Indian steel town
- Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Seminar: Beastly Identification: conservationist legal regimes and documents in the government of big cats in India
- Lawino's People: The Acholi of Uganda by Okot p'Bitek, Frank Knowles Girling
- Presidential Campaigns stops in Ghana
- (Un)dressing the nation: Power, Dress and Sexuality in Malawian Popular Art
- (Un)dressing the nation: Power, Dress and Sexuality in Malawian Popular Art
- South Africa After the Rainbow
- Oxford India Centre event: India's Agrarian Economy: Farm Bills, COVID-19 & Climate Change
- Governing the Urban in China and India
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 8/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 9/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 10/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 11/13
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 4: The New Populist Nationalism in Saudi Arabia
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 5: The Trajectory of the Tunisian Revolution: Between Continuities and Disjunctures
- Oxford Climate Research Network Showcase
- Through Wind and Ice: Communicating the Climate Crisis
- Sarfraz Lecture 2020: The Politics of Propriety: Feminist Actions, Culture & Cultural Rights in Pakistan
- Article 'Fragile interdependence: the case of Russia-EU relations' by former REES graduate Huawei Zheng
- Peripatetic Lives
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 1/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 2/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 3/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 4/13
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 6: Apocalymbo: Trickster Politics in the Age of the Pandemic
- IndOx Webinar: South Asian Philanthropy and the Arts
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series MT 2020, Week 8: What is the role of vote buying? An ethnographic study of elections in rural Brazil
- Article by MSc student, Jan Minke Contreras, published in the Bulletin of Latin American Research
- 74 Years of Partition: panel event
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 7: Why Syria Still Matters and Why Assad is Still There
- Presentation by REES Georgian Studies Fellow Dr Tamar Pataridze
- Webinar with Professor Chris Gerry, REES Programme Director
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 8: The logic of chaos: The pattern of dictatorships
- Chinese children’s voices
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 13/13
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 12/13
- Francesca Lessa writes the opening chapter of SERPAJ’s 2020 Human Rights Report
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Creative Construction: The Rise of Mass Infrastructure in Latin America
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Political Economies of Energy Transition: Wind and Solar Power in Brazil and South Africa
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The (un)making of the resilient subject in Guatemala’s colonial disasterscape
- John Fell Grant awarded to Andreza de Souza Santos
- LAC History Seminar Series: Informal Empire and Internal Colonialism in Latin America, c. 1810-1930
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The matters with evangelical lives in Brazil: Ethnographic notes about race and religion in 21st century Brazil
- Summary outline of MPhil in Global and Area Studies Programme
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Confronting ongoing Legacies of Violence and Division: Ethnographic Research in Violent ‘Transitioning’ Societies
- New book on inequality by Professor Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
- LAC Inaugural Lecture: Watch the recording now
- Special issue in the Australian Journal of International Affairs
- Dr Natalia Doan publishes article, "Samurai and Southern Belles: Interracial Romance, Southern Morality, and the 1860 Japanese Embassy," in the Journal of Social History
- Professor Maria H.A. Jaschok publishes new book: Ethnographies of Islam in China
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Estallido - The beginning of the end for neoliberalism in Chile?
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 1: Tal Shamur (Cambridge): The emergence of melancholic citizenship at the urban periphery: The case of south Tel Aviv protest against global migration
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 3: Anna Prashizky (Western Galilee College): Connecting Ethnicity and Space: The New Russian-Mizrahi-Mediterranean Pop Culture in Israel’s Periphery
- LAC Main Seminar Series:Indigenous Resistance to Narco Rule: Social Movements, Participatory Institutions, and Grassroots Community Policing in Mexico
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: Historia conceptual en el Atlántico Ibérico
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: Black Women, the Law, and the Making of a White Argentine Republic’
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: Tides of Revolution: Information, Insurgencies, and the Crisis of Colonial Rule in Venezuela, 1789-1808
- Tertulia at the Latin American History Seminar: The Mexican-American War, 1846-48
- LAC History Seminar Series: Why Does Mexico Have so Many Newspapers? A Historical Accounting, 1914 to the Present
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 5: Jamie Stern-Weiner (OSGA): IHRA: The Politics of a Definition
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 7: Yael Berda (Hebrew University): Living Emergency: Israel's Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 2: Adam Sutcliffe (KCL): Light Unto the Nations: The Idea of Jewish Purpose and the Emergence of Zionism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 4: Daniel Herskowitz: Between Exclusion and Intersection: Heidegger’s Philosophy and Jewish Volkism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 6: Maja Gildin Zuckerman: The Pragmatism of Proto-Zionism: Tracing Jewish Nation-building through a Cultural Sociological Framework
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 8: Elana Shapira: Berta Zuckerkandl and Her Circle: Austrian Nationalism and Zionism in Viennese Modernism
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 1: Kalki and the Mahdi: The Twenty-Four Avatars of the Dasam Granth
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 2: State Highway 31: A road trip through the heart of modern India
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 3: A Contrapuntal History of Hindustan
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 4: Delusional states: Love, Citizenship and Resistance in Gilgit-Baltistan
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 5: Encountering Kabir: From Old Manuscripts to Living Oral Traditions
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 6: Communist Internationalism and Decolonization in South Asia
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 7: The Play of the Guru: Braj Historical Poetry in Early Modern Punjab
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 1/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 2/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 3/11
- Nissan Seminar: Censorship in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Japan and the V&A since 1984: A Curatorial Travelogue
- Nissan Seminar: Military Discipline and Japanese War Crimes, 1941-45. This seminar is in memory of Ann Waswo.
- Nissan Seminar: Repositioning Japan in the Multi-layered Diversity of Asia: The Launch of Asian Families and Intimacies
- Nissan Seminar: The Dual Structure of Japanese Society: A Perspective on Work, Education, and Politics in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: The Shipshape Archive: Rethinking Global History through Meiji Japan. This seminar is in memory of Ann Waswo.
- Nissan Seminar: The Japanese Holistic Educational Framework during the Pandemic and its Implications
- Nissan Seminar: The Politics of Emotion and the ‘History Problem’ in Sino-Japanese Relations
- Leverhulme Visiting Professor Dr Agnieszka Koscianska publishes new book
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 1: Nation and Its Discontents: The Poetics and Politics of Siraiki Nationalism in Pakistan
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Transition in Venezuela? Challenges for the Rule of Law and Human Rights in 2021
- An Affair with a Village by Joy Hendry
- REES alumnus Alexandre Gianasso appointed a Commercial Manager at the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Backlash against Global Health: Brazil and Aids, 2007-2019
- LAC History Seminar Series: Agrarian Reform and Political Change under Peru’s Military Government
- The Growth of Russian Influence in Africa
- Russia's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Left, Right, no Center: Radical Nationalism and Youth Activism in Contemporary Europe
- On Emancipatory Blackness in Central and Southeast Europe
- ‘A woman should follow her own conscience’: Understanding Catholic involvement in demonstrations against the abortion ban in Poland
- Anthropology After Gluckman: The Manchester School, Colonial and Postcolonial Transformations
- Presence and Social Obligation: An Essay on the Share
- Anusocratie? Freemasonry, Sexual Transgression and Illicit Enrichment in Postcolonial Africa
- An Expatriate Family in the Nigerian Civil War
- The History of Public Preaching and Public Sound in Northern Nigeria
- The Intimate State: Teachers as Fault Line Between Repression and Revolution
- Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs
- The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 2: Gandhian Satyagraha in the Mirror of Marxism
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 1: Algeria and Sudan: A Late Spring or an Early Summer?
- Oxford Minds Lecture - Power: how does it work in the global economy?
- Oxford Minds Lecture - Power: how does it work in the global economy?
- Refugees, minority citizens and the law: Sindh’s deterritorialised partition
- Individualism and attitudes towards reporting corruption: evidence from post-communist economies
- Staying out of trouble: criminal cases against Russian mayors
- United by the state: the social roots of authoritarian power in Russia
- What kind of firms get government support in Russia? The analysis of priority change during crises
- Flying with the stars: performance, loyalty, and awards in the Soviet air force during WWII
- Blame attribution and the politics of Covid in Russia
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 2: Iraq and Lebanon – Revolt Against Sectarianism?
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021.Week 9
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021.Week 5
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021. Week 3
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021.Week 7
- Brazilian Studies Programme signs cooperation agreement for academic research with Brazil Supreme Court
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series HT2021, Week 2: Accessing healthcare via courts in Brazil: a socio-legal discussion
- Gender and Sexuality Studies Under Attack in Central-Eastern Europe
- Village Fascists of the post-socialist European Union: what makes them different?
- Who are the Protesters in Belarus?
- The consolidation of authoritarian rule in rural Hungary: workfare and the shift from penal populist to illiberal paternalist poverty governance
- *Event Cancelled* Ahmed, the Megaphone, and the Assembly of New Political Subjects
- “Like a game of RisiKo”: tacticising a water war in the Balkan Mountains
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 3: The Making of "Veer Savarkar": Methods for Writing an Intellectual History
- New REES Publications!
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 4: The Curious Career of Shunya: Politics and Metaphysics of Caste Thinking in India
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 5: Bedil’s Bisemic Ghazal Poetics
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 6: On Violence or the Civil War of 1947 and the Importance of Indian Political Thought
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 4/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 5/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 6/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 7/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 8/11
- Oxford Minds Panel - 'Power: what does it mean for states, markets, and society?'
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 3: The Place of Religion After the Uprisings
- REES Alumna Cordelia Buchanan Ponczek's CEPA Report
- Depictions of Post-COVID-19 Futures in Russian International Media: Multimodal Viewpoint Analysis
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series HT2021, Week 4: Genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil: mutations, lineages, and vaccines
- Eduardo Posada-Carbó on the Colombian journalist and political chronicler Julio H. Palacio (1875-1951)
- Space: How is society being geographically reconfigured?
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 4: Libya: Past, Present and Future
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series HT2021, Week 6: Creating ‘Confederate pioneers’: settler colonialism, slavery, and memory in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, São Paulo
- Coffee and Science Seminar Series HT2021, Week 8: Working time on digital platforms: the essence of workers’ time
- Joan Martínez Alier Awarded the Balzan Prize. We publish here a text by Laurence Whitehead where he remembers him, from his first visit to the Latin American Centre
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 5: ‘Story of Workers, Narrated by Workers’: Print Worlds of Indian Labour in Late Colonial India
- Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Qatari Women and the Labour Market - Towards an Empowering Alternative
- Russia and the Arab Uprisings
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 6: Tunisia: Unfinished Revolutions (Held jointly with the British-Tunisian Society)
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Debating The Law, Creating Gender
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 6: ‘The Law is just Background Noise’: The Political Economy of Land in Urban Pakistan
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 7: Qassab as Quraish: The Politics of the All India Jamiat ul-Quraish in Colonial United Provinces
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 8: The Politics of Expectation: Communism in Colonial India
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 9: Reading Gandhi in his Context: Situating the Self, the Other and the Political
- SAPT seminar: HT21 wk 10: Bombay Hustle: Making Movies in a Colonial City
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 9/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 10/11
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar Winter 2021 11/11
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 7: Graduate Student Research Presentations
- SAIH Seminar: HT21 Wk 8:
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Rethinking South Asian migration and diaspora
- OICSD Event: Informality and Social Protection in the Global South: Reflections from Indian Cities
- OICSD Event: Reimagining Sustainable Cities: Environmentalism and Equity in Urban India
- OICSD/SARC Event: Food Security and Farm Laws in India
- Socialist Sexualities: Expert Knowledge and Intimate Revolutions in Poland and Czechoslovakia
- Gender and Infrastructure: Intersections between Postsocialist and Postcolonial Geographies
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Alternative histories of humanitarianism in South Asia
- OICSD Event: Natural Resource Management, Conservation and Climate Change in India
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Intimate spaces of internationalism in South Asia
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Artistic, literary, professional and business entanglements across and beyond South Asia
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 7: Counter-Revolutions Vs. Counter-Marginalization Movements (Re)Visiting the Online Tug-of-War a Decade After the Arab Spring
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar: new article and podcast for ReOrient
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 8: Iran and the Arab Uprisings: Opportunity Grasped or Squandered?
- Dr Mihail Chiru's new article: Electoral incentives for territorial representation in the European Parliament
- OSGA DPhil Anna J. Davidson has been awarded a Doctoral Research Fellowship with The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Within and beyond foreign affairs ministries: Institutions of international relations in South Asia
- KCL Event: South Asia Unbound: Changing imaginaries of South Asia
- Theodore Stapleton wins the Ko Cheuk-hung Prize for the best thesis 2019- 2020
- Michael Sharkey wins the Ko Cheuk-hung Prize for the best thesis 2019-2020
- REES' Dr Agnieszka Koscianska interviewed for The Fourcast
- Special issue in Democratization edited by Timothy Power and Jamie Loxton
- The South America Wine Guide Wine Tasting
- ONLINE BOOK LAUNCH: Gender, Pleasure, and Violence with author Dr Agnieszka Kościańska
- Gender, the economy of care and sustainable development in Azerbaijan
- Challenges of building a knowledge society
- Rural Azerbaijan: land reforms, migration, and moral economy in the post-Soviet period
- Private sector development and sustainability issues in post-oil Azerbaijan
- Child wellbeing and child savings accounts in Azerbaijan: theory and possible policy design
- The petroleumscape of Baku: past, present and the implications for the future
- From synergy to discord? The future of the Sino-Russian status partnership
- Covid-19 and Political Support in Russia
- Georgia's Europeanization: performative games and peculiarities of ‘enforced socialization’
- Dostoevsky at 200: a roundtable
- A conversation with poet and prose-writer Maria Stepanova
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar TT21 Wk 1: Capturing Institutional Change: the Case of the Right to Information Act in India
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 4: Between Exclusion and Intersection: Heidegger’s Philosophy and Jewish Volkism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 2: The Road Not Taken: The Sephardi Vision of Jewish-Arab Co-Existence in Palestine
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 8: Lederhosen, Dirndl and a Sense of Belonging: Jews and Trachten in pre-1938 Austria
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 7: Rachel Rojanski (Brown): “A Foreign and Grating Language”? Yiddish In Israel – A History
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 5: Paula Kabalo (Ben Gurion): The "Third" Side of the Coin: a Bottom-Up History of Israel's War of Independence
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 3: Michal Shaul (Herzog College): Holocaust Memory and the Rehabilitation of the Ultraorthodox Society in Israel
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 1: “Jews, open your eyes, wait, why hurry?” Public health and the cultural politics of protection in Jerusalem
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar TT21 Wk 2: Maoists, Peasant Rebellion and State Formation in Post-colonial Northwest Pakistan
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar TT21 Wk 3: The Place of Many Moods: Udaipur’s Painted Lands and India’s Eighteenth Century
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar TT21 Wk 4: Printing the Urdu Public: Madinah Newspaper and Lithography as a Muslim Technology
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 1: Theft of Time: Notes on Spolia and the Writing of Indian History
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 2: Emotions and Temporalities: On Ghosts, Jinns and their Exorcism
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 3: "Our History": The Everyday Social and the Sense of Historical Touch
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 4: Pure Kashmir: Nature in the Political Thought of Sheikh Abdullah, Muhammad Iqbal and Jawaharlal Nehru
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 6: A Historian among the Goddesses of Modern India
- Back to the Armchair? Research ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 7: Monuments in Replica: Imperial Commemorations in Britain and its Colonies
- SAIH Seminar: TT21 Wk 8: Conceptual Problems in Distinguishing Global from Planetary Histories
- Call for papers: Decolonial Comparative Law Workshop
- MEC Webinar: TT21: Week 1: Hamid Dabashi in conversation about his new book: The Last Muslim Intellectual: The Life and Legacy of Jalal Al-e Ahmad
- Russia and the Arab Spring
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 1/6
- African Studies Centre Annual Lecture. From Below: New Youth Politics in Africa
- Idi Amin and the Idea of Africa
- *** CANCELLED *** Continuity and Change in USA-Africa Policy
- Book Launch: Path to Genocide in Rwanda: Security, Opportunity, and Authority in an Ethnocractic State
- The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar
- Researching Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth
- War, Memory and Poetry
- **** CANCELLED*** The Struggle for Gender Equality in South Africa’s Road to Democracy
- New publication by Dr Agnieszka Koscianska
- Comparing the Copperbelt project: ‘Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities’
- Guy Futi, DPhil in Area Studies (Africa) publishes along with Jamie McLeod 'Covid-19 Impact on E-Commerce Africa by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa'
- Dartmouth College Event: Conversations on South Asia: Weaving Histories
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Closure Keynote: The Brazilian Supreme Court in Pandemic Times
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Panel 4. Uncertainty and fragmented policy strategies: the pandemic in Brazil
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Panel 5. Brazil’s populist authoritarian grip: What is at stake for Brazilian democracy
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Panel 2. Doing one’s job versus keeping one’s job: strategies of dissent
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Opening Panel: Fake news and the exercise of democracy in contemporary Brazil
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Panel 3. "O estado é laico mas o governo é cristão”: religious groups in politics - between tolerance and intolerance
- A new monograph 'Shakespeare’s Postmodernism' by Prof. David Maziashvili
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 2/6
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 3/6
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 4/6
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 5/6
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar summer 2021 6/6
- Nissan Seminar: Reworking Japan: Changing Men at Work and Play under Neolibralism
- Nissan Seminar: Ninjō and Sōseki's Writing of "Literature" in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Pirate of Precarity: The Fictive Afterlives of Idemitsu Sazō
- Nissan Seminar: Life Stories of Indian Migrants in Tokyo: Fairytales and Nightmares
- Nissan Seminar: Deciphering pre-modern Japanese manuscripts: kuzushiji recognition systems and AI
- SAPT seminar: TT21 wk 2: Reconstructing a ‘good’ school: Materials, affects, and meanings of education in post-earthquake Nepal
- Vaccine diplomacy and the geopolitics of influence
- LAC History Seminar Series: Latin America and the Radicalization of U.S. Abolition
- LAC History Seminar Series: Usos y Abusos de Bolívar
- LAC Main Seminar Series: An Injection of Fury: The Childhood Memories of an Indigenous Militant in Late-Twentieth Century Mexico
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Next New Normal for Racial Equality in Latin America: The Relativity of Progress and Power
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Democratic Challenges and Opportunities in Ecuador: Lessons from the 2021 General Elections/ Round Table
- International Conference on States, local jurisdictions and borderlands in Europe and the Americas, c.1713-1914
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Voicing Affect
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Voicing the Self
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Claiming Voice
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Public Voice
- SAPT seminar: TT21 wk 3: Scales of Contempt: Language Politics and Public Assertion in Early 20th Century Western India
- To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education
- REES MSc student Tina Maglakelidze receives a Fulbright Award
- Conference: The CCP’s 100-year trajectory through the prism of its founding principles: Organization, ideology, social bases, modernization and nation-building agenda
- Conference: Comparing the Copperbelt: Social history and knowledge production in Central Africa
- MEC Webinar: TT21: Week 4: War on Bodies: Moral Immunity and the Psychopolitics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran
- SAPT seminar: TT21 wk 5: The Cosmopolitan Standard of Civilization: A Critical Sociology of Elite Belonging Inside the Indian Foreign Service
- REES Alumnus Pierre Thévenin's new article on Soviet and Russian approaches to the international law of the sea
- REES MSc student Theresa Lütkefend's report on veterans in Ukraine
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Women's Negotiating Respectability between the Space of the Prison and the Place of Woman, Egypt 1946-1965
- Can we achieve complete regional collaboration in the EastMed?
- Educating Sex. Under Socialism and After
- SAPT seminar: TT21 wk 6: Wealth, Internationality, and Elite Education in Urban Nepal: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives
- SAPT seminar: TT21 wk 7: Language and 'Postcolonial Shame': Attitudes towards Mother Tongues amongst the Contemporary Urban Youth in India
- Call for papers - Education in Crisis Conference 2021
- IMCC researchers are co-mentoring 9 out of 12 fully-funded 'Google Summer of Code 2021' student projects
- New article: 'A Prominent Spy: Mehdi Ben Barka, Czechoslovak intelligence and Eastern Bloc espionage in the Third World during the Cold War'
- Appointment of Professor Timothy Power as Head of Division
- Nayanika Mathur's new book published
- Vacancy: Departmental Lecturer in Modern South Asian Studies
- Education in Crisis: Re-thinking Education in (Post)-Pandemic South Asia
- The power of rules or the rule of power?
- Nationalistic Trends in Archaeology of the South Caucasus
- 'Nash Krai', the journal of regional studies in Soviet Belarus (1923-1930): our region or our nation?
- The 1923 party controversy: the fall of party democracy and the rise of Stalin
- The strange afterlife of Prussia in the German Democratic Republic
- The Karabakh war: how Russia’s image has deteriorated in both Armenia and Azerbaijan
- Did Soviet hippies kill the Soviet project? Reflections on the nature of the 'sistema' and the end of the USSR
- Race on trial: understanding sexualized racism in socialist and postsocialist Poland
- Stalin's activists: the rank-and-file perpetrators of the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine
- Samizdat typists and the success of unofficial culture
- Dreams of a synaesthetic future: technologies of the deaf and blind in late Soviet Russia
- ‘Does Power Always Flow to the Executive? Interbranch Oscillations in Legislative Authority, 1976–2014’
- Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia 2021
- Civil Resistance: How Ideas, Peoples, and Movements can change Politics
- New article by Professor Yaacov Yadgar
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 1: Shay Hazkani: Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War
- International Conference on Maharashtra
- REES DPhil Candidate Jan Farfal Santander Fellow
- Contemporary Belarus: twenty years on – a discussion of key developments
- Stolen decades: the unfulfilled expectations of the Belarusian economic miracle
- Agency, Gender, and Citizenship in Belarusian Protests
- Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar on the Georgian Stage
- Reimagining Revolution as an Oedipal Drama: Transformation of the Mother Figure in 1920s Soviet Georgian Revolutionary Films
- Europeans through Georgian Eyes in the Past and An Anti-Catholic Treatise by Bessarion Orbelishvili (18th c.)
- Social Anthropology Seminar: To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 1/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 2/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 3/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 4/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 5/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 6/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 7/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 8/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 9/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 1/10
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 2: Atalia Omer: Pathways toward a Jewish Israeli Restorative Ethics
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 3: Kathrin Bachleitner: A road towards atonement? Why only West Germany came to “atone” for the Nazi crimes.
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 4: Eldad Ben Aharon: Supporting Denial: Israel’s Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 5: Michael Karayanni: Religion and State among the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel: A Multicultural Entrapment
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 6: Amnon Aran: Israeli foreign policy since the end of the Cold War
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 7: Hagar Kotef: The Colonizing Self (Or: Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine)
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 8: Haggai Ram: The Social Life of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel: A Global History
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 1: Borders and Identities: Who is a “Bangladeshi” in Assam?
- Nissan Seminar: Black Transnationalism & Japan Conference
- Nissan Seminar: Gastropolitics in the 1853-54 Perry Expeditions to Japan
- Nissan Seminar: “Our Spirit Against Their Steel”–Japanese Popular Culture Goes to War
- Nissan Seminar: Northern Exposures: A View of Japanese History From the Sea of Okhotsk
- Nissan Seminar: Red/White/Yellow: Considering the Racial Situation in Japan from the Perspective of Marriage Discrimination Experienced by Ainu Women
- Nissan Seminar: The Cinematic Re-enactment of Naomi Kawase
- Nissan Seminar: Raihōshin: Gods, Demons, and Cultural Heritage
- Nissan Seminar: Radical Utopian Communities: Japan, South Africa, and Jamaica in the Early Twentieth Century
- Black in Japan: Shifting the Narrative - An article for Nippon.com by Warren A. Stanislaus, former MPhil in Modern Japanese Studies student
- Chinami Oka, former MSc in Modern Japanese Studies student (15/16), and now DPhil candidate in History has recently published a chapter (co-authored with Roger Goodman)
- Former MPhil student in Japanese Studies Will Fee publishes a blog in Japan Foward
- Former MSc in Modern Japanese Studies student (2009/2010) and DPhil student in History Yu Sakai has had his article Survive to be critical: The Wartime Graphic as a ‘masquerading’ media in the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 published
- It's Time to Solve the Kuril Islands Dispute by Olga Puzanova, former MPhil in Modern Japanese Studies student
- African Studies Centre Research Seminars: ‘No Longer the Sunshine City’: Economic Informalisation and the Crisis of Urban Modernity in Harare, Zimbabwe
- African Studies Centre Research Seminars: 'Colonial Impotence: Virtue and Violence in a Congolese concession (1911-1940)'
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 1: The making of a populist: Entering politics and autonomy-seeking in contemporary India
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 2: Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva “Secularism”
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 2: Affects as Technology of Rule: Militarism in Pakistan
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 3: Decolonise Mosquitoes
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 4: The Lessons of 1950: Partition, and the making of the India- Pakistan Dynamic
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 5: Citizenship, Publicness and the Politics of Inclusive Democracy in India
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar HT21 Wk 6: Hidden histories of science; Ammal, Darlington, Haldane, and India, 1930-1960
- Modern South Asian Studies seminar MT21 Wk 7: Atrocity Nation/State Amnesia: The Photographic Debris of the Sri Lankan Civil War
- Book Talk: History of Polish Sex Education
- To See a Moose - Leverhulme Lecture
- OSGA welcomes Professor Lenka Buštíková
- Congratulations to Dr Anna Wilson on John Fell OUP Research Grant
- Rethinking Area Studies: Examining the role of African Studies in the Global North
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 3: Feminist Historiography and the Political: Reflections on the Past and Future Tense
- International History of East Asia Seminar: ‘A Jinnah for Chinese Islam’: Muslim Politics between South Asia and China, 1940-1949
- ONE network/OICSD event: India’s Energy Challenge in an Unequal and Warming World
- Wolfson SARC Event: The Health System of India Learning from disarray under Covid-19 and ‘building back better’?
- MEC webinar: MT21 Wk 2: The politics of water scarcity in the case of Jordan
- Professor Maryam Alemzadeh to join MES/OSGA next year
- Professor Neil Ketchley joins MES/OSGA
- How can stories, histories, art and music help comprehend a planet in crisis?
- New urbanism, gender and violence in Gurgaon: Reports from India's Millennium City
- CSASP/OSGA welcomes Dr Thiruni Kelegama
- How can stories, histories, art and music help comprehend a planet in crisis?
- OSGA welcome Professor Denise van der Kamp
- “Dissidences sexuelles et de genre en URSS et dans l’espace postsoviétique; Sexual and Gender Dissent in the USSR and Post-Soviet Space”
- Special OSGA Lecture
- International History of East Asia Seminar: ‘Rockefeller Bolshevik: John Black Grant and the Conception of Modern Public Health in China and India’
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 4: The Nomos of the Globe: Currency, Empire and Financialization
- ODID Event: Book discussion on 'Mountain Tales: Love and Loss in the Municipality of Castaway Belongings' by Saumya Roy
- Education South Asia seminar series: Inaugural Lecture: Revisiting Local Language and Education Practices: From a Decolonial Lens
- ODID Event: Book discussion on 'Mountain Tales: Love and Loss in the Municipality of Castaway Belongings' by Saumya Roy
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The benefits of patronage: How political appointments can enhance bureaucratic accountability and effectiveness
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Hybrid Governance and the Management of Urban Violence and Human Insecurity in Latin American Cities
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Policy Preferences in Response to Large Migration Flows
- LAC Main Seminar Series: High-Risk Feminism in Colombia: Women’s Mobilization in Violent Contexts
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The benefits of patronage: How political appointments can enhance bureaucratic accountability and effectiveness
- University of Oxford event: Professor Amartya Sen in conversation with the Chancellor, Lord Patten of Barnes
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Exclusion and Resistance: The Betrayal of the Afghan Peace Process
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 3: The Blue-Clad Fennec: Authoritarian Environmentalism in Tunisia, and its Afterlives
- African Studies Research Seminar: Moral economy and beyond: Gold, gold mining, and contesting mineral wealth in mid-twentieth century Asante (Ghana)
- Vacancy: Departmental Lecturer in Quantitative Research Methods
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 5: Freedoms after Freedom: Lawyering as Political Practice in Post-Independent India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
- Who is Navalny? With Dr Ben Noble
- The Five Faces of Vladimir Putin: How Masculine Image Making has Served the Russian President
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Week 4: Environment Discounted: Energy and Economic Diversification
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 5: Air Pollution, Toxicity, and Environmental Politics in the History of Iranian Oil Nationalisation
- Russia-Israel relations after the fall of Netanyahu
- Megi Kartsivadze
- Alexander Soldatkin
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 6: They Refused to Tell Me Their Dreams: Psychoanalysis, Colonialism, Trans
- Book launch: Cultivating Democracy: Politics and Citizenship in Agrarian India
- MEC Webinar: The Tunisian Political Crisis; The End of Democracy?
- Yaacov Yadgar gives lecture at Gresham College
- Understanding Kashmir and the Nullification of Article 370: Law, History, and Politics, Michaelmas Term 2021: Panel 5
- Understanding Kashmir and the Nullification of Article 370: Law, History, and Politics, Michaelmas Term 2021: Panel 4
- Understanding Kashmir and the Nullification of Article 370: Law, History, and Politics, Michaelmas Term 2021: Panel 3
- Understanding Kashmir and the Nullification of Article 370: Law, History, and Politics, Michaelmas Term 2021: Panel 2
- Understanding Kashmir and the Nullification of Article 370: Law, History, and Politics, Michaelmas Term 2021: Panel 1
- LAC History Seminar Series: Las independencias hispanoamericanas frente a la contrarevolución
- BSP-OUBS Seminar Series: Agribusiness, democracy and climate politics in Brazil
- LAC History Seminar Series: Matters of Justice: Pueblos, the Judiciary, and Agrarian Reform in Revolutionary Mexico
- LAC History Seminar Series: Britain and the Growth of US Hegemony in Twentieth-Century Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: Latecomer State Formation. Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: El debate fundacional: Los orígenes de la historiografía chilena
- LAC History Seminar Series: A Class that Does (not) Matter: Rethinking Cold War Latin America from the Middle
- LAC History Seminar Series: Louis Agassiz and William James Visions on the Formation of a Racial Photographic Collection in Brazil of the second half of XIXth Century
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Sexual violence on trial. Impunity and transformative gender justice in post-conflict Latin America
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Navigating borderlands: Colombian migrant women in Antofagasta, Chile
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Face of Peace: Government Pedagogy amidst Disinformation in Colombia
- BSP-OUBS Seminar Series: Limpo e Bonito: aesthetics of land and body cultivation in frontiers of the Brazilian Amazon
- BSP-OUBS Seminar Series: Amazônia the Next Chapter: Beyond Fordlândia
- BSP-OUBS Seminar Series: "O sorriso aprovador", for a critical reading of late Machado de Assis
- BSP-OUBS Seminar Series: Brazil and the liberal international order: modernity, liminality, and stigma
- Cordelia Buchanan Ponczek
- Webinar with Miles Larmer and Sacha Hepburn
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 7: British Imperial Thought, British Nationality, and Overseas Indians after 1947
- World Futures: Multimodal Viewpoint Construction by Russian International Media Project
- SAIH Seminar: MT21 Wk 8: The Option of Nonviolence
- OICSD Event: Institutional Activism and Girls' Education in Rural India
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 8: What does political ecology tell us about the environmental crises in the Middle East?
- A new article co-written by REES MPhil student David Saveliev
- OSGA appoints new Associate Professor in African Studies
- Congratulations to Professor Christopher Gerry!
- MSAS Seminar: HT22, wk 1: Researching South Asia: Kashmir
- MSAS Seminar: HT22, wk 2: Researching South Asia: Bureaucracy
- MSAS Seminar: HT22, wk 3: Researching South Asia: Animals
- MSAS Seminar: HT22, wk 4: Researching South Asia: Climate Change
- Kasia N'Jie
- A new article by Agnieszka Kościańska, Agnieszka Kosiorowska and Natalia Pomian, “A woman should follow her own conscience”
- Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin’s Russia
- The New Kremlinology: Understanding Regime Personalization in Russia
- Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment
- Navalny: Putin’s Nemesis, Russia’s Future?
- Rentier Capitalism & Its Discontents. Power, Morality and Resistance in Central Asia
- Russia Rising: Putin's Foreign Policy in the Middle East and North Africa
- A Modern History of Russian Childhood
- Cold War Correspondents: Soviet and American Reporters on the Ideological Frontlines
- Congratulations to Lia Chokoshvili!
- The Evolution of the Central Asian Order
- The Russian-Turkish Partnership: Fire and Ice
- The 2014 Ukraine crisis: regime security as a cause of conflict between great powers and small neighbours?
- Russian relations with the Gulf States
- Authoritarian Contagion: Central Asia and the International Politics of the Pandemic
- Russia and Global University Rankings
- Russian Strategic Culture and the Coloured Revolutions
- Small states and foreign policy: systemic constraints and domestic filters in Georgia's foreign policy
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk1: Rule by Fear: Conceptualizing democracy and authoritarianism in Pakistan
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk2: How ‘Dynasty’ Became a Modern Global Concept: Intellectual Histories of Sovereignty and Property
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk3: "Downward Equalization”: A Gandhian Inversion of Dignity and Rights-Claims
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk4: A Debatable Empire
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 2/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 3/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 4/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 5/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 6/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 7/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 8/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 9/10
- "Kavi Kovid" – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 10/10
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 1: Book launch: Islam and the Arab Revolutions
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 2: The Fate of Colonial Elites in Post-Colonial Regimes: Evidence from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution
- Faculty of Law Event: Problematising Children’s Rights – Insights from Israel/Palestine
- Nissan Seminar: The Many Lives of a Japanese Classic: Sei Shōnagon’s Pillow Book
- Nissan Seminar: A Dislike for Translation: How Natsume Sōseki Disowns World Literature
- Nissan Seminar: Animation, Animism and Auras: How Disney and Ghibli Changed the World
- LAC History Seminar Series: Ink Under the Fingernails Printing Politics in Nineteenth-Century Mexico
- LAC History Seminar Series: In the Blood of our Brothers: Abolitionism and the End of the Slave Trade in Spain’s Atlantic Empire, 1800–1870
- LAC History Seminar Series: The World That Latin America Created: Development and Capitalism in the post-WWII Era
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Colombia's comprehensive transitional justice system: design and implementation
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Roundtable and Launch of The Costs of Inequality in Latin America: Lessons and Warnings for the Rest of the World by Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Roundtable on Academic Freedom in Mexico
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Normative evolutions across peace processes: the “Delito Político” in the Justice and Peace Process and Havana Peace Process.
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Migrant Remittances and Fiscal Policy Attitudes
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Does receiving a basic income encourage citizens to turn out to vote? Evidence from mayoral and general elections in Brazil
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Roundtable on the new book “Look Who’s Back: Recentralisation in Colombia” by Julián D. López Murcia
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Can political fiscal cycles be stopped? Evidence from a public spending ban near elections (with Luis R. Martínez)
- BSP - OUBS Brazilian Studies Seminar Series: Counting Corruption in Brazil: Evidence from a New Conviction Dataset
- Manimporok Dotulong publishes in Oxford Academic: Past and Present
- ‘Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China’s Maritime Frontier’
- Nissan Seminar: Spatial Description Perspectives in Contemporary Japanese
- Nissan Seminar: Ryukyuan languages
- Nissan Seminar: Repackaging Japanese Authors for the Anglophone Sphere in the 21st Century: Murakami, Kawakami, Murata and Beyond
- African Studies Research Seminar: Activism and Researching Activism - Protesting Policing in Nigeria
- African Studies Research Seminar: Youth Mobilisation in the 2021 Zambian Election
- "How Does the Ukraine Crisis Affect the Gulf" by Dr Diana Galeeva
- International Conference on Counting Caste: Breaking the Caste Census Deadlock
- MSAS/ASC Seminar: HT22, week 5: The Environment **CANCELLED**
- MSAS/ASC Seminar: HT22, week 6: Queer Politics
- MSAS/ASC Seminar: HT22, week 7: COVID-19
- MSAS/ASC Seminar: HT22, week 8: Corruption
- The Last Emperor of Mexico Panel discussion about Mexico and the United States in the 1860s
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk 5: Waiting for the People: Anticolonialism and the Idea of Democracy in India
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk 6: The Infrastructure of Rumor: Development and Democracy in a Postcolony
- ‘The Future Is Now: Theory and Method of the Newborn Socialist Thing’
- ‘Typographic Bodies: Futurist Biopoetics in Republican China’
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: A new form of cohabitation?
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: A new form of cohabitation?
- Dr Alieva awarded a Richard von Weizsacker fellowship at Robert Bosch Academy
- Kristy Bryant
- Call for papers for the 12th edition of the Genealogies of Memory conference History and Memory in International
- British Embassy Tokyo Interview with Warren Stanislaus for Black History Month
- DPhil candidate in History, Warren Stanislaus's research article is published in Japan Forum
- Dr. Mateja Kovacic won a three-year Early Career Scheme of the University Grants Committee, for her project Transnational Anarchist Digital Networks.
- DPhil candidate in History, Alice Baldock publishes in the Journal of Asian Studies
- Professor Takehiko Kariya publishes in Discuss Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Ainu: A head-marking language of the Pacific Rim
- ‘Jokebooks and Humour Publications in Late-Ming China’
- The Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia’
- MEC Webinar: A New Cold War in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)?
- African Studies Centre Seminar: Queer Politics
- ‘Politics of AI in China’
- ‘Back Down to the Countryside: Contextualizing the Fanxiangqingnian “Return Youth” Phenomenon, A case study of Heyang Village’
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Age of Revolutions in the Ibero-American World revisited
- Roundtable on Ukraine
- New Oxford Impacts video released on Operation Condor
- OSGA given Athena SWAN Bronze award
- Professor Amitav Acharya to be Astor Visiting Lecturer at OSGA in May 2022
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk 7: B.R. Ambedkar's Sociophilia and Other Anti-Caste Sciences
- ‘Foreigners and outsiders: Chinese views of Jesuit missionaries in the late Ming period’
- Ian R. Taylor SMU-University of Oxford Collaboration
- Statement on the Russian War against Ukraine
- SAIH Seminar: HT22 Wk 8: Reflections on Gandhi’s Anti-Modernism
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Rebel Scribe: Carleton Beals and the Progressive Challenge to US Policy in Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: In the Name of Christ: Lynching, Religion, and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Mexico (1930-1960)
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 8: Yemen's Enduring Crisis
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 7: Panel Discussion: The Future of Syria
- Guarding Sacred Objects: Care and Material Agency in Highland Svaneti
- Georgian Literature / Translation Project on ELN
- The Russian invasion of Ukraine and its public health consequences
- Competing identities of the past and future in Russia and Ukraine
- Russian public opinion and the impact of sanctions
- The Latin American Centre and the OAS
- Animals, spirits and the state among nomadic Siberian reindeer herders
- The Crimean Tatars: the end of an ethnos?
- Unity in diversity or unity as sameness? Russia's cultural and political homogenisation
- Yhyakh, a Siberian summer festival: historical and contemporary transformations
- Tradition and modernity in Soviet-era Kyrgyz and Latvian documentary film
- Translating Anna Nerkagi and Yuri Rytkheu
- "People, Not Ideology": On the struggle for LGBTQ rights in Poland
- Re-thinking education in South Asia
- LAC History Seminar Series: “Our Pan Americanism”: The Rise of the Inter-American System from a Different Vantage
- Contact building: emotional exchanges between counsellees and counsellors in the late socialist period in Poland
- The Grave Political Consequences of “Pragmatic” Energy Interests
- MSAS Seminar: TT22, wk 1: Fashioning Subjects: From Farmer, to Soldier, to Patriot
- MSAS Seminar: TT22, wk 2: ‘British Bolé Baap Re Baap’ - World War II and the Prospect of ‘Quit India’ in Bengal: ‘War’ Rumours and ‘Revolutionary’ Parties
- MSAS Seminar: TT22, wk 3: ‘Technology at the Wheel’: Computers, Data and Tech-Utopianisms in the Political Imagination of 1980s
- MSAS Seminar: TT22, wk 4: The Cosmopolitan Standard of Civilization: A Critical Sociology of Elite Belonging among Indian Diplomats
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 2: Ma'abarot - Not Just the Name of a Kibbutz: Portrayal of the Ma'abarot in the Israeli Culture, 1950-2015
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 3: Hollywood and Israel: A History
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 4: Is Zionism a “Left-Wing Melancholy”?
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 5: The Fear of Judaism in Israeli Culture
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 7: Religion, Change and Continuity in History - The Case Study of Modern Jewish History
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: The Brazilian Elections of 2022
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Democratic Support and Democratic Outcomes in Brazil, 1989-2021: A Multi-Method Approach
- LAC History Seminar Series: ‘The Things to Come’: Making the Most of Irremediable Humanity (Lima, 1605)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Tropical Illusions? Looking for Latin America's 'Early' Cold War
- LAC History Seminar Series: Robachicos: Historia del secuestro infantil en México (1900-1960)
- Putin's Russia: people increasingly identify with the Soviet Union – here's what that means
- Nissan Seminar: Reality, Technology and Power: the deep relationship of modern Japan with Physics and physicists
- Nissan Seminar: The UK-Japan Partnership in a Turbulent Era
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s Failed Nation Building: Okinawa, 1972-2022
- Nissan Seminar: International trade and the environment: Japan's commitment to sustainability clauses in free trade agreements
- Dr Giulio Pugliese writes in Japanese on the European Union's balancing act amidst deepening US-China competition during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Italy's embrace of the Belt and Road Initiative: populist foreign policy and political marketing by Giulio Pugliese and others
- REES MPhil student David Saveliev's new article
- Dr Julia Zulver publishes first book – High-Risk Feminism in Colombia: Women’s Mobilization in Violent Contexts – with Rutgers University Press.
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 1: Justice Beyond Rights
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 2: Seeing the People in Mughal India
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 3: Queer Azaadi and the origins of Indian homonationalism in Kashmir
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 4: Freedom Between Order and Chaos: Reading a Political Satire From India
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 5: Ma'na and War
- LAC History Seminar Series: Painting of Dissent: Race, Nation, and the Arts in Cuba, 1938-1959
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Roundtable discussion and launch of Hugo Rojas’ new book: Past Human Rights Violations and the Question of Indifference: The Case of Chile
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Oligarchy in the Americas: Comparing Oligarchic Rule in Latin America and the United States
- Dr Francesca Lessa and project partners in Uruguay, Chile and Argentina secure impact grant from Oxford’s ESRC IAA
- 21st Annual Aleksanteri Conference THE NEW ERA OF INSECURITY: How Russia’s War in Ukraine Changes the World
- REES DPhil candidate Anna J. Davis’ new OBO Policy Brief on ‘Implications of the Russian Occupation of Civil Nuclear Sites in Ukraine’
- Gender Wars: East and South
- UK-China relations: the role of British MPs in making policy
- Book Launch: Professor Henrietta Harrison (Oxford) “The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators between Qing China and the British Empire”
- Conversation II: Authenticity and Sincerity in Premodern China
- Dr Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, LAC course director and director of the Brazilian Studies Programme, received a John Fell Fund for her project “One Company Towns in Brazil”
- History of Universal Suffrage by Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbó
- LAC History Seminar Series: ‘Aquella república necesaria pero imposible’: The Rise and Fall of Colombia, 1821-1832
- LAC History Seminar Series: ¿Repúblicas fuertes o repúblicas democráticas? Polémicas en Argentina y ecos sudamericanos, 1860-1880
- LAC History Seminar Series: Practices of Political Representation in Early Republican Mexico
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Presentation of the 2022 IDB Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report
- LAC Main Seminar Series: US policy towards Cuba in the post-Cold War era: sanctions as a weapon of choice
- LAC Main Seminar Series: El gran fracaso: 150 años de capitalismo ineficiente, concentrador y excluyente en Centroamérica
- Georgia in Europe and the Wider World: The Inaugural Georgia-Oxford Forum
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 4/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 3/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 2/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 1/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 5/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 6/7
- "Kavi Kovid" - Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar 7/7
- Article by Dr Andreza A de Souza Santos (Director of the Brazilian Studies Programme and LAC Course Director) published by Contemporary Social Science
- New Paper published by Nature Medicine
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Book Launch: Economic Actors and the Limits of Transitional Justice: Truth and Justice for Business Complicity in Human Rights Violations
- Brazilian Studies Programme and Brazilian Society Seminar Series: Impunity of the Gods: The Political Elite in Brazil
- Brazilian Studies Programme and Brazilian Society Seminar Series: Brazilian Evangelicals in Guinea-Bissau: The rise of a new Lusophone Christianity in Atlantic West Africa
- "Mark Logan MP delivers the Contemporary China Studies Keynote Lecture on UK-China relations"
- Astor Visiting Lecture: Why is There No Global Racial Equality Norm? Power, Principle and Prejudice in the Origins of Multilateralism
- Governor of Jakarta visits OSGA
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 6: The Poetics of Hindutva
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 7: Pan-Nationalist Notions of Rights, Indian Khilafat Movement and the Treaty of Lausanne (1923)
- SAIH Seminar: TT22 Wk 8: ‘Jim-Crowed the World Over’: Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay and the Idea of the Global South
- OSGA REF 2021 Statement
- Online Research in China in a Time of No Access: Methods, Techniques and Tips
- Francesca Lessa’s second book 'The Condor Trials' released
- Grant Success, Dr Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, LAC Course Director and Director of the Brazilian Studies Programme, received an ESRC award for a transatlantic network project between the UK, Brazil, and the USA
- Book Launch: Political Party Membership in New Democracies, Dr Alison F. Smith
- Dr Makovicky and Prof Kościańska (University of Warsaw) have received AHRC funding for Gender Wars: East and South
- Francesca Lessa and Svitlana Chernykh published an analysis piece in the Washington Post
- Warren A. Stanislaus delivers talk at the Asia Society, Japan
- Beyond Japan Ep.12: Black Lives Matter and Afro-Japanese Exchange with Warren Stanislaus
- Commentary | Warren A. Stanislaus, The Great Reset: Afro-Japanese Pasts, Futures
- DPhil Candidate, Warren Stanislaus interviewed on the EdTech Podcast
- Dr Natalia Doan publishes “African America and Japan” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History
- Dr Natalia Doan shortlisted for the Royal Historical Society Alexander Prize
- Warren A. Stanislaus releases Japanese translation of his Japan Forum publication
- Compressed Development: Time and Timing in Economic and Social Development
- Research Result from the Project: Becoming or Getting By: Youth Opportunities in Times of Economic Crisis
- ENC Analysis – Music, Underground Art, and the “Realpolitik” Dilemma: A Vision of the Future?
- Rent Distribution Modes in Azerbaijan and Belarus: Implications for the Opposition
- Award of Excellence 2021 to Dr Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
- War as a sign of weakness: Failure of reforms and of reframing the Russian nation
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Tackling feminicide effectively: lessons from Brazil
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Launch of “The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America” book by Francesca Lessa
- LAC Main Seminar Series: War and the Extraction-Coercion Cycle in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Describing Criminal Control Strategies in Montevideo, Uruguay
- 16th International Conference on Agriculture & Rural Development in China
- British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference
- British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference
- Nayanika Mathur promoted to ‘Professor of Anthropology and South Asian Studies’ in Oxford University’s Recognition of Distinction exercise 2022.
- Francesca Lessa’s new article in The Conversation
- RESC Emeritus Professor Archie Brown evaluates the life and achievements of Mikhail Gorbachev in today’s Guardian
- Dr David Maziashvili’s new monograph "Shakespeare's Postmodernism" nominated for the "Saba" 20th Literary Award
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky has published the policy paper Migrants and Taxes. Challenges of fiscal inclusion in the digital age, co-authored with Dr Dora-Olivia Vicol of the Work Rights Centre.
- The launch of the new AHRC Research Network Gender Wars: East and South
- 'Genocide is taking place in our country!' Kyiv's revival Baptists and the religious Cold War, 1960s to 1980s
- The impact of the full-scale invasion on journalism in Ukraine
- The legacy of Soviet institutions in post-Soviet Ukraine
- A tale of pineapples and palm trees: how the Soviet atomic city of Shevchenko became the Kazakh oil town of Aqtau(1980s-2010s)
- Ukrainian long-distance nationalism and history writing during the Cold War: canvassing the blind spots
- Petr Masherau: from partisan to party leader in Soviet Belarus
- White gold, reaped and sown: Tajikistan’s cotton monoculture across the Soviet divide
- Exploiting Khrushchev's thaw: power struggles in Soviet Latvia
- The End of Adaptive Authoritarianism in Russia?
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Recognition Politics: Ethnic Conflict and Indigenous Rights in the Andes
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Puzzle of Panamanian Exceptionalism
- LAC History Seminar Series: Towards a History of Labour Law in Post-Colonial Latin America
- Nissan Seminar: Still a bit-player?: Japan and human embryonic stem cell research
- Nissan Seminar: Are robots the solution to Japan’s care crisis?
- Nissan Seminar: An anthropological approach to hybridity and tradition in contemporary global Japanese ceramic practice
- Nissan Seminar: Simmering storm in the East China Sea: How Sino-Japanese competition risks fracturing a fragile status
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s 1968 on Trial
- Nissan Seminar: China under Watch: The Rise of Nationalist Power and the Japanese Press, 1926-1929
- Nissan Seminar: The Siberian Intervention of 1918-1922 From Below: The Pictorial Records of Infantryman Takeuchi Tadao
- Nissan Seminar: On use of Katakana in Japan
- ASC Seminar Series Termcard MT22
- LAC History Seminar Series: Rosas Revisited. Recent Debates and Contributions Regarding the Legacy of the First Argentine Populist Leader
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Polarization and Democratic Decay: Brazil’s General Elections of 2022
- REES Alumnus Jonathan Raspe's article 'Soviet National Autonomy in the 1920s: The Dilemmas of Ukraine’s Jewish Population'
- Francesca Lessa's new book now available in Spanish
- War and the Future of Ukraine - Conference
- Congratulations to Professor Murphy for her successful Global Experiences of Gender in an Age of Care Crises and Transformations hub
- Belarus in Crisis: From Domestic Unrest to the Russia-Ukraine War
- LAC Main Seminar Series: A political ethnography of the agribusiness caucus in the Brazilian Congress
- LAC History Seminar Series: The textiles she bought: Microhistory, Historical Imagination, and Global Commodities in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Colombia
- Conference: From Colony to Republic: The Social History of Law in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
- Academia de Historia of Venezuela elects new Corresponding Members
- LAC History Seminar Series: An Assembly of Caudillos? The Rio Grandense Republic's Constituent Assembly, 1842-1843
- LAC History Seminar Series: Thinking beyond the Anthropocene: Anti-Extractive Intellectual Genealogies from Latin America during the Twentieth-Century
- LAC History Seminar Series: Bandits and Liberals, Rebels and Saints. Latin America since Independence
- LAC History Seminar Series: Unrevolutionary Mexico. The Birth of a Strange Dictatorship
- What can a gender prism tell us about far-right politics and democratic backsliding around the world?
- REES/RESC Emeritus Professor Dan Healey discusses Russian homophobia on TV-Rain channel
- New website brings together rich resources relating to transnational repression in Latin America
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century
- Ukrainian Cultures Reading Group established at RESC
- REES/RESC Emeritus Professor Dan Healey discusses Russian homophobia on TV-Rain channel
- Russia, Ukraine and state survival through neutrality by Professor Roy Allison
- Dr Elizabeth Hodges
- The Singing Revolution: film-screening and post-film discussion
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme Launch
- Ensuring Safe and Secure Seas in the Indian Ocean
- ‘How do Movement Parties Learn Lessons of Defeat in Taiwan? How do movement parties learn lessons of defeat in Taiwan? The case of the Green Party Taiwan? The Case of the Green Party Taiwan’
- Liberal Practices and Conservative Global Knowledge Flows: A Roundtable
- New Worlds and New Connections in East Asia
- ‘Obsessed wth Reading: Bovarysm as a Phenomenon in the Reception of Translated Love Stories in Early Twentieth-Century China’
- Hong Kong: China's canary down the mine?
- Always Under Siege: Political Rituals of Local Right-Wing Voluntary Organizations in Poland since 2005
- Myths and legacies: Partition in India today
- Teaching Partition: Negotiating profoundly personal histories in the school classroom
- CSASP/OSGA welcomes Dr Yasser Kureshi and Dr Ankita Pandey
- REES DPhil Candidate, Anna J. Davis, on making her teaching flexible and inclusive, and the positive benefits it has had for her students
- The Resistance War in the Diary of Huang Tirun (1933‒1939)’
- ‘Immersing in Fields: Reflections on Theory and Practice of Ethnography’
- ‘She’s an Icon, She’s Your Type: Linguistic Gender through Typographic and Visual Perspectives in Republican China’
- A short workshop for DPhils on how to get the most out of a conference
- ‘Chinese Female Star Power in Translingual Media Culture: The Case of Michelle Yeoh’
- Film screenings ‘Directors’ Dialogue’ (12.30-1.30pm )
- Intellectual Visions of Nations and Peoples in Interwar East Asia
- ‘Carbon Technocracy: Energy Regimes in Modern East Asia’
- The New Black Sea: How the War in Ukraine is Reshaping the Region
- The Kazakh Spring and waves of mobilization in Kazakhstan
- Identity and citizenship from the bottom up in Crimea and Moldova
- Professor Jacob Ricks
- Has the Russian invasion finished off the Ukrainian oligarchy?
- Trust, political participation, and the stability of Russia's regime
- The Condor Trials features in the "Top 10 Books: The International Affairs Christmas reading list"
- Crawley Prize Winners 2021-22
- Underestimating Ukraine and overestimating Russia: one year on from the full-scale invasion
- Political effects of natural resources and petro-authoritarianism
- The lives and afterlives of a Ukrainian songwriter: Volodymyr Ivasiuk and the crisis of Soviet order
- Artistic dissent in Ukraine and geopolitics of sexuality and gender
- Art and language during the war
- Archiving against erasure: guerilla preservation in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine
- Kharkiv School of Photography
- From Soviet enculturation to recent night economies: Kyiv club cultures in the late 1980s-2010s
- LAC History Seminar Series: Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity, and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America, 1900-1950
- Professors Rebecca Surender and Paul Irwin Crookes join Social Sciences Leadership Team
- Peruvian Political Crisis: What's next?
- LAC History Seminar Series: Jose Carlos Mariátegui: Biographical Sketches
- LAC History Seminar Series: El Sueño Monárquico de Francia: La Cuestión Americana y los Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis (1822-23)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Animals, Disease, and the Making of Modern Mexico
- LAC Main Seminar Series: 'A tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing': Brazil's foreign policy under Bolsonaro
- Nissan Seminar: Ivan Svit and Ukrainian - Japanese collaboration in Manchuria,1922-1945
- Nissan Seminar: Going Logo: What to Expect of Japan's G7 Presidency
- Nissan Seminar: A Defeated Samurai of Japan’s Civil War and the Transnational Re-imagination of Civilisation in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States
- Missing Bodies, Missing Voices: Ordinary Lives and the Reframing of ‘Postwar Japan’
- Nissan Seminar: Beyond "trans-border": Translation and Difference in Contemporary Japanese Literature
- Nissan Seminar: Commoning the City: The Townscape Councils of Kyoto
- Nissan Seminar: Commoning the City: The Townscape Councils of Kyoto
- CONFERENCE Reforming capitalism, going digital and green: Does Japan hold answers?
- Nissan Seminar: Translating Where the Wild Ladies Are: A conversation on feminist solidarity and the modern-day legacy of ghost stories
- Nissan Seminar: CANCELLED
- Nissan Seminar: From Disgust to Compassion: Excrement in the Buddhist Narratives of Medieval Japan
- Arrested development: The Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea and Mali, 1955-1968
- Understanding Public Opinion in Ukraine Prior to and Amidst Russia’s Aggression: A Cross-Survey Analysis
- OSGA Head Paul Chaisty welcomed Dr. Anies Baswedan, former Governor of Jakarta and Indonesian presidential candidate
- Ben Moeller
- 'Reader, Author, Icon, Superhero? Lu Xun and his Literature in Chinese Comics’
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Antagonistic Faces of Civil Society
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Proponent, Provider, or Bridge? Religion, Social Welfare, and Inequality in Latin America
- Pensions reform in Colombia and Latin America: Opportunities and Risks
- MSc in Japanese Studies student Emma Ruiters publishes another article on Japan-Africa
- Former MSc in Japanese Studies student Emma Ruiters talks on radio for the first time
- Professor Takehiko Kariya’s experience of 14 days quarantine when he returned to Japan last winter
- Former MPhil in Japanese Studies student Gwenafaye McCormick has a new article published on the Global Kaiyo website
- A chapter of Professor Takehiko Kariya’s recently published book
- Dreaming Together: Communes Before Communism, 1919-1921
- The Qing Empire and its Offshore Islands during the Long Eighteenth Century
- China’s Ambitions to Explore the Moon and the Prospects for Lunar Governance
- The Risk of Conflict in the Taiwan Strait: Strategy, Technology and Deterrence
- Self-Fashioning in Tang China: From the 'Casual Gaffer' to the 'Master of Extreme Torment'
- Mao and Markets: The Communist Roots of Chinese Enterprise
- Yi Qie
- Feeding into Partition? The Bengal Famine of 1943 and the Carving of Communal Identities
- Yuet Yan Katherine Wong
- The Condor Trials wins 2023 Juan E. Méndez Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America
- The Rise and the Fall of the EAST: Examination, Autocracy, Stability, and Technology in Chinese History and Today
- China and the UK in 2023, is there a Progressive Way Forward?
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Network Graduate Seminar Series: Conceptualizing Criminal Wars in Latin America
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Network Graduate Seminar Series: Not reflective but intuitive: Explaining individual corruption behaviour
- Oxford Latin American Graduate Network Graduate Seminar Series: An Ecological and Cinematographic Reflection on the Representation of Indigenous Andean Worldviews in Oscar Catacora’s Wiñaypacha (2017)
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Creating Partisans: The Organizational Roots of New Parties in Latin America
- LAC Main Seminar Series: From International Organizations to Local Governments: How Foreign Environmental Aid Reaches Subnational Beneficiaries in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
- Old and emerging challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean: a glance from ECLAC’s 2022 Social Panorama
- Former Colombian President at the LAC
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Being and Expert Witness at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Anthropological Approaches to Indigenous Strategies for Legal Empowerment
- LAC History Seminar Series: The Life and times of Porfirio Díaz
- Workshop: Business, Human Rights, Technology and Transitional Justice
- International Politics Summer School
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Latin American views on Europe: past and current trends
- War and the Future of Europe
- African Studies Seminar Week 2
- MSAS Seminar: The Indian Diaspora and Transnational Political Identities
- MSAS Seminar: A Cowherd’s Chapbook: An Inquiry into the Ethics of Literary Historiography
- MSAS Seminar: The Materiality of Debt, Kinship, and the Invisible Violence of Migration in Nepal
- MSAS Seminar: Buddhism and Marginality in Translation among Ambedkarites in East Asia
- MSAS Seminar: Musical Citizens and Postcolonial Custodians: Inter-religious Dialogue in Post-Partition Punjab and Beyond
- The Art of Adaptation: Collaboration Across Literature, Music, Film
- Documentary Screening: "The Modi Question"
- Arts and Cinema
- The Taiwan Miracle
- Party Politics
- Religion and Tradition
- Kinship, Gender, and Demography
- Identity Politics and the Diaspora
- Dr Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos writes to The Architectural Review about her project on Brazilian Company-towns
- Challenges To Democracy In West Africa: Ghana's Role In Regional and International Cooperation
- African Studies Seminar Week 7
- African Studies Seminar Week 8
- Paul Chaisty and Stephen Whitefield publish new research on the Russian 2020 constitutional vote
- LAC History Seminar Series: Milicias y Guardias Nacionales América Latina, Siglo XIX
- LAC History Seminar Series: Emancipation: a useful concept for interpreting modernity in the Spanish World
- Dr Kenichi Tani
- New phase of collaboration on the Arab Public Data Initiative
- Women, Protests, Revolutions: Iran Uprising after Five Months
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Poll Workers and the Effects of Supportive Political Participation in Peru
- Russia's Political Future: War, Regime Transformation and Change
- Francesca Lessa gives expert testimony in case of three victims of Operation Condor
- The economic and political consequences of colonialism in Puerto Rico
- Understanding ‘the other’: Situated meaning-making and narrative methodology
- President Yushchenko of Ukraine: Two Decades from the Orange Revolution
- Dr Marnie Howlett on 'Talking History' discussing the history and making of modern Ukraine
- IndOx Screening of BAFTA and Oscar nominated 'All That Breathes' & discussion with Director, Producer and cast members
- Shifting narratives: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
- Do Criminals Rule in Mexico? The political economy of state capture and criminal impunity
- LGBTQ in a Time of War: The Queer History of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
- The Hub on Global Experiences of Gender in an Age of Care Crises and Transformations
- Launch of The Hub on Global Experiences of Gender in an Age of Care Crises and Transformations website
- Dr Antonella Acinapura
- Technology-facilitated abuse in the context of intimate partner violence
- Are robots the solution to Japan’s care crisis?
- Juan E. Méndez Book Award presented to Dr Francesca Lessa at Duke University
- New article in The Conversation on Argentina and Ukraine
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Haitian sonic engagements in (and out of) Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic: listening to the (necro)political aesthetics of migration
- Ukrainian farmers are war heroes: food sovereignty, solidarity initiatives and everyday bravery in rural Ukraine
- this talk has been postponed until further notice CIT: An Alternative Classification Scheme for the Chinese Visual Culture
- Negotiated Sovereignty: The Fisherfolks and the State in the Northern Gulf of Tonkin, 1954‒1964
- Why Do Chinese Filmmakers Love Melons? And Other Questions from a New Digital Archive of Early Cinema
- The US‒Japan Alliance and Taiwan
- 'Where are we with the war on Ukraine?'
- Consultancy
- Fundraising and Development
- Beekeeping with/out borders in Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania: voluminous socialities in (un)making Carpathian Honeybee territory
- Oil City in Black and White: oil and memory in the urban regeneration of Baku
- Where the apricots grow: memories from the east of Ukraine
- Environmental temporalities in contemporary visual art from Central Asia
- Infrastructure, resource-making and slow violence along the Middle Corridor
- Devanshi Ranjan
- Gabriella Kchozyan
- Wenbei Chen
- Luena Abigail Pimenta Ricardo
- Matteo Bonini
- Alexander Price
- Tianxing Cao
- Dmitry Khudoleev
- Dina Dong
- Edward Rhys Jones
- Ken Tabuchi
- Kuldeep Bhattacharjya
- Difei Zhang
- Facundo Herrero Clar
- Primrose Sparkes
- Xinran Sun
- May Tuv
- Christopher Pieper
- Kasturi Misra
- Marios Charilaou
- Florence Lappin
- Sara Frumento
- Natalie Shteiman
- Ollie Blease
- Isabelle Sturt
- Moyi Li
- Felicia Nara
- Bonnie Lau
- Yutong Li
- Arunima Cheruvathoor
- Emma Gerritsen
- Inés Buetow
- Mingke Ma
- The West and Russia's wars: Why norms and psychology matter as much as military strength
- OSGA Annual Lecture: Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism
- Remembering and Forgetting Pivotal Moments in Modern Chinese History
- Values Confliction and Identification in China’s Generation Y
- Guarding Dictatorship: China's Surveillance State
- "20 Years of Democracy in Nigeria: 1999-2019" Conference event
- Vilnius: a city in translation
- Jieh-min Wu: Rival Partners: How Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Guangdong Officials Forged the China Development Model
- Male Health and Wellbeing in Harare, Zimbabwe: A historical and gendered analysis of urban sexual Health
- Ghana’s gold mining industry and communities – cooperation with Ghana Gold Expo
- How is China Acquiring Global Influence?
- Ruling the Sichuan’s Stage: Reading China’s sociocultural transformation from the 18th to the 20th century through the perspective of opera
- ASC Annual Lecture - On the Idea of Freedom in Modern African Political Philosophy
- Palestinian Women on Demonic Grounds? When Gender is Undone by the German Security Discourse
- Creating a world-leading ASEAN Institute at the University of Oxford
- Women’s Rights Research Seminar
- Exile and the History of Palestine: Safed and the Critique of Zionism
- LAC History Seminar Series: Reassessing Race and Visual Culture in Brazil: Representations of Blackness and National Identity in Bahia and Brazil
- OLAGN Seminar Series: ‘Against the climate, who can contend?’ Disease in the Peruvian War of Independence, 1820-1824
- Trust. The Key to Social Cohesion and Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
- LAC History Seminar Series: New Archival Evidence about the Latin American background to the 1619 Slave Voyage to Virginia
- South East Asia Fundraising Visit March 2023
- Equality within Our Lifetimes
- Being clear, careful, and inclusive about identities: asking about gender, sexual orientation, and disability in a climate context
- Professor Jacob Ricks, Ian R Taylor Fellow
- OLAGN Seminar Series: Roundtable on “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Latin America"
- LAC History Seminar Series: La Regeneración: itinerario de la más polémica transformación política de la República (Colombia, 1875-1886)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Solidarity Across the Americas: The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party and Anti-imperialism
- LAC History Seminar Series: Cuba: An American History
- LAC History Seminar Series: Abolitionism and the Global Suppression of "Piracy" in the Nineteenth Century
- The Second Georgia-Oxford Forum
- Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China
- China's Asymmetric Statecraft: Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy
- From Public Sympathy to Collective Anger: Media, Emotions, and Politics in 1930s-China
- The Myth and Facts of China's Public Surveillance System: Evidence from the Government Procurement Contracts
- China's Asymmetric Statecraft: Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy
- From Public Sympathy to Collective Anger: Media, Emotions, and Politics in 1930s-China
- Vessels and Cargos: Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion in Johnnie To’s Drug War and Lee Hae-young’s Korean Remake Believer
- Monuments for Posterity: Self-Commemoration and Stalinist Culture of Time
- Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme Call for Papers
- Digital Technologies in Care Relationships and Practices: Surveillance, Autonomy, and Vulnerability
- Professor Takehiko Kariya awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon (紫綬褒章)
- China’s Law of the Sea
- China’s Law of the Sea
- Sino-US Relations: A Historical Perspective from the Pearl River Delta
- Conference on Chinese Art and Literature in the Republican Era
- Mingxuan Li
- OSGA Annual Lecture: Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism
- Supporting International Democracy in Taiwan: From the Tiananmen Incident to the Ukrainian War
- Dr. Patricia M.Thornton publishes two journal articles
- Honorable mention for The Condor Trials
- ASEAN Institute
- OSGA Welcomes Dr Michael Rochlitz to Oxford
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar and the dangers of asking questions and of not asking questions
- Call for Papers & Posters
- Award for best piece of work in Taiwan and Comparative perspective received by Christopher Pieper
- REES Alumni Huawei Zheng's new role at the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies
- Against the liberal order: the Soviet Union, Turkey, and statist internationalism, 1919-1939
- Arrested development: the Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali, 1955-1968
- Cold War correspondents: Soviet and American reporters on the ideological frontlines
- 'We know what war is': soldiers and veterans in the Soviet 'fight for peace', c. 1955-65
- Solidarity as pain: Soviet documentary film and the Vietnam war
- Soviet gender policies: from the past to future repercussions
- The politics of 'nyet': how the Soviet state reformed transnational migration, 1960-1990
- The British and the Bolsheviks in Transcaspia: nomad-state relations in comparative perspective
- An interview with Professor Takehiko Kariya is featured on the website of Emotional Link
- Congratulations to Toma-Jin Morikawa-Fouquet winner of the Ivan Morris Memorial Prize for his dissertation in Japanese Studies.
- Clientelism and nationality in an early Soviet fiefdom: the trials of Nestor Lakoba
- Dr Bo-jiun Jing
- Russia’s Case for War against Ukraine: Legal Claims, Political Rhetoric, and Instrumentality in a Fracturing International Order
- The Soviet Union and the construction of the global market
- Congratulations to Dr Anna Wilson and Dr Puma Shen and the rest of the UK-Taiwan project team on winning the ESRC-NSTC grant to fund the project "Information Threats to Democratic Societies of UK and Taiwan: Interdisciplinary Approaches"!
- REES DPhil candidate, Anna J. Davis, selected as Grímsson Fellow
- Collaborative Parenting Across Cultures
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Mind and machine: rooting out corrupt politicians
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Democracy and Land Redistribution: Urban elites in the making of agrarian politics in Brazil and beyond
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Book launch: Re-Imagining Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1780-1870
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Book Launch: Business Power and the State in the Central Andes
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Social Movements in Latin America: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Situational Dimension of Intersectional Inequalities in post-Covid Urban Public Spaces in Latin America
- African Studies Research Seminar: Disinformation on a Shoestring - Examining the Anatomy and Strategies of the Pro-State Network in the Zimbabwean Twitterverse
- Women and electoral politics in Iran and Turkey: Undemocratic structures and feminist resistance
- Networks versus Institutions: Why Legal Institutions Are Political Weapons, Not Democratic Constraints, in Turkey
- LAC History Seminar Series: Stealing to Stave Off Hunger. Environmental Calamities, the Poor, and the Law in Post-Independence Colombia
- LAC History Seminar Series: Lessons from the Argentine Destape: Sex and Culture in the Transition to Democracy
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Vacancy: Associate Professor of Environmental Geography and Latin American Studies
- **CANCELLED** LAC History Seminar Series: Crisis, revolution, reform and continuity: The Chilean constitutional tradition and the current constituent process
- Nagorny Karabakh: The Consequences of International Inaction
- African Studies Research Seminar - Understanding the Cultural Cost of Development in South Africa
- "How and when should we (not) speak?: Ethical knowledge production about the Russia–Ukraine war"
- Pathways to Decent Work in the Digitally Enabled Care Economy in Southeast Asia
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s threat perception during the cold war: any lessons for today?
- Nissan Seminar: Geoeconomic implications of the Japan-EU Relations – trade, digitalization and sustainability
- Nissan Seminar: Kabuki music and compositions
- Nissan Seminar: The Buddhist Body of the King: Ritual practices of consecration in medieval Japan
- Xi Jinping: The Hidden Agendas of China's Ruler for Life
- Spectres of Progress in a Northeast Asian Borderland
- One Man Talking: Selected Essays of Shao Xunmei, 1929‒1939
- Literary Transmission as Political Action: Feng Menglong's Mountain Songs Compendium (c. 1610)
- U.S. and European Legal Responses to Chinese Forced Labour
- Hong Kong: Not Just Another Chinese City
- BSP Coffee and Science: The role of nature-based solutions in Brazil's net-zero pathways
- Israel Studies Seminar series - cancelled
- OLAGN: Film Screening: Zama (2017, by Lucrecia Martel)
- Feminist resistances in Latin America and Europe
- African Studies Research Seminar - The Trouble with ‘Agency’, and How to Use the Concept More Specifically
- African Studies Research Seminar - Infrastructuring Freetown: Wharf and Railway in the Making of a Colonial Port City
- African Studies Research Seminar - When Fear is a Policy: The Angolan Case
- African Studies Research Seminar - Book launch for Beyond the Horizons: Chipembi School Blazes the Trail for Girls Education and Empowerment in Zambia (Gadsden, 2023)
- African Studies Research Seminar - Reincarnation of the Ófó̩ (Incantation) Genre in Nigerian Cinema
- DPhil Candidate Song Tang receives award at Tsinghua Area Studies Forum
- Reading and discussion with the Ukrainian writer Kateryna Babkina
- The Future of Transnistria: A Regional Perspective
- ‘Making Peace with the Devil: the Problem of Ending Just Wars’
- ‘Factional-Ideological Conflicts in Chinese Politics: To the Left or to the Right?
- ‘The Dragon Roars Back: Transformational Leaders and Dynamics of Chinese Foreign Policy’
- ‘Locust Control in Late Imperial China’
- ‘Post Taiwan New Cinema Era: The Auteurs and the Industry’
- The Future of ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities Beyond 2025
- At Any Cost: How Ukrainians Think about Self-Defense Against Russia
- Dr Laura Trajber Waisbich, Director of the Brazilian Studies Programme
- China Reading Group ‘Chinese Grand Strategy?’
- ‘Intersection across the Pacific: Race, Migration, and the Environment in Modern East Asia’
- Nissan Seminar: The return of geopolitics in East Asia: Japan’s responses to regional uncertainty
- Nissan Seminar: The universal language of the body
- Nissan Seminar: How do Japanese public high schools respond to immigrant students? Challenges of diversity and educational equity in Tokyo
- Nissan Seminar: From ‘closedness’ to ‘closeness’: how changing community values sustains a traditional craft industry
- Nissan Seminar: The Compass Rose meets the Rising Sun: a new era of NATO-Japan Relations
- Nissan Seminar: A New Era? Japan's New National Security Strategy and the Future of the US-Japan Alliance
- Nissan Seminar: Are We Allowed to Find Beauty in the Face of Death and Destruction: Ishiuchi Miyako’s Hiroshima and Postwar Japan”
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s “three national security documents” and fundamental reinforcement of defence capabilities: reinforcing a radical military trajectory
- Nissan Seminar: Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Expressing Gender Differences in Japanese Role Language
- Nissan Seminar: Title: Democratizing Luxury: Name Brands, Advertising, and Consumption in Modern Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Japan’s Prisoners of Conscience: Protest and Law During the Iraq War
- New article out by Takehiko Kariya and Satoshi Araki
- Dr Giulio Pugliese to receive award from the Nakasone Peace Institute
- Giulio Pugliese and Sebastian Maslow, publish in Asia Maior Vol.XXX
- LAC History Seminar Series: Giving Shape to Silences in Mexican History: Anti-Japanese Racism, Persecution and the Second World War Concentration System
- OLAGN: Decision making and (dis)empowerment on the move: migrant women and trans women in Mexico
- Jessica A. Fernández de Lara Harada: Post-doctoral Fellow in the Contemporary History and Public Policy of Mexico
- New Departmental Lecturer in Latin American Studies - Dr Felipe Krause
- The invisible minorities of the Balkans: Challenges and prospects
- Secretary General of ASEAN delivers special guest lecture at the Divinity School
- Old Roads and New Routes: Exploring Ethnographic Perspectives on Geopolitical Shifts in Eastern Europe
- Medieval Georgia Between the Middle East and Byzantium
- De-colonising the Azerbaijan-Armenian Conflict
- Why the Russian constitution matters: the dark arts of constitutional law
- BSP Coffee and Science: Thinking together with the Guarani-Mbyá the Covid-19 vaccination in Brazil
- The curse of Empire: Russia’s war against Ukraine
- Prof. David Maziashvili awarded Dante Alighieri Gold Medal and Honorary Diploma for staging Contemporary Ballet "Beatrice"
- The Arctic: environmental casualty of the Russia-Ukraine war
- LAC Main Seminar Series: América Latina en el mundo: la visión de sus líderes
- OLAGN: Providing healthcare under the threat of gang-violence: perspectives of Haitian healthcare providers
- To See is to Act: What the Death of a Migrant Worker Can Tell Us About Humanity
- Southeast Asian Immigrants in Taiwan
- COVID-19 Responses in Philippines and Indonesia
- Authoritarian Politics in Thailand
- The Implications of Taiwan's 2024 Election on Its Relations with Southeast Asia
- Khon Nai Khon Thai (Who is Thai)? Ethnic Boundary Making and the Thai National Identity
- 2024 Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods
- New Publication: ‘Playing with fire’: implications of Russia’s Occupation of Chornobyl and Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plants for the global nuclear order by Anna J. Davis
- 'Blood on the Snow' by Professor Robert Service - just published
- Gender in an Age of Global Care Crisis Conference 2024
- Alvin Lam
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Geopolitics of the Li‐ion Battery Supply Chain and the Lithium Triangle in South America
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Monte de Chila 1970: Mexico’s Forgotten Massacre
- LAC Main Seminar Series: A critical synergy: critical race theory and decolonial thought
- LAC Main Seminar Series: From #Metoo to the feminist funa in Chile. Online public shaming as a feminist practice for social change: a critical analysis of current feminist movements in LA
- Professor Roger Goodman appointed CBE in New Year Honours 2024
- If you do not change your behaviour: preventive repression in Lithuania under Soviet rule
- The Authoritarian International
- (No)where to return: Ukrainian forced migrants in Romania
- LAC History Seminar Series: American Social Order and Empire: Slavery and Taxation in Eighteenth-Century Brazil
- LAC History Seminar Series: Carreño’s Manual: Manners, Society, History, from 1853 to the Present
- LAC History Seminar Series: Mexico and the Spanish Civil War
- The Afterlife Goes On: The Consequences of Women’s Participation in the 2011 Egyptian Uprising
- The Gender Effect in Intra-Party Meritocracy
- Shifting Front Lines, Shifting Logics: Disentangling the Changing Strategies of Civilian Targeting in Armed Conflict
- Feminism in Palestine
- Community-based Organizations in Lebanon
- Conference report: Ukraine’s recovery: rebuilding with research
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura publishes 'An Imagined Shrinking Community: Japanese Nationalism and The Chronology of the Future'
- OLAGN - Foto-Historias: Migrantes y Refugiades en Mexico
- Xi Jinping and Time
- Xi Jinping and Time
- Xi Jinping and Time
- The Vicissitudes of the Image of the Soviet Union among the Chinese Public during the 1950s
- US–China Competition: Risks without Rewards?
- African Studies Research Seminar - week 1
- Brazilian Studies Programme Annual Conference: Is Brazil Back? Assessing the Politics and Challenges of Brazil's Unfolding Reconstruction
- BSP: A conversation with Dr Suely Araujo - Building Back Brazil's Environmental Policies
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Back to the world stage? Rethinking Brazilian foreign policy in an uncertain world
- Nissan Seminar: This Monk Wears Heels – Buddhism and Sexuality
- Nissan Seminar: Sensory Perception: Cultural Exchange, Development and Understanding
- Nissan Seminar: Criminal Crossroads: Underworld Dynamics in Contemporary Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Eleven Winters of Discontent: The Siberian Internment and the Making of a New Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Memories of Cinema-Going in Postwar Japan: An Ethno-History
- Nissan Seminar: Affect, Emotion and Sensibility in Modern Japanese Literature
- Nissan Seminar: A Preview Test Screening of a New Documentary Film - The Squid and the Pine by John Williams
- Nissan Seminar: Language as a Technology for Shaping Professional Identity: Translating ‘A Manual of the Steam Engine’ in Mid-Nineteenth Century Japan
- Multimodal analysis of disinformation and misinformation
- Productive Sexological Self-Censorship in Late Communist Poland between State and Church
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 2
- Out of Stalin’s Shadow: Writing the New Georgia
- Associates
- Panel discussion on Taiwan post-election analysis
- Pure and True: the Everyday Politics of Ethnicity for China’s Hui Muslims
- Public Health in China: Multidisciplinary Workshop
- ‘How to Tell a Sensitive History: Interviews with Chinese International Communist Volunteers in Burma’
- ‘China’s Mundane Revolution: Cheap Print, Vernacular Knowledge and the Rise of the Common Reader, 1894‒1954’
- ‘Inside the Global Supply Chain: Transnational Migrant Labour, Commodity Circulation and Digitised Economies across Taiwan’
- ‘Engaging with Alterity: The Chinese Style of Gardening in Eighteenth-Century Britain’
- ‘China’s Economic Diplomacy in an Age of “Derisking”’
- ‘Life Above All Else: Foucault, China and Mutations of the Biopolitical’
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Resilient Constitutional Justice: The Brazilian Experience
- LAC History Seminar Series: Armed Citizen and Citizens in Arms: The Military and the Creation of the State in Peru (1800-1860)
- LAC History Seminar Series: Development assistance and state planning in the emergence of Colombia’s technocracy, 1948-1974
- LAC History Seminar Series: Populism - A History of the Word in Latin America
- BSP Coffee and Science: The Constitutional Design of Inequality in Brazil
- Haiyun (Helena )Zhao
- African Studies Research Seminar: Joint event with North East Africa Forum - 'Ethiopia's 'Developmental State': Political Order and Distributive Crisis' (Book launch)
- African Studies Research Seminar: The Politics of Past Visions: Decolonization, historical praxis and Ghana's celluloid film archive
- African Studies Research Seminar: African Diplomacy: Past and Present
- African Studies Research Seminar: 'Winnie and Nelson: A Portrait of a Marriage'
- The estate origins of democracy in Russia: from imperial bourgeoisie to post-communist middle class
- Mobilizing in uncertainty: collective identities and war in Abkhazia
- Professional indulgences: British service providers, postcommunist elites, and the enabling of kleptocracy
- Putin and Ideology
- Domestic violence in Russia: shocks or historical legacies?
- In Conversation with Lucía de los Angeles Díaz, founder of the mothers’ collective, Solecito de Veracruz (Mexico)
- Film showing: Mi Pais Imaginario (My Imaginary Country)
- African Studies Research Seminar: African Literature and Cancel Culture: The Algorithmic Age of Personality
- African Studies Research Seminar: Testing for “Genuine Revolutionary Leaderships”: China’s Support of Liberation Struggles in Congo and Angola (1960-1966)
- Professor Paul Chaisty
- Nicolette Makovicky
- Lisa Haynes
- Professor Dan Healey
- Professor Roy Allison
- Professor Judith Pallot
- Dr Alex Pravda
- Professor Robert Service
- Dr Anna Wilson
- Professor David Doyle
- Sabina Alkire
- Dr Leila Alieva
- Thamyris Almeida
- Sebastian Alvarez
- Matthew Amengual
- Dr Andreza Aruska De Souza Santos
- Dr Zbig Wojnowski
- Laura Bernal-Bermúdez
- Ben Bollig
- William A. Booth
- Emma Cohen
- Laura Cucchi
- Maria Del Pilar Blanco
- Lucy Driver
- Elizabeth Ewart
- Margarita Gómez
- Pekka Hämäläinen
- Markus Hochmüller
- Annette Idler
- Graciela Iglesias-Rogers
- Dr Halbert Jones
- Dr Felipe Krause
- Amir Lebdioui
- Javier Lezaun
- Marie Mallet
- Juan Masullo
- Brian McBeth
- Dominic Moran
- Professor Leigh A. Payne
- Gabriel Pereira
- Anna Petherick
- Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbó
- Professor Timothy J. Power
- Andrés Rugeles
- Isabel Ruiz
- Nelson Ruiz
- Elvira Ryan (and Ruby)
- Jason Stanyek
- Gabriel Ulyssea
- Laura Van Broekhoven
- Carlos Vargas-Silva
- Olivia Vázquez-Medina
- Laurence Whitehead
- Claire Williams
- Edwin Williamson
- Dr Miles Tendi
- Professor D. Hugh Whittaker
- Natalia Doan and Sho Konishi co-edit a new volume, Black Transnationalism and Japan (Leiden University Press)
- Dr Anna Wilson of REES and IMCC has published in co-authorship two articles
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Citizenship inequalities and birth tourism industry in Latin America: the case of Brazil
- New publication in the Journal of Peace Research
- Why Putin is the product of Russian democracy
- Receptivity to Different Types of Migrants in Taiwan: Civic Behaviour and Support for Same-sex Marriage as Novel Correlates
- LAC History Seminar Series: Latin American Legal History: A panel discussion
- BSP Research Seminar: The meat industry as a "national champion": Cross-border elites, the state, and social inequality in Brazil
- The Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Japan's Strategic Vision Goes Global
- Japan Politics Colloquium
- The Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies and Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA) are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Kristi Govella as Associate Professor of Japanese Politics and International Relations, from October 2024
- Hugh Whittaker’s new book Building a New Economy: Japan’s Digital and Green Transformation, is being published by Oxford University Press shortly
- Joel Littler publishes 'A Song of Fallen Flowers: Miyazaki Tōten and the making of naniwabushi as a mode of popular dissent in transwar Japan, 1902–1909' on Modern Asian Studies (Cambridge University Press)
- Commendations for Professor Roger Goodman and the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies
- Professor Roger Goodman appointed CBE in New Year Honours 2024
- BSP Coffee and Science: The Four Workarounds
- Higher education from the global south as a strategy for territorial development
- Professor Rachel Murphy
- Dr. Patricia Thornton
- Ms Fang Jing
- Professor Henrietta Harrison
- Professor Margaret Hillenbrand
- Ms Hu Bo
- Professor Maria H.A. Jaschok
- Mr Shio-yun Kan
- Professor Anna Lora-Wainwright
- Dr Annie Hongping Nie
- Ms Yang Song
- Contemporary China Studies Administrator
- Professor Shelagh Vainker
- Professor Denise van der Kamp
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura
- Oxford School of Global and Area Studies: Use of cookies on this website
- Global Initiatives Grant Report – Tax, Society, and People – Using anthropology to teach young people about tax
- Yi-Chuan Chiu
- Lisa Kwaleyela
- Jamshid Jamshidi
- Aikedan Ainiwaer
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Business of the State: Why State Ownership Matters for Resource Governance
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Countering Convergent Threats? Colombian South-South Security Cooperation in Latin America
- Dr Stuart J. Wright
- Dr Jonathan Lusthaus
- OSGA Annual Lecture 2024
- Peter Brooke
- Amy Crane
- Professor Rebekah Lee
- Dr Doris Okenwa
- Miss Jane Baker
- Professor Jenny Corbett
- Professor Roger Goodman
- Dr Jennifer Guest
- Professor Bjarke Frellesvig
- Professor Sho Konishi
- Professor Ian Neary
- Professor Arthur Stockwin OBE
- Professor Kate Sullivan de Estrada
- Thomasina Eustace
- Dr Yasser Kureshi
- Dr Ankita Pandey
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar
- Mrs Charlotte Guillain
- Professor Neil Ketchley
- Professor Maryam Alemzadeh
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes
- William Beinart
- Dr Mihail Chiru
- Dr Carli Coetzee
- Dr John Crabtree
- Evelyn Chan
- Professor Matthew Erie
- Dr Jessica A. Fernández de Lara Harada
- Professor Linda Flores
- Dr Diana Galeeva
- Dr A. Austin Garey
- Dr. Ezequiel Gonzalez Ocantos
- Dr Stephen Hall
- Professor Barbara Harriss-White
- Professor Andrew Hurrell
- Professor Nayanika Mathur
- Dr Patricia O'Neill
- Dr Uma Pradhan
- Dr Laura Rival
- Dr Daniel Robins
- Professor Michael Rochlitz
- Professor Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
- Dr Rachel Taylor
- Anna Wilson
- Wuyutong Yao
- Dr Katherine A New
- Lia Chokoshvili
- Dr Irina Demetradze-Renz
- David Everatt
- Professor Joe Foweraker
- Professor Alan Knight
- Rosemary Thorp
- Film Screening followed by Q&A with the Director: "Stepping Softly on the Earth", by Marcos Colón
- Associate Professor of Digital South Asian Studies appointed
- Dr Othon Anastasakis
- Anatomy of an organized Urbicide: The Systematic Weaponization of Health in Syria
- Reflections on Tunisian Women’s Continued Fight for Respect, Dignity and Rights
- Economic Diversification and Climate Change in the Middle East
- ASC Annual Lecture 2024
- BSP: José Henrique Bortoluci in conversation about WHAT IS MINE at Oxford
- LAC History Seminar Series: Seeing Berlin from the Periphery: Latin American Reactions to European Imperial Expansion in the late Nineteenth Century
- Ukraine’s Controversial New Plan to Enlist More Soldiers
- Emma Davies
- Teresa Irigoyen-Lopez
- Wenqi Zhao
- Kefan Xue
- An interview about the latest drone attacks on Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
- A look behind the curtain of the Soviet dictatorship: a study of oral testimonies and documents by the former chairman of the KGB (1961-1967) Vladimir Semichastnyi
- Why was the Soviet famine of 1946-7 the most severe in the Moldavian SSR? Preliminary conclusions based on Chișinău, Kyiv and Moscow archives
- LAC Main Seminar Series: The Politics of Drug Policymaking in Brazil: The Role and Notions of Evidence
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Unmooring with Roots: Party System Decay Amidst Polarization in Argentina
- Book Launch: Volume III of the Global Encyclopaedia of Informality
- LAC Main Seminar Series: Gendering Political Appointments: The Effect of Women Mayors on Bureaucratic Recruitment
- LAC History Seminar Series: Maya Archaeology and the (Banana) Landscape: Environment, Agriculture, and the Making of National Heritage in Guatemala, c. 1920-1944
- The Third Oxford-Georgia Forum
- Global and Regional Orders: Hybrid Authoritarianism and Change.
- Social & Political Activism
- Institutional Change
- Methods
- Intersectional and Gender Inequalities
- Nissan Seminar: Valedictory Lecture – A ‘Class’-Less Society Japan? How is Inequality Interpreted Without the Concept of Class?
- Nissan Seminar: A Conversation with Author Sayaka Murata – Living, Writing and Transformation
- Nissan Seminar: Book Launch – Reopening the Opening of Japan: Transnational Approaches to Modern Japan and the Wider World
- Nissan Seminar: Great Power Politics and Japan’s Immigration Dilemma
- Nissan Seminar: Making of the “Feebleminded”: Gender and Family for the Medical Discourse Around Eugenic Sterilization in 1950s Japan
- Nissan Seminar: New Life From the Ruins of Japanese Death Rites
- Chloe Kattar
- Dr Sawsene Nejjar
- Understanding the appeal of victimhood politics in Serbia
- Making the Golden Horde ‘great again’: historians as memory actors and reinterpretation of the historical narratives in independent Kazakhstan
- Re-harmonizing value in a Siberian shamanic ritual: Gabriel Tarde and post-Soviet national revival
- Fragmented allegiances: exploring the complex terrain of youth participation in Poland’s right-wing events
- Imperial traces in post-socialist spaces: a conjunctural exploration of inter-imperiality in the Silesian borderland
- Professor Dan Healey, discussing his 'Gulag Doctors' book with Professor Polly Jones
- Dr Abigail Branford
- Dr Marnie Howlett
- Everyday Activism and Zero Waste Living in China
- Broadcasting Colonialism: Sight, Sound and Media Technologies in the Colonial World
- World futures through RT’s eyes: multimodal dataset and interdisciplinary methodology
- Gender Wars Conference
- RJ Bhatt
- Jane Messina
- A warm welcome to Susanne YP Choi
- Masculinity and the Global South Care Crisis
- Roundtable and Discussions on the Upheaval in Georgia
- OSGA Annual Lecture 2024: Area Studies in a Time of Crisis
- Alban Dafa
- Our Vision
- Events
- News
- Soft power lessons from Russia’s war: How to overcome polarisation and strengthen liberal democracy
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series - Book launch & discussion: The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series - The road (not) taken: infrastructure & sovereignty in the Horn of Africa
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series - Oromo & Somali social & political movements in Ethiopia’s post-Meles era
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series - Borderlands in focus: insights & reflections on the Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia borderlands through the lens of a peace & stability programme
- Congratulations to REES' Dr Marnie Howlett on Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) Research Grant
- Nicoleta Mirza
- China’s Military Rise: Two Decades of Catch Up with the USA
- British Academy Visiting Fellowship
- European Commission Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions- MSCA4Ukraine
- To Return or Not? Ukrainian Women’s Experiences of Internal Displacement
- OSGA Student Satisfaction Survey TT24
- Showing of a Documentary Film on the Soviet Occupation of Bulgaria (1944-47)
- Celebrating 20 Years of OSGA
- New research to help build a secure and resilient world
- Dr Jody LaPorte
- Jo Pready
- Eliza Flindall
- George Yeo lecture and book launch
- Welcome to Dr Michael Odijie
- 'Marriage migration and diversities in Japan and East Asia' by Dr Chigusa Yamaura
- New & Jew, Zionism and the Quest for National Culture
- Trade Networks Bridging Yemen, Israel, and Ethiopia: The Ḥibshūsh Family and Jewish-Muslim Commercial Relations in the 20th Century
- To Ensure the Jewish Character of the Town Through the Establishment of a Central Synagogue: Synagogues in Israeli Urban Internal Frontiers as Symbols of Sovereignty
- Abraham and Moses as Entrepreneurs: Educating for the Future with Narratives of the Past
- “You cannot really live (or die) here”: ongoing struggles over cemeteries and housing in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957-2020
- The image of Herod in modern Israel
- Buber and Gandhi on Land and Resistance: Reading the Buber-Gandhi correspondence after October 7
- 'Last child of the Risorgimento'? Zionism and the legacies of 1848
- Colonial Subjects and the Right to Have Rights: Algeria, 1834
- Is Putin's regime really stable?
- Dr David Borabeck
- Dr Gregory M. Thaler
- Nissan Seminar: A Conversation with Asako Yuzuki
- Book Launch: Goderdzi Chokheli’s ‘Human Sadness’ with talks by Professor Dan Healey, Ms Lia Chokoshvili, and Translators
- Georgian Programme
- Georgian Language Classes
- About the Georgian Programme
- The Oxford Georgian Translation Project: Continuing the Wardrops’ Legacy
- Georgian Programme Research
- Georgian Programme Events
- Nissan Seminar: Beneath Modernism: The Transformation of Popular Culture from Edo to Modern Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Ryūtei Saryū – Rakugo Performer
- Nissan Seminar: Tanaka Denjiro VII – A Kabuki Music Performance
- Dr Marius Palz
- Study with us
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 1 - Book talk: The African in the Making of Cuban Art
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 3 - Philanthropy, Business Elites and New Forms of Political Contention in West and Central Africa
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 2 - Book talk: Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic Abolitionist Movement in the Seventeenth Century
- African Studies Centre and Northeast Africa Forum joint Seminar Week 4 - Book talk and launch: Wealth, Power, and Authoritarian Institutions: Comparing Dominant Parties and Parliaments in Tanzania and Uganda
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 5 - Fashion Designers as Lead Firms from Below: Creative Economy, State Capitalism and Internationalization in Lagos and Nairobi
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 6 - An Ordinary Fetishism: Scepticism and Social Creativity in Ousmane Sembene’s Xala
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 7 - Book talk and launch: The Crown Illuminates? Monarchy, Monarchical Display and Black Loyalism in Twentieth Century Southern Africa
- African Studies Research Seminar Week 8 - From the Ground Up: Central Africa’s Copperbelt Agenda for its Minerals
- Dr Sari R. Alfi-Nissan
- After violence: Russia's Beslan school massacre and the peace that followed
- Dr Janaki Srinivasan
- North East Africa Forum Seminar Series: Geopolitical tensions & regional realignments in the wider Horn of Africa
- George Yeo lecture and book launch
- Dr Ferit Belder
- Dr Ruoxi Liu
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series: Political fragmentation in the Horn of Africa: Jubbaland and the transborder Ogaden region
- Northeast Africa Forum Seminar Series: Infrastructure in formation: the politics and practices of making progress with infrastructure
- Book Launch: Goderdzi Chokheli’s ‘Human Sadness’ with talks by Professor Dan Healey, Ms Lia Chokoshvili, and Translators
- The Oxford Georgian Translation Project
- Dr Gregory M. Thaler wins prestigious International Science Prize
- Welcome - Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme
- News - Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme
- Taiwan Studies Programme homepage
- Associate Professor Michael E Odijie
- Competition in the Gray Zone: A Cross-analysis on Taiwan and the South China Sea
- Inside the Global Supply Chain: Transnational Migrant Labor, Commodity Circulation, and Digitized Economies across Taiwan
- Receptivity to Different Types of Migrants in Taiwan: Civic Behavior and Support for Same-sex Marriage as Novel Correlates
- Briefing on Scholarship Opportunities Offered by ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education
- Post-Election Analysis of Taiwan’s 2024 Elections
- To See is to Act: What the Death of a Migrant Worker Can Tell Us About Humanity - The Film Screening of 'And Miles to Go Before I Sleep' (九槍) with Director Tsai Tsung-lung
- Race for ‘Frozen Garlic’: Assessing Taiwan’s 2024 Elections
- Post Taiwan New Cinema Era: The Auteurs and the Industry by Dr Chen Pin-chuan
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Conference: Technology and Multi-Faceted Change in Taiwan and Globally
- Oxford Taiwan Studies Group in Trinity Term
- Research Networking Event with Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science
- Taiwan Studies Seminar
- OUTSS x Taiwan Studies Bubble Tea Social
- Taiwan Studies Seminar V
- Oxford Taiwan Studies Group
- Taiwan Studies Seminar IV
- Taiwan Scholarship Programme Briefing
- Taiwan Studies Seminar III
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme Launch
- Taiwan Studies Seminar II
- Taiwan Studies Seminar I
- Best Written Work on Taiwan Prize goes to Christopher Pieper
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Conference: Technology and Multi-Faceted Change in Taiwan and Globally on 27 September 2023
- Keynote Lectures by Professor Lihyun Grace Lin and Associate Professor Chun-Yi Lee, 27th September, 10.30-11.45, St Antony's College
- Dr Ssu-Han Yu speaks at the Conversation on Small States (CoSS) at the University of Westminster
- Dr Ssu-Han Yu speaks at the NORITS roundtable on the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan Studies
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme was launched
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme set to launch with conference
- Professor Rachel Murphy serves as discussant for The Sociological Review annual lecture
- Universal Properties of Natural Language and Georgian as a case study
- Best Written Work on Taiwan Prize goes to Christopher Pieper
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Conference: Technology and Multi-Faceted Change in Taiwan and Globally on 27 September 2023
- Keynote Lectures by Professor Lihyun Grace Lin and Associate Professor Chun-Yi Lee, 27th September, 10.30-11.45, St Antony's College
- Dr Ssu-Han Yu speaks at the Conversation on Small States (CoSS) at the University of Westminster
- Dr Ssu-Han Yu speaks at the NORITS roundtable on the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan Studies
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme was launched
- The Oxford Taiwan Studies Programme set to launch with conference
- Professor Rachel Murphy serves as discussant for The Sociological Review annual lecture
- Professor Kristi Govella
- New scholarships announced for the DPhil in Area Studies
- Oxford Ukraine Hub receives £40,000 funding from Social Sciences Division
- Dr Gregory Thaler joins OSGA
- Dr Federico Fuchs
- Taiwan and Indo-Pacific Geopolitics: Implications of 2024 Pivotal Elections Around the World
- An Outlook for US-China-Taiwan Relations under Trump 2.0
- EU-Taiwan Relations in a New Reality: What Lies Ahead?
- Events - Taiwan Studies Programme
- ASEAN Institute Seminar series: Contesting Indonesia
- ASEAN Institute Seminar series: Community-Minded Communists: A Field Experiment on Party Member Propensity for Community Activism in Among Rural Vietnamese Women
- ASEAN Institute Seminar series: Transnational Impact of Chinese Propaganda on Intergroup Relations in Malaysia
- ASEAN Institute Seminar series: Buddhism, nationalism, and authoritarianism: Findings from a 2023 post-election survey of Thai voters
- Applications Open for Polarities and Regions Network Plus Fellowships - Deadline for applications: 17th January 2025
- REES' Dr Marnie Howlett on BBC radio 5
- Dr Marnie Howlett on BBC radio – Ukraine tensions
- Russia’s War Economy – video co-created by Dr Michael Rochlitz
- New co-authored article by Dr Michael Rochlitz in ‘Comparative Political Studies’
- Reflections on the Gender War: East and South project
- African Studies Seminar - Black Soldiers in the Rhodesian Army: The Loyalties of Professionals’ (Book Launch)
- African Studies Seminar - The RDA: the Making of a Transnational Civil Rights Movement in Black French Africa
- African Studies Seminar: Researching Reconciliation and Repression in 1960s Kenya
- African Studies Seminar - "God Can’t Bless You If You Work for Someone Else": Informality and Entrepreneurship in Urban Zambia
- African Studies Seminar - Extractives-led Development and state-building in Botswana? A Historical Political Economy of Post-colonial Botswana’s Engagement with De Beers and Regional Geopolitical Insecurity
- African Studies Seminar - Doing research on, in and around state buildings in Africa: Reflections from Lesotho, Malawi and Zimbabwe
- African Studies Seminar - The Overthrow of Robert Mugabe: Gender, Coups, and Diplomats (Book Launch)
- African Studies Seminar - Forging Global Black Identities: Pan-African Consciousness and the Transnational Lives of Second-Generation Africans in the UK
- A discussion with writer Leo Vardiashvili
- Nissan Seminar: Startup Capitalism: New Approaches to Innovation Strategies in East Asia
- Nissan Seminar: Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific: From Vision to Reality
- Nissan Seminar: Mori Nao Divorces Her Samurai Husband and His Family Puts Him in a Cage
- Nissan Seminar: Searching for Zan: A More-Than-Human Ethnography of Extinction, Militarism, and Protest in Okinawa
- Nissan Seminar: What Remains Invisible Still: Fukushima by Tsuchida Hiromi (2018) as the Formation of a Metaphor
- Nissan Seminar: Navigating Narratives: Tsurayuki's Tosa Diary as History and Fiction
- Nissan Seminar: Balancing Commerce and Diplomacy: Japan's Strategy for Economic Security
- Nissan Seminar: Religion at the margins: Fear and belonging in minority religious communities in Japan
- Nissan Seminar: Meritocracy’s Children: Coming of Age and Senses of Injustice in Seoul and Tokyo
- Nissan Seminar: I Am a Living Object: Decolonizing Museum Spaces with Indigenous Narratives
- Nissan Seminar: Princess Akiko of Mikasa – A Tale of the Royal and Imperial Costumes: The Trajectory of UK-Japan Relations
- Workshop: Healthcare delivery in crisis? The potential for mutual learning between Japan and the UK
- Joint Workshop with the Department of Sociology: Dispute Resolution: Exploring Criminal, Informal, and Alternative Perspectives
- Professor Neil Ketchley wins the 2024 Fred Halliday Award
- 'The International Risk' Podcast with Dr Leila Alieva
- US–China Relations in the 21st Century: Prospect and Retrospect
- US–China Relations in the 21st Century: Prospect and Retrospect
- US–China Relations in the 21st Century: Prospect and Retrospect
- A China Reporter's Notebook ‒ Watching a Great Power Open and Rise, then Turn Inwards
- Professor Takehiko Kariya
- Dr Pan Tomé Valencia
- Word as Music and Movement (Western Literature in Mariam Aleksidze’s Choreography)
- Dr Bo-jiun Jing comments in Nikkei Asia on prospects of further UK-Taiwan agreements
- Dr Alice Gaya
- Shining a light on Ukraine: Dr Marnie Howlett and the Oxford Ukraine Hub
- Alexander Zebrose